Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
Gee, I guess you don't understand the joke. All she can do is clean up garbage posts. BUT, sunni should be global soon so... She's about to be boss lady status.
She has said plenty of times herself that the only thing she is able to do from a moderator standpoint is clean up spam and keep people playing nicely.![]()
Nice side step. I was referring to her changing status. How could you possibly claim to know that? You're not a mod or have any authority on this site. Either someone gave you the information and shouldn't have or you're lying through your teeth. I'm going with lying through your teeth because I can't imagine a single mod giving you that info. knowing your past. That would be one stupid mod not only for sharing that info. but thinking they could trust you to keep your egotistical mouth shut. Nope. Rollie would never put someone in charge like that.