Where you at rep wise?

But not when they're claiming to be turning over a new leaf and trying to make amends. I'm doubting the whole AA-12-step-I'm-trying-to-change bullshit. It was just a ruse to get his sorry ass back on the site.

I still fail to see where having inside info is breaking any rules on my part?
I'm more stuck on why he would care so much, just create a new account, much easier process if you truely mean it, on an internet forum anyway.

Makes me more believe he really wants the attention, but you and others aren't really accomplishing anything, as Sunny said, you're all just doing it for just the same reason, for the likes and rep, a little contradictive if the attention theroy is right.
Why would I put that in my signature if I truly don't believe in it?
Just a thought.
You had an account(s) before kron too. Eventually you will get a celebrity name with all of them combined. However it will be so crazy long it will look like you're from the middle east.
Just a thought.
You had an account(s) before kron too. Eventually you will get a celebrity name with all of them combined. However it will be so crazy long it will look like you're from the middle east.

I don't care who you are, that's hilarious right there!

Just a thought... I did(do).
Just a thought.
You had an account(s) before kron too. Eventually you will get a celebrity name with all of them combined. However it will be so crazy long it will look like you're from the middle east.

Speaking of the Middle East, I learned today that a mostly rogue cell branching off of Al-Queda central has a name that when put into acronym form is MILF. (Moro Islamic Liberation Front)