The Party Of The Stupid


Well-Known Member
CNN) – Longtime Alaska Rep. Don Young, 79, attempted to clarify Thursday his use of the derogatory term "wetbacks" to describe immigrant workers in an interview earlier this week. "I used a term that was commonly used during my days growing up on a farm in Central California," the Republican congressman said in a statement issued to a local television station in Anchorage. "I know that this term is not used in the same way nowadays and I meant no disrespect." "My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," Young said. "

I wonder if his father had owned a cotton field in the south would he have said " My father had a field; we used to have 50 -60 niggers pick cotton."

Old racist bastards like this have no business being elected officials.
CNN) – Longtime Alaska Rep. Don Young, 79, attempted to clarify Thursday his use of the derogatory term "wetbacks" to describe immigrant workers in an interview earlier this week. "I used a term that was commonly used during my days growing up on a farm in Central California," the Republican congressman said in a statement issued to a local television station in Anchorage. "I know that this term is not used in the same way nowadays and I meant no disrespect." "My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," Young said. "

I wonder if his father had owned a cotton field in the south would he have said " My father had a field; we used to have 50 -60 niggers pick cotton."

Old racist bastards like this have no business being elected officials.

he said this at a party? I don't get the thread title.
I don't think "wetback" as a derogatory term has anywhere near the snap of the N-word. While I view what that politician said with distaste, I also recommend perspective. Let's not compare a bobcat to a mountain lion. cn
I don't think "wetback" as a derogatory term has anywhere near the snap of the N-word. While I view what that politician said with distaste, I also recommend perspective. Let's not compare a bobcat to a mountain lion. cn

that and he was probably drinking, people say stupid shit when they get drunk at parties, especially 'The Party of the Stupid'...wait a minute...this was the stupidest thing said at THE PARTY OF THE I am even more confused by the thread title.
CNN) – Longtime Alaska Rep. Don Young, 79, attempted to clarify Thursday his use of the derogatory term "wetbacks" to describe immigrant workers in an interview earlier this week. "I used a term that was commonly used during my days growing up on a farm in Central California," the Republican congressman said in a statement issued to a local television station in Anchorage. "I know that this term is not used in the same way nowadays and I meant no disrespect." "My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," Young said. "

I wonder if his father had owned a cotton field in the south would he have said " My father had a field; we used to have 50 -60 niggers pick cotton."

Old racist bastards like this have no business being elected officials.

read em and weep. in the US in the 50's the term was even used in the New York Times, and official publications from the US government.

even by democrats.

"Eisenhower quoted a report in The New York Times that said, "The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government"

but your narrative is that republicans are evil, conservatives are evil, and old people are always racist, if not in their words, certainly in their hearts. unless they are properly "Progressive" then they are innocent of all their past sins and misdeeds, reborn in a baptism of leftist ideology, and washed clean by the waters of thinly veiled disdain for anyone with a differing opinion on any issue no matter how trivial.

the motherfucker is 80 years old, he's gonna say shit that seems racist to your post-modern sensibilities, and delicate emotional state.

be butthurt about this guy if you like, but blaming his entire party for one offhand remark you find offensive is just pathetic.

fuck, your entire country is homophobic and hateful, since you dont even react when assholes on your TV programs and radio broadcasts talk about "Smoking Fags", which is unconscionable! Inciting violence against anyone, much less calling for the murder of people based solely on sexual preference is HORRIFYING!!

Britain has become barely better than the Taliban!!
CNN) – Longtime Alaska Rep. Don Young, 79, attempted to clarify Thursday his use of the derogatory term "wetbacks" to describe immigrant workers in an interview earlier this week. "I used a term that was commonly used during my days growing up on a farm in Central California," the Republican congressman said in a statement issued to a local television station in Anchorage. "I know that this term is not used in the same way nowadays and I meant no disrespect." "My father had a ranch; we used to have 50-60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," Young said. "

I wonder if his father had owned a cotton field in the south would he have said " My father had a field; we used to have 50 -60 niggers pick cotton."

Old racist bastards like this have no business being elected officials.

and the award for ironic bigot of the week goes tooooooo....... Londonfog!

Congrats for your exceptional example of perpetuating stereotypes and making generalized assumptions about groups biased on single members. While complaining about others doing the same.
leave it to the fine right wingers of rollitup to defend bigoted remarks.

never would have guessed that one after years of birtherism and whining about title II taking away their freedom to act on their racism.
leave it to the fine right wingers of rollitup to defend bigoted remarks.

never would have guessed that one after years of birtherism and whining about title II taking away their freedom to act on their racism.

and UncleBuck with the runner up in the same topic! =)

I was defending myself, not the dumbass the topic was about. yet you are defending a bigoted remark just as you are accusing us of.

