My first class with the golden teacher

ok update time the first cube jar (one I pulled out of the inc.) is slowly growing after shaking/ rolling the jar the other day. And then Jar two is going:
jar2 (3-22).jpgJar2(3-26).jpg second pic was taken today and the first was taken on the 22nd. I think I'm going to let that spot (only one I've seen) grow a bit more and then roll/ shake the jar. The light white on the right is because of the camera and lighting it is not actually in the jar.

I have not seen anything in any of the P. galindoi jars (two sets of inoculations and 6 pint jars total). Today I saw some white growth on various areas of the agar jar with GT :-P. Nothing I can see on the glove box agar jar and now I have some oyster tissue on an agar jar. I have 3 pints with popcorn ready to be PC'ed going to do the first 2 tonight (hopefully). Two have silicone port lids and the third does not so the two will be shot up with GT and hopefully things will continue happening on the agar so I can transfer whatever (GT or oyster) happens to be ready into the third jar sometime soon.

I also had a complication with the tissue transfer. I had a flash fire in my glove box, which luckily stayed sealed so the fire ran out of oxygen and went out in under a second without harming myself or anything else (except the glove box lid). I was lazy and impatient and had started spraying the inside of the box of bleach solution did not have enough left so after letting it sit I sprayed my gloves and jar with iso alcohol ( up to then I had only used as little as needed to sanitize my gloves). So I had built up a high enough concentration of vapors to ignite when I used the lighter to flame sterilize my exacto. I had considered the possibility of a fire due to iso before this happened so as soon as the lighter lit and the flame was 3 times larger than it should be I knew what was happening and was pulling my hands out. After taking it outside and trying to open the box I saw the fire sealed the lid on (melting/ welding it in some places) everything was still in there so I went ahead and did the transfer to agar. I need to replace the lid for my box after having to pry and break bits of it off to remove it, but other than that everything is ok.

So my impatience with not wanting to have to open, spray, and sit my box again lead to a lapse in judgement which bit me in the ass less than 5 minutes later. Hopefully this will serve as a reminder to everybody as it will to me to do all the steps and think shit through.
My reaction was actually relatively mild compared that the
reaction that those kits typically get at the Mush Cult sites.

..but you are right, I was shooting in the dark. All apologies.

Good luck!


SEE? See? it's not easy being open minded. :) I don't have much of a problem with most kits that I have seen. If you don't have a PC, and you want a bag or two, and you can spare the expense, I don't see a real problem with purchasing pre-sterilized bags (though i usually fill my bags MUCH more than any of them.

Hey TD,

Is there a white reflection on the front right side of the jar in
the second of your photos?

If it is, then it might be a cobweb is just too whispy
and grey....not the dense white growth that I see elsewhere in
that jar.

I cannot be certain, but thought to ask.

If it is, then it might be a cobweb is just too whispy
and grey....not the dense white growth that I see elsewhere in
that jar.

I cannot be certain, but thought to ask.


ahh i see what you mean, no thats refelction, looks like since the jar is sitting off center of his camera's light, it only flashed that what im saying is when he took the pic, he rotated camera clockwise 90 degrees and camera flash was sitting on right.
yeah polys got it sorry didnt look at that pic carefully before I posted it. The solid white is the only growth in the jar the lighter white on the right is only present in the picture and is the result of a camera issue/ poor camera use.
You guys seem to think I'm not aware of how cheap is can be and havn't been down this road before. I have a PC, I have my incubator totes still, I have my fruiting chamber totes still I have spores, I have syringes, and I even have jars. The thing I don't have is space, not even a closet or anything practical to use for this currently nor do I want to spend the time fcking with preparing bags as that I don't have experiance with. This will cost me more up front for sure I would never deny that or suggest this method to someone trying to do this on this on a budget. This kit is perfect for those who are limited on space, and don't desire to do the sterile work and PCing like I said before. Its a trade off higher cost, for simplicity, no mess, and a gaurentee. Back when I had my mushy grow set up I bought about 6 3lb bags of rye, and shot them up and all failed. I personally blamed the spores, but I don't know what the problem was. With this kit I don't have to guess anything or really do anything. Open the bag drop in the spores, shake and stick it in the corner .....done for a month or so till it colonizes. Then dump into the substrate shake and stick it in the corner for another month. Then expose to some light and lower temps and fruit that bitch. I'm gonna be wrapping the bottom of the block in foil I think to try to prevent side fruiting. It wasn't a big issue last time but seems like a good idea.

