Neighbours threatening police


Active Member
Just started to dry my harvest and our neighbours complained straight away and said they will call police if they smell it again. I need to dry quickly - any ideas? I was thinking about the oven on a low setting.


Well-Known Member
this may be a dumb question...... but do you really think they will call the cops if they haven't already?????

why would they come over and tell you they can smell your PLANTS (emphasis because it's not like they smell you smoking, they smell the plants), and not have already called the cops. do they smoke? something just doesn't add up in to me.

anyway, check the FAQ section, there are a few different quick dry methods in there.


New Member
Yeah, how would they know you are growing? My mom cant tell the difference between new and smked and she smoked for years. And what are the neighbors going to say, it smelled like weed over there once?


Well-Known Member
fuck that bro! if they know your growing you better believe they called the cops already especially because there so bored,it gives them some action to watch you get need to get your oder control tight.


Well-Known Member
wait a min guys this guy needs to get rid of everything asap, since you harvested already put it in paper bags and dry it in the woods in the hot sun. make sure you put them sealed in a water proof thing if its gonna rain then bury your shit an only keep a little bit to smoke, dont grow again till this blows over. u dont wanna be sittin in a cell wondering why you were such a dumbass when u have had ample warning,

no plant is worth losing your freedom in America


Well-Known Member
wait a min guys this guy needs to get rid of everything asap, since you harvested already put it in paper bags and dry it in the woods in the hot sun. make sure you put them sealed in a water proof thing if its gonna rain then bury your shit an only keep a little bit to smoke, dont grow again till this blows over. u dont wanna be sittin in a cell wondering why you were such a dumbass when u have had ample warning,

no plant is worth losing your freedom in America
I second that motion! Get your shit out of the house. Sounds like nosie neighbors have nothing better to do!


Well-Known Member
but something still doesn't add up..... why would they say they are going to call the cops if they smell it AGAIN..... also, did they say they smelled plants. or it just smelled like pot, what exactly did they say. I don't understand why they would go through the trouble of coming over and telling you, while threatening to call the cops. they either already called the cops (then felt bad so came over to "warn" you), or they will not call the cops period.
I agree with panda though, you need to get that shit out of your house ASAP. and really need to learn odor control if that's what your neighbors are complaining about.


Well-Known Member
your in the uk thats even worse my friend you need to get rid of your shit straight away


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like the kind of neighbors I would want to have if I was dumb enough to not deal with the smell. They don't want to appear to condone what you are doing by not reporting it, they want you to fix it so they don't have too. And, if you are intelligent about it, you will make sure they can't smell it any more. I posted a build of a bud dryer, You could make one without the heat source for less than $50.00. Deal with it, don't blame the neighbors. VV


Active Member
can you freeze buds?

like could he just freeze the buds until he found someplace or some method to dry his buds ?
