An introduction to Michigan Medical Marijuana - How to get started

Quick question for ya. The state recieved my application on the 5th, when will I be legal? I know it's 21 days after they cash your money order, but how long does it normally take for them to cash it? I have to pay $15 to find out if its cashed so just trying to get an idea before I spend the money.

What you need to do is pay the $15 and get the exact date of the cashing, if you have a post office return receipt showing they signed for the application, that is second best. Then count 21 calendar days after the date of record.

Attach the proof of receipt (cashed check or signed/dated receipt) to a copy of you application and certification form and use that as your temp license until your card comes. Carry it with you.

Dr. Bob
You waited all of your life for this card - you can wait for the hard card to arrive seeing as they are coming out almost on time now. Once you have your Dr. rec. you can medicate freely if you are willing to do a sec. 8 defense in the case of arrest - if not willing to chance that just wait as cards are arriving in a timely manner now. When the program started it was not that uncommon to wait 3 or 4 months for your card - that is not the case any longer and so the counting days exercise is mostly moot.
I moved here from Indiana , got license and hard card within a month. I don't understand why there isn't more provision centers to help someone before they can harvest their own plants. Lol the shop in oshtemo is only open till 2 and not on Sundays??? Hopefully temporary, and hopefully there prices are to. 50 a half is barely affordable, let alone 15 -20 a gram. You can medicate a gram in 15 mins what is that about? Are they trying to suppress us with their mind control even more. I moved to this state to escape psychotronic abuse , in which they don't seem to fully adhere. Michigan and Massachusetts are only states with these laws and what do I get??? I just don't understand!!!! We all need to take steps to lower the price to at least 100 a bag for anything under the sun. Who can afford it?? A lb of tobbacco has 599 illegal chemicals that are only allowed on cigs... Arsenic and cyanide to name a few. And its only 15 dollars a lb. Where is the compassion in Michigan, it is in each of us. We need to start an American Billy Meier study group or figu. And also need more provision centers.
Patients need to be extremely careful when choosing a doctor to get certified.
I was certified through the doctor that is trolling this forum and I've been harassed, bullied, and threatened by him since.
These doctors don't answer to anyone and once you share your personal information with them
they are free to use it against you. I posed the question yesterday what a medical board would say
about what he is doing and he said they would laugh about it.
Many of us here in Michigan need our medicine. Do not make the same mistake I have made and be extremely
careful when choosing your physician.
You should be recording these incidents, and have a way to prove that this doctor is your doctor, and to prove that he is the owner of the screen name. The site owners can help you track this guy down.

Solid evidence, and they won't be laughing.

  • Dr. Bob
    Your signature has been removed from your posts. You are Dr. Bob here on Are you also Dr. Robert Townsend D.O.? Are you the Dr. Robert Townsend D.O. that does medical marihuana certifications in Marquette Mi?​

Marquette is where Dr. Robert Townsend certified me.
The doctor looked just like the guy laughing in Dr. Bob's avatar.
i think you could sorta say that .it goes from town to town. dont stay long in and out wooohoooo take the money and run .good song
I gave him money and all my info, then gave the state money and gave them all my info. :eyesmoke:
Sounded reasonable at the time. lmao.
i think you could sorta say that .it goes from town to town. dont stay long in and out wooohoooo take the money and run .good song

Joe, since you were removed from the MMMA you seem to have dropped out of the information loop. Just to bring you up to speed, I have 8 fixed based offices now, plus a few travel clinics. Also expanded the practice considerably.

Dr. Bob
bob i think we can be adults and leave the past the past deal :lol:

Happy to Joe, I assume that you were just having a twitch or something with you comments about me being a carney or a traveling road show. You have a deal and let's try and be friends as we once were. It is in your court now.

Dr. Bob