Plants in bad soil?!


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]hey i just started guerrilla growing near my place and I thought that the soil there was good because if you look around everything is green, but i recently visited my new seedlings and found the soil to be dirt and dusty but so far they seem to be fine. I was wondering should I risk being seen and visit my area everyday to water it or should i let mother nature take its course and handle it? thank you[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
I probably wouldnt go everyday. thats the disadvantage of guerrilla growing. there are chances to be seen and be caught gardening. I would maybe go every 3-5 days and check on them. if you arent getting rain then water them good on the days you do visit and let mother nature do the rest. make sure to watch out for pests. especially since in most areas its summer and the pests come out in full force. if you see something pick up an organic pest control spray of some sort. or else get a nice bug net to drape over your plants.


Well-Known Member
I probably wouldnt go everyday. thats the disadvantage of guerrilla growing. there are chances to be seen and be caught gardening. I would maybe go every 3-5 days and check on them. if you arent getting rain then water them good on the days you do visit and let mother nature do the rest. make sure to watch out for pests. especially since in most areas its summer and the pests come out in full force. if you see something pick up an organic pest control spray of some sort. or else get a nice bug net to drape over your plants.
hey thanks does anyone know what i should use to keep animals away i hear they like to eat cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Wear an old sock around for a few days let it get good and stinky, then cut into thin strips and tie them around your grow! Deer and what not don't like human smell and will stay far away. Be careful with the soap rats are attracted because of the fats in the soap!


New Member
i had pest problems .. ate 2 of my plants .. im still pissed about it .. so i shaved my head and brushed my dog .. gonna spread that shit after i clean up my plot


Well-Known Member
i had pest problems .. ate 2 of my plants .. im still pissed about it .. so i shaved my head and brushed my dog .. gonna spread that shit after i clean up my plot
yea but if you place your hair around your grow site and the cops bust it and the hair leads to u your fucked right? or are cops not that smart?


Active Member
Cops generally do DNA testing when someone has been murdered; not when someone is growing five or six pot plants in the woods.


New Member
well .. i doubt id not be able to get away from that even if the cops DIDNT do DNA sampling ... but im not too concerned about it cause im only gonna have 5 plants ..