Obama is destroying the economy


Well-Known Member
unemployment is down, at least for the people who actually want a job
the housing market is up
GDP is up
Wall street is up
My fucking 401k is up
Are you calling 14 million unemployed people lazy??

All the other things are up because the dollar is being de-valued... Gas is up, food prices are up, portion sizes are getting smaller (wal-mart just started stocking 20 packs of soda), Family size bags of chips are what economy size bags of chips were a few years ago. Any moron that shops once a month can figure out that the inflation the government keeps denying is happening is hitting basic goods.

But inflation is great for the government and horrible for the people...


Active Member
considering the bust happened years and years ago and you joined in 2011, thanks for letting us know you're someone's sock puppet.
And if you honestly believe our economy is at a "record high" you are a moronic buffoon. Oh wait, you are. So is Chesus.

Chesus, are you trying to correlate the stock market record high as our economy being at a record wealthy state? Are we not more in debt today than we have ever been before?

The real clowns lol. This is what happens when idiots try making conclusion based on numerical data.


Well-Known Member
And if you honestly believe our economy is at a "record high" you are a moronic buffoon. Oh wait, you are. So is Chesus.

Chesus, are you trying to correlate the stock market record high as our economy being at a record wealthy state? Are we not more in debt today than we have ever been before?

The real clowns lol. This is what happens when idiots try making conclusion based on numerical data.
in 2008 the right was saying wall street was the barometer of our economy. Now it's irreleavant?


Well-Known Member
Are you saying it is ok when Obama does it?
now, if only obama had actually raised the debt ceiling 6 or 7 times, you might have had a point. but you don't.

you might even have had a point if obama had increased the deficit, but all he has done is cut away at the damage he was handed.

now go on and complain that your health insurance premiums, which have tripled in the last 20 years before obama, have not decreased before his law has even gone into effect :dunce:

do you ever stop living in a fantasy world, kiddo?


Well-Known Member
now, if only obama had actually raised the debt ceiling 6 or 7 times, you might have had a point. but you don't.
Hey dumbshit Obama has already raised the dept ceiling 6 times. Why don't you stay in toke-n-talk until you're better informed. Your ignorance is getting overwhelming.

you might even have had a point if obama had increased the deficit, but all he has done is cut away at the damage he was handed.
No all he has done it borrow the money to prop up a bloated government that we cannot sustain. This game will be ending very soon and it will come clear the repercussions.

now go on and complain that your health insurance premiums, which have tripled in the last 20 years before obama, have not decreased before his law has even gone into effect :dunce:

do you ever stop living in a fantasy world, kiddo?
You know damn well Obama has already said health insurance will continue to rise after Obamacare kicks in. We have has that discussion but I guess you like spouting bullshit because it's so much better than reality. Talk about living in a fantasy world.


Well-Known Member
Hey dumbshit Obama has already raised the dept ceiling 6 times. Why don't you stay in toke-n-talk until you're better informed. Your ignorance is getting overwhelming.
go ahead and just TRY to name those 6 times.

here is the work of the 111th, 112th, and 113th congress for you. show me that number is actually real, and not double what it actually is.



Well-Known Member
go ahead and just TRY to name those 6 times.

here is the work of the 111th, 112th, and 113th congress for you. show me that number is actually real, and not double what it actually is.


HAHA posting stupid shit that has no data on the debt ceiling is your response when I have a clear source blowhard. The chart indicated all three (government sources) for it's data. I am sure the whitehouse is clearly lying to make you look even more incompetent.


Well-Known Member
go ahead and just TRY to name those 6 times.

here is the work of the 111th, 112th, and 113th congress for you. show me that number is actually real, and not double what it actually is.

The debt ceiling has been raised by Obama 6 times already in 5 years.... Keep reaching bucky... Maybe another graph will confuse some people enough to believe you... LOL!!! Stupid fucker..


