Roughly, how much does it cost?

I spent several years trying to improve upon seeds obtained from hermaphrodites, or bag seed as it is called. I did so indoors, outdoors, in containers, and in the ground.

Finally upon realizing it was a waste, I upped the genetics...solid strains can be had for much less than $100/pack.
i agree with yah totaly on this one, begginer or expert grower its always better to spend a few dollars on stabilized genetics and fem seeds if ur just looking to produce bud.. bag seed is more of a "what if" kind of grow cuz the whole time ur wondering "what if it turns male" "what if it turns hermie" "what if its crappy dope?" too many what ifs for me :)
i had 1 herm out of 60 bagseed planted last year, and around 45 were female, so as far as bagseed being a high herm rate, not completely true. this is what Im saying its his first grow, I know i didnt see my first grow to the end and i did lots wrong in the process as well, thats why i wouldnt buy seeds, or try and go all out the first time around, if you fuck up, then there goes your nice seeds. most ppl who knock bagseed have grown good genetics, and set their standard to that, so when the bagseed doesnt turn out as good as your breeder strains, then its junk. the kids learning to grow, and getting started, let him worry about quality genetics once he's getting the hang of it
Bag seed is two words right.. just like WHAT IF just what ul get if u grow bag seed.. what if... u hope there female u hope there quality bud, u hope they flower in 8 weeks, u hope they dont hermie or turn out male... bag seed is only good for growers who have extra time to waste growing out a plant for 4 months even if it turns out crap smoke.. u cant argue that legit fem seeds are comparible to bag seed comon bro lol
what bad advise. or he could waste 100 dollars on 10 seeds, that end up dying . quarentee if he grows out some bagseed, he'll be happy with the results, its his first grow if that plant has buds he'll be happy, he's not some connoisuer cannabis guru. To the OP, for 6 plants, and the things you listed $100, maybe 200, youll end putting most of it into soil, as u stated u have quite some space to fill

as i puit down , its not about the absolute quality , its finish time , you would have the lad running around risking his liberty over 50 bucks worth of seed ? not sure i would

My big issue is... living with parents. I know some people put their real name. but me, I'd feel more comfortable using a fake name. Nothing stupid like Jackhoff or Icee weener. Funny but good way to get attention. But if a package came in for (ex: Mike absit) or some shit. My parents are gonna do a return to sender not realizing what's inside, and even at 22 mama said no fucking growing in her house. That means getting seeds in her mail either. :sad:

you bullshit it , you tell them you have a present coming for a friends mom/dad/siter/brother/gran/the feckin dog for all the difference it makes and as his parents always open his mail and its a surprise your having it sent to your home , use your friends name , hassle over , if they did open it then hey its not yours anyway is it ?
not the worste advice, not argying with yah but chances are if th OP buys 10 seeds from a reputible company the seeds wont die and will be females on top of that if hes willing to pay a few extra bucks, Greenhouse Seeds offer very good deals for 5-10 packs of seeds between 20$-60$ for quality genetics.. more chances of bag seeds dying and/or turning male, ur post is kind of bad advice bro lol like i understand first time outdoor grow, well why not spend 50$ on 5 FEM Super Bud seeds and end up with a guarentee harvest, know what im saying..? but i agree with the cost's u listed.
Why are there more chances of bag seed turning male or dying?
I grew bag seed for years and never had issues. If the weed was good, and the seeds mature, plant them. And just because you buy and plant fem seeds, you are NOT guaranteed a harvest. You're advice is not the greatest.
P.S. ordering seeds under a false name can bite you in the ass if you have problems with an order.
Got nothin to lose man. Bagseed is worth a try I sure as hell have done it. I prob take clones for experience have fun. First 400 95'ish still goin haven't paid for one. Costs exactly what your willing to spend.
what bad advise. or he could waste 100 dollars on 10 seeds, that end up dying . quarentee if he grows out some bagseed, he'll be happy with the results, its his first grow if that plant has buds he'll be happy, he's not some connoisuer cannabis guru. To the OP, for 6 plants, and the things you listed $100, maybe 200, youll end putting most of it into soil, as u stated u have quite some space to fill

100 dollars? lol you couldnt even get enough soil to fill 6 holes with 100 dollars... he still needs nutes, fencing, trellis, raised beds, grow lights for veg, electricity for vegging, water.. he also needs containers for vegging... plus cost of installing fence... a backyard fence isn't cheap... especially if you get a wood fence like in the video with crossbeams to convert to greenhouse... He will also need a pH meter... It will cost him anywhere from $300-$3000 to grow some good ganja... don't go dirt cheap...

If your going to put much time into the plants don't waste your time by going cheap.... Why spend hundreds of hours if you are only going to harvest a plant worth $100 bucks? spend a couple hundred and harvest a plant worth a $1000 or more.
after your bag seed gets some growth to it, try to take some numbered/named cuttings and sex them in the dark. Then you will know whats male and you can destroy them
just remember that half of your "bagseed" will be male, and a good percent of ur crop will get eaten by bugs or forest creatures. so if ya start 6 you might harvest 1 maybe? start like 36 or so maybe harvest 6! i been doing this since the early 70s, buy a few good seeds next year,ya wont be sorry! peace.