Its also not just rye berries either. The bag with the berries in it has the spores, there is also a the 5 lb bag of manure which I couldn't find a 5lb bag but 5 1lb bags were about $22. Not that it can't be found cheaper that was just at the bottom of one of your links. Also not that $22 accounts for the rest of the price, but it is one more cost.

Anyway I'm not trying to change your guys minds, just explaining I don't think I'm crazy. I'm just willing to spend the extra money right now rather then having the extra work, hassles and time involved in running a regular setup. Time being a big one of those, as I used to spend many many hours preparing everything, pcing, and steralizing when I was gonna make a run of jars, making trays or whatever step really. If I had a place I would have set up my original operation along time ago, but since I don't I'm just gonna be happy to have some shroomers growing again. :)

i apologize as well if i came off the wrong way...just figured you could do it cheaper and still maintain your space limitations. I was unaware you wanted to do it because of the gaurentee and because you didnt want to fuck with the sterile process. like others had said if thats what you want to do then by all means man its your grow and i didnt mean to bash your methods..i guess im just used to trying to find alternatives for people around here :)

anyways im interested to see them so make sure you post pics!! and great vibes headed your way!!

ok update time the first cube jar (one I pulled out of the inc.) is slowly growing after shaking/ rolling the jar the other day. And then Jar two is going:
View attachment 2587768View attachment 2587769 second pic was taken today and the first was taken on the 22nd. I think I'm going to let that spot (only one I've seen) grow a bit more and then roll/ shake the jar.

I have not seen anything in any of the P. galindoi jars (two sets of inoculations and 6 pint jars total). Today I saw some white growth on various areas of the agar jar with GT :-P. Nothing I can see on the glove box agar jar and now I have some oyster tissue on an agar jar. I have 3 pints with popcorn ready to be PC'ed going to do the first 2 tonight (hopefully). Two have silicone port lids and the third does not so the two will be shot up with GT and hopefully things will continue happening on the agar so I can transfer whatever (GT or oyster) happens to be ready into the third jar sometime soon.

I also had a complication with the tissue transfer. I had a flash fire in my glove box, which luckily stayed sealed so the fire ran out of oxygen and went out in under a second without harming myself or anything else (except the glove box lid). I was lazy and impatient and had started spraying the inside of the box of bleach solution did not have enough left so after letting it sit I sprayed my gloves and jar with iso alcohol ( up to then I had only used as little as needed to sanitize my gloves). So I had built up a high enough concentration of vapors to ignite when I used the lighter to flame sterilize my exacto. I had considered the possibility of a fire due to iso before this happened so as soon as the lighter lit and the flame was 3 times larger than it should be I knew what was happening and was pulling my hands out. After taking it outside and trying to open the box I saw the fire sealed the lid on (melting/ welding it in some places) everything was still in there so I went ahead and did the transfer to agar. I need to replace the lid for my box after having to pry and break bits of it off to remove it, but other than that everything is ok.

So my impatience with not wanting to have to open, spray, and sit my box again lead to a lapse in judgement which bit me in the ass less than 5 minutes later. Hopefully this will serve as a reminder to everybody as it will to me to do all the steps and think shit through.

well thats shitty you blew up your box but im happy to see mycelium growth!! looking great man.
Ok so i have had a busy weekend and havent been able to get over to my grow since sat?? maybe Fri.. spent the night in jail on sunday to clear up some warrants (turned myself in) and finally got over to the grow today. and to my surprise, everything is now pinning. i do have a contam issue so im going to ride it out and see what happens, prob wont get a bunch of flushes but it almost seems like the mycelium is overtaking the green mold...does this sound right? im going to be cutting up a shit ton of hay tomorow and hopefully picking up some supplies to make that sterile room i was talking about earlier.

