lol u scrumping cunts!! hahaha
and how the fuk do u manage to splash leaves wen watering a plant that small? lol thats just bad form
nutes?? what nutes?? too small m8,, only nutes id use would be canna start, A and B far to strong for a seedlng that small,. i use canna start for plants smaller than that and i swear by it,, my reults will speak for themselves
seen teh paki who used to buy bulk of me and who's pal stole my 3gs about a yr bak, lol hes lost out on a cheap score over a 100 qwid phone but it was the kids pics i wanted, anwyas his palin the bak wer i dropped it had it away, and wen the lad seen me he was soo shifty,like u could tell he coulndt get away fast enough, im glad he did coz i started shaking to bang him but i wasent 100% it was him as pakis all look the same
so ion summery
get a watering canw ith narrow nozzle
no nutes part from start
pakis is cunts
my weeds best
nuff said

hows everyone? ready fro easter? fucking my 3 yr old grabbed a egg from iceland delivery yesterday mornng ate half before we clocked it and was up from 8.50am till 1am the follingmorning, she got that many smacks it wsent even funny haha DICPLINE!!!