
Well-Known Member
Now I feel even more odd. I've had the same pair of workboots and sandals for going on 10 years. Last time I bought new anything it was new PJ pants, and that was only because my wife decided she liked mine more than hers, so I just said "Have 'em." and went and got some more.
My sandals tend to always rip and so do my shoes. Maybe it is because I'm always active. I bought a pair of $210 shoes once and they ended up ripping on the side in the first month I had them. I was pissed. They are suppposed to be basketball shoes, meant for playing basketball. I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Now I feel even more odd. I've had the same pair of workboots and sandals for going on 10 years. Last time I bought new anything it was new PJ pants, and that was only because my wife decided she liked mine more than hers, so I just said "Have 'em." and went and got some more.
You just can't quit can you!? Now your flaunting your high class PJ pant wearing habits. Oh and now you're bragging about having a wife!? You got some nerve, next thing you know your going to say you have an electric fridge and that fancy indoor plumbing, pft water magic.


Well-Known Member
You just can't quit can you!? Now your flaunting your high class PJ pant wearing habits. Oh and now you're bragging about having a wife!? You got some nerve, next thing you know your going to say you have an electric fridge and that fancy indoor plumbing, pft water magic.
I told you, I loves my opulence. I not only have that fancy indoor plumbing and electric fridge, I also have an electric stove and one of them microwave gizmos. And this neat contraption that makes my apartment warm when it's cold outside...a...a..heater, that's what it is, I've even got a heater!


Well-Known Member
^LOL ohhh I cracked up when she said the spocker. I had no idea what it was, either! I just saw her comment and then shortly after (or before, I don't remember now) I saw the picture and I blew my smoke out of my nose instead of my mouth. Blech. Was amazing Sunni lol. Made my night.


Well-Known Member
Nah, shell be back, i just hope she can stop acting like a french twat. And you and the twat you fight with are both going to get spankins if you two dont relax, i dont wanna hear about your dirty laundry nemore. This is a pic posting thread not a cat fight thread bitchezzzz. You galz, even april are way hotter when you purr rather than hiss. Pretty on the inside is awsome, ugly on the inside shows in how a person acts. Thanks for boob wars pie, that was awsome :):):)
Yeah seriously man, all these girls fighting are cool imo. Wish they'd stop arguing..or at least do the boob war thing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah seriously man, all these girls fighting are cool imo. Wish they'd stop arguing..or at least do the boob war thing.
Bunch of fucking retards in here. My daughter could probably kick most of their asses. Jealous bitches need to get over themselves.


Well-Known Member
Bunch of fucking retards in here. My daughter could probably kick most of their asses. Jealous bitches need to get over themselves.

420...wow, you are soooo blessed:) I have my kids in martial arts too, it's so good for them. I wish I had it growing up.


Well-Known Member
My daughter made it to yellow belt then the gymnastics and martial arts together became too much for her. She's only in gymnastics now but maybe again someday. I'd like for her to know how to defend herself.


Well-Known Member
Tis an inside joke, if you are reading this and don't understand it don't try to.
Was that one of the posts that got nuked so it couldn't be discovered as part of the chaos / outbreak (the first one?) - wasnt going to wade back through posts to see.