Well-Known Member

HAHA posting stupid shit that has no data on the debt ceiling is your response when I have a clear source blowhard. The chart indicated all three (government sources) for it's data. I am sure the whitehouse is clearly lying to make you look even more incompetent.
well, if the debt ceiling has actually been raised as many times as you say it has, it should be no problem for you to point the actual legislation that raised it.

so go ahead, just point to the legislation. prove that you're not a liar (pro tip: you can't, clown toy).


Well-Known Member
well, if the debt ceiling has actually been raised as many times as you say it has, it should be no problem for you to point the actual legislation that raised it.

so go ahead, just point to the legislation. prove that you're not a liar (pro tip: you can't, clown toy).
I see full retard bucky has come out to play once again. Your pathetic game of posting irrelevant information to try to make it sound like you know what the fuck you're talking about is hilarious. You going to post your wife's menstrual cycle next? You have your head so far up Obama's ass you can't help yourself can you? Now before I dumb it down for you and make you look like a complete ass again I have a few questions. Is the chart that clearly states its three government sources for the data wrong? If so you must explain why because I easily found the information (government source) easily Why are you too lazy to do a simple Google search? Why must everyone treat you like a little child and crayola the information for you when they have clear evidence you're wrong? It's not like you refute it with any evidence you just act retarded every time. I will book link this page as Bucky's ass clown rampage part two for future reference when you go full retard and ask others to crayola in how fucking stupid you are.


Well-Known Member
I see full retard bucky has come out to play once again. Your pathetic game of posting irrelevant information to try to make it sound like you know what the fuck you're talking about is hilarious. You going to post your wife's menstrual cycle next? You have your head so far up Obama's ass you can't help yourself can you? Now before I dumb it down for you and make you look like a complete ass again I have a few questions. Is the chart that clearly states its three government sources for the data wrong? If so you must explain why because I easily found the information (government source) easily Why are you too lazy to do a simple Google search? Why must everyone treat you like a little child and crayola the information for you when they have clear evidence you're wrong? It's not like you refute it with any evidence you just act retarded every time. I will book link this page as Bucky's ass clown rampage part two for future reference when you go full retard and ask others to crayola in how fucking stupid you are.
are you calling the list of legislation passed by congress irrelevant to the raising of the debt ceiling?

that clown must have raped your ass so hard that he caused you brain damage.

you are so fucking pathetic. you claim the debt ceiling was raised 6 times but can't even point to the legislation that raised it when i put it right in front of your face.

that's pathetic, even for a bigoted southerner who was the victim of clown ass rape.


Well-Known Member
This here shows when the debt ceiling was raised and when and what it was raised for.
Starts on page 25.


By reading the first paragraph it was raised 4 times by 2009.

In a March 2008 report, CBO estimated the President’s budget would lead to a $396 billion

deficit in FY2008 and a $342 billion deficit in FY2009.
The actual deficit for FY2008 reached
$455 billion. In August 2009, CBO estimated the deficit would total $1,587 billion in FY2009
and $1,381 billion in FY2010.
As a result of the current economic conditions and the actions of
the federal government to bring the economy out of recession, the federal debt limit was raised

>>twice in the second half of 2008 and twice in 2009. <<

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Wall Street Doing Great!

Everybody else, not so much!

film at 11!

any other Party Hymns you would like to sing before the invocation, and the speaking in tongues?


Well-Known Member

i can even point to the legislation which raised the debt ceiling, legislation which nonsenseist has called "irrelevant" to the discussion of the debt ceiling.

we're all still waiting on the bigoted southerner to actually put his money where his mouth is (smart money says his mouth is wrapped around a clown penis).
I can, as I said I have all the proof to embarrass you yet again but it's time to pay the piper. Instead of asking me to post the same evidence twice let's see your argument on why I should. The information was taken strait from the government sources it posted which I easily found and proved it 100% accurate. Now the question, do you disagree with the chart and if so why? Are you too fucking lazy to at least give some effort in trying to see how many time the dept ceiling has raised without posting yes "irrelevant" information. I have gave you clear evidence lets see come up with something different.