i have decided to drop the peat/verm casing and just go with a straight vermiculite casing afte bulk subbing to my straw. I will be taking more time to cut my straw up really fine and allowing more time for the bulk sub to fully colonize. i rushed into the first round and i assure you it wont happen again. i will be bulk subbing to the straw then casing with a 1" layer of vermiculite. then allowing 1 full week in the dark before i fruit. live and learn right :)

and also to my delight when i went over to the grow my buddy had 80g of mushrooms picked for me to begin drying!!! they are definatly getting bigger on this second flush so im anxious to see what the 3rd flush brings..


4 jars are fully colonized, waiting on the rest to finish up then ill be doing my bulk sub trays prob this weekend, I will be doing 10 trays then doing G2G and re inoculating 11 more jars. the 10 trays will be in the dark for a minimum of 1 week but may let them go longer if the straw is not COMPLETLY colonized. like i said before im going to let patience win this time and not get too hoping this will cut down on my contam issue considerably as i left too much uncolonized substrate and allowed the green mold to move in.

anyways more pics tomorow!!
That event is now serving as a solid reminder for me from now on. My own fucking fault "I know I'll aerosolize flammable vapors and then provide a source of ignition".... cuz that'll work out. anyways thanks matt
oh lol i did not read abou the flash fire those are always the best:D ive had a few over my time, they always seem to amuse (because in most cases they are just harmless but a reminder of ones stupidity.) forget the lighter in the glove box just use some iso, wipe the needle down several times hasnt failed me yet.

this is another reason i dont seal my box, or spray more than a squirt of Lysol. but be careful use this info in the future i have seen bigger booms, that include things like freezer doors and such...
k cool then I assume that applies to exatco's/ scalpel equivalents as well. Yeah I use bleach solution this also prompted me to finally make a little spray bottle for easier use in the box.
what is best to do, with most tool, is to cover them with foil and PC them and then place in glove box for use, and alcohol as you go. it doesnt hurt to be overly precautions but alchohol is pretty good at sterilization. generally when receiving or using your own needles for mycoloogy, they are under sterile conditions 80% of the time, so a simple alchohol wipe should handle that.
thanks TC, hpefully the next ones are much bigger. like i said the 2 totes with 2 cakes each in them are starting to pin and the pins are 3x the size as the first pins i seen so im expecting some good sized mushies from them. the ones i have now are not for my consumption. they are for bartering for more supplies for my second round.. i need more popcorn, totes, lasagna pans, jars, a roll of panda film and some more lysol..

im really determined to build a sterile room before i do any more myco work. dealing with this green mold is a nightmare and i dont want it to ever happen again.
thanks TC, hpefully the next ones are much bigger. like i said the 2 totes with 2 cakes each in them are starting to pin and the pins are 3x the size as the first pins i seen so im expecting some good sized mushies from them. the ones i have now are not for my consumption. they are for bartering for more supplies for my second round.. i need more popcorn, totes, lasagna pans, jars, a roll of panda film and some more lysol..

im really determined to build a sterile room before i do any more myco work. dealing with this green mold is a nightmare and i dont want it to ever happen again.

NOT going to happen that way retired, you cannot get away from trich, ever. It is one of the most prolific molds in the world. Sterility in your growing chamber is too unwieldy, you are best learning the likes and dislikes of trich and attempting to avoid them for as long as possible. Also the seasons play a part, early spring is bad, trich will have gained a foothold in loose wet vegitation and earth and will be sporulating like mad in the warming temps. Later, when things dry out you will have better luck.

The fact is that once you open the jar or sack, that trich
is on the scene. This goes for bacteria as well.

What we do is try to set the stage for our horse to win the race.

I have to admit that a HEPA filtered work area is on my wish list. LOL is just so far down on the list as to be a dream at this point.

Good luck,