Naming this thread "The Party of the Stupid" is roughly the equivalent of making the name of an anti racism topic : "Why are dumb blacks so racist"

Its ironic because it is complaining about racism while being racist...... where as his topic is complaining about bigotry while spreading it himself.... ya see?
leave it to the fine right wingers of rollitup to defend bigoted remarks.

never would have guessed that one after years of birtherism and whining about title II taking away their freedom to act on their racism.

leave it to the[COLOR=#0]

primitive [/COLOR]
collectivists to declare tribalism at the drop of a hat.

Divide and Conquer.

leave it to the[COLOR=#0]

primitive [/COLOR]
collectivists to declare tribalism at the drop of a hat.

we all saw how the rawn pawl strategy of uber-individualism worked out: a bunch of angst ridden douchebags at their computers, spamming at people to "wake up!" *and "open their eyes!".

remind me again how that worked out against the very collectivist campaigns of the other candidates.
we all saw how the rawn pawl strategy of uber-individualism worked out: a bunch of angst ridden douchebags at their computers, spamming at people to "wake up!" *and "open their eyes!".

remind me again how that worked out against the very collectivist campaigns of the other candidates.

This thread is primitive tribalism and your a willing participant, you savage, some douche said some stupid shit and now LondonFrog thinks an entire group of people is racist, you have been conquered alright, when you learn to judge a person by their character and not by their skin then you can claim your guilt free of racism, this is how you will free yourself from this savagery, this guilt you have burning in the pits of your stomach, how did it get there?
This thread is primitive tribalism and your a willing participant, you savage, some douche said some stupid shit and now LondonFrog thinks an entire group of people is racist

i'll let london speak for himself, but i thought of the overwhelming majority of republicans as racist and bigoted based on their desire to curtail rights of gays to marry and blacks to vote, the "wetback" comments are just the little ribbon on the package.*

you have been conquered alright, when you learn to judge a person by their character and not by their skin then you can claim your guilt free of racism, this is how you will free yourself from this savagery, this guilt you have burning in the pits of your stomach, how did it get there?

when did we judge this guy by his skin rather than his character? was anyone picking on rep. young before he referred to people as wetbacks?

but i suppose you're right. if we have any objection to these comments, it's all just white guilt.

we should all have white pride instead, right? i mean, rawn the pawl seems to think so. him and rand were still coordinating with neo nazi white supremacists in their campaign last year.

white power! we've been persecuted and held down for too long!
This thread is primitive tribalism and your a willing participant, you savage, some douche said some stupid shit and now LondonFrog thinks an entire group of people is racist, you have been conquered alright, when you learn to judge a person by their character and not by their skin then you can claim your guilt free of racism, this is how you will free yourself from this savagery, this guilt you have burning in the pits of your stomach, how did it get there?
I see you are not following your politics to well ..."The Party of the stupid" comes from Bobby Jindal taking about his very own party. I'm just using his words as my title. If you don't like the title talk to your Republican Governor in Louisiana...I think he would agree
I don't think "wetback" as a derogatory term has anywhere near the snap of the N-word. While I view what that politician said with distaste, I also recommend perspective. Let's not compare a bobcat to a mountain lion. cn

must be easy to make a judgement call like that when you are not on the receiving end of the word...
and UncleBuck with the runner up in the same topic! =)

I was defending myself, not the dumbass the topic was about. yet you are defending a bigoted remark just as you are accusing us of.

Naming this thread "The Party of the Stupid" is roughly the equivalent of making the name of an anti racism topic : "Why are dumb blacks so racist"

Its ironic because it is complaining about racism while being racist...... where as his topic is complaining about bigotry while spreading it himself.... ya see?

"Party of the stupid" comes from Bobby Jidel taking about his own GOP party...Google is your friend
leave it to scumbag liberals to cry racist at evey corner . Where is the disdain for the presidents racist past.
He attended a racist hate church for years. Fuck you libtards even sit at home and watch AL sharpton the biggest racist of them all on
MSNBC the communist propaganda channel.
Are you saying that that disqualifies me from being entitled to a place at the discussion table? cn

not at all... but again it must be easy to make a judgement call like that when you are not on the receiving end of the word. Nothing in that statement saying you can't enter into this conversation. Feel free to tell us why "wetback" is nothing like "nigger"...both are derogatory words uses to describe a person.
leave it to scumbag liberals to cry racist at evey corner . Where is the disdain for the presidents racist past.
He attended a racist hate church for years. Fuck you libtards even sit at home and watch AL sharpton the biggest racist of them all on
MSNBC the communist propaganda channel.
please show how the church was racist. What did they do that was racist ??? Oh and was Obama racist to his white side or his black side ???:confused: