What the heck was this dog doing on a beach if it can't be controlled?


New Member
Maybe its a reflex. Splash of cold water = open mouth. ... It's worked for two people on this thread in similar circumstances so maybe there's something in it.

The dog I threw water is called 'Yayo' and its nuts. .... (Yayo being slang for crack cocaine) The people who own it are certainly NOT pussys.
I have a lot of exp w/ pits and bulldogs.Water might work if they are fucking but not if they are fighting.I guess we'll agree to dissagree


Well-Known Member
That was Gabby giffords family dog.. Dono if that has been gone over or not, but yeah no bad dogs just bad owners IMHO... Shame what has happened to that family tho
Does that also mean there are no good dogs, just good owners? ... just trying to follow the logic. :peace:


Virtually Unknown Member
I have a lot of exp w/ pits and bulldogs.Water might work if they are fucking but not if they are fighting.I guess we'll agree to dissagree
I have to agree with slow. Never had pits but Dobermans and Rottweilers. Sure we call them domesticated, but I can't help but think that the wild dog gene lurks in them all from before man invited them to sit by the fire for the first time. And these are dogs that were not bite trained.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
killing rabbits is unrelated and orthogonal to violence to animals?

i'm not really picking on WhiterWoman, just pointing out her manufactured outrage. she never made a peep about strapping your dog to the roof while putting your luggage in the car, but suddenly she's an environmentalist and an expert on taking care of dogs.

why? because gabby gifffords makes her shit her tighty Whiteys, and so she will take any angle to attack her family whatsoever.

she can try to deny that that's the case, but her posting history tells the tale clear as day.

this is all manufactured, faux outrage for silly, petty, partisan political reasons.
Who is gabby giffords? (too lazy to google lol)

The only thing I see in this video is a handler not handling their dog. And the dog possibly getting put down due to being caught on video.

I still think it was the dog reacting naturally to a strange animal. It may even have thought it was protecting it's master. The bitch crying the whole time prob stressed the dog out even more.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
But your earlier assertion could be argued that the two thoughts are in fact separate. First thought, her dog kills rabbits. Maybe she is disgusted by this and does not like it. Second thought, she has a hard time with violence on any animal. Understandable, even hunters have a hardtime with senseless violence towards animals.

See what Im saying? But yea, your others assertions could quite possibly be true. I am not to judge that, I was merely pointing out a flaw in your original assertion. Now.. thats not to say I could be completely off base.
What I don't understand is her statement that her dogs NEVER attack squirrels/bunnies in public places. I'm sure they try. lol

My dogs see a squirrel/bunny and they think TOY TOY TOY! Then they either carry the broken necked creature around as a sort of trophy or lay in the grass and lick it forever.

My mom's dog swallows them whole. He sees the things as FOOD.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of exp w/ pits and bulldogs.Water might work if they are fucking but not if they are fighting.I guess we'll agree to dissagree
I'm not talking in hypotheticals here. IT HAPPENED, I DID IT, IT WORKED.

The situation was explained in 2 independent posts ... both situations the dogs had hold (commonly lock-jaw) so weren't fighting as such.

In my situation the pitt-bull had hold for several minutes before I even went out to look...,. it took a couple of minutes to find and fill the bowl ... it probably wanted to let go. I remember its eyes were bloodshot and just looking at the people standing there ... then i threw the water, aiming for its eyes and nostrils. JOB DONE.

The only thing I can add is the next time youre in that scenario. One dog bite-holds another dog. Throw/squirt water in its eyes, if you have it at hand.


Virtually Unknown Member
... curb the natural instinct of a dog.
Yes I agree with this. Curb, not completely quell. All my dogs were voice and hand signal trained after countless hours and were loving and friendly with people, kids, babies, MOST other dogs but not so much with small prey animals. But still controllable, manageable and obedient. Only a couple of times did they actually scare me, but with good reason every time. A switch flips and it's 50,000 years ago and we're back in the jungle. But dogs were originally bred to be protective guardians as well as companion animals. I found their instincts about people and situational awareness much better than mine so I always paid close attention to their posturing and demeanor in questionable circumstances.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with slow. Never had pits but Dobermans and Rottweilers. Sure we call them domesticated, but I can't help but think that the wild dog gene lurks in them all from before man invited them to sit by the fire for the first time. And these are dogs that were not bite trained.
I'm on my fifth Dobie. The perfect dog to me. I have seen some spectactular pits though, and am very impressed with their intelligence too. It's all about the owner.


Well-Known Member
These devices have just come to my mind. I saw it on a dog training TV show and it worked. Maybe somehow its similar to being splashed in the face. but obviously not as traumatic.

The Spray Commander Collar Remote Control Spray System for Dogs by MultiVet works by interrupting unwanted behaviour in your dog through a spray mechanism, and reinforces a positive response through a rewarding tone.

Created as a humane training solution to the common behavioural problems in dogs, including:

Running away;
Jumping on people;
Digging holes;
Stealing objects.


Well-Known Member
I'd be hard pressed to choose between the Dobe or the Rott. Dobe always seemed on high alert status and was a devious SOB yet a trickster. Rott was relaxed and laid back like the .44 you keep in the drawer, waiting.
Dobe's - Boys from Brazil


Rotty's - Omen

tough and scary dogs.


Well-Known Member
It was already dead jeesh. let the dog have his treat. finders keepers in this world. Then they try hitting him with a stick and taking his prize..... yeah right... he's saying fuck that this is mine... yall don't feed me this much in a week!!!


Well-Known Member
Who is gabby giffords? (too lazy to google lol)

The only thing I see in this video is a handler not handling their dog. And the dog possibly getting put down due to being caught on video.

I still think it was the dog reacting naturally to a strange animal. It may even have thought it was protecting it's master. The bitch crying the whole time prob stressed the dog out even more.
gabby giffords is the congresswoman from arizona who was shot in the head while trying to talk to her constituents in tucson.

her and her husband now advocate for common sense gun safety legislation, such as background checks, smaller magazines, and assault rifle bans, all of which are constitutional and supported by a clear majority of americans.

they have even countered the NRA with their own gun safety PAC. this makes Whiterwoman shit her pants in fear, as she does not understand that it even the conservative SCOTUS members consider gun control measures constitutional and wishes to portray obama as some tyrant hellbent on taking her guns (and what do we do with tyrants?).

since the NRA has already tried to do the same to spectacular failure and public ridicule, the right is taking a new route: smear, smear, smear.

doesn't matter who or for what, just smear.

they stoop so low that they are now trying to smear the husband of a critically wounded former congresswoman who was taking a dog for a walk on a leash. the audacity of that owner.

let's not forget the audacity of the dog, either. :cuss:

it's cheap, it's tacky, it's petty, it's divisive and her (fake) outrage has nothing to do at all with this incident. the incident is merely the automobile for taking a cheap shot at someone she has labeled as her political enemy.

it's transparent.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
The only thing I can add is the next time youre in that scenario. One dog bite-holds another dog. Throw/squirt water in its eyes, if you have it at hand.
Happened with my uncles girl friends pitbulls she left in my care for a few days, the dominate one wouldn't let go even with the hose spraying in her face. I had to fire some .22 blanks out of my revolver a few times to get her to stop.


Well-Known Member
i play tug of war with my dogs(pits) the same way
but my dogs know the "off" and "leave it" command

but then again they have never seen a fucking seal before so i'm not sure what they would do in that situation.


Well-Known Member
I think Im gunna get some dogs. I want three. Will need to hunt down the best shelter(s). I want 2 rotties and a neo mastif

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
gabby giffords is the congresswoman from arizona who was shot in the head.

doesn't matter who or for what, just smear.

they stoop so low that they are now trying to smear the husband of a critically wounded former congresswoman who was taking a dog for a walk on a leash. the audacity of that owner.
let's not forget the audacity of the dog, either. :cuss:

it's cheap, it's tacky, it's petty, it's divisive and her (fake) outrage has nothing to do at all with this incident. the incident is merely the automobile for taking a cheap shot at someone she has labeled as her political enemy.

it's transparent.

Yeah, I guess I could see that political angle. Don't agree with it's use, but I see it.