Wealth distribution in the US


Well-Known Member
Dont plead innocence Kynes. It was your careful choice of those words and the persistant challenge to the legitimacy of his presidency solely based on his race that makes it racist. You're the moron who thought bwana was clever. Son...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Dont plead innocence Kynes. It was your careful choice of those words and the persistant challenge to the legitimacy of his presidency solely based on his race that makes it racist. You're the moron who thought bwana was clever. Son...
and calling him Brahmin in Chief was also a slur against his indonesian upbringing.... oh wait, thats like 2000 miles off target.


Bwana Obama acts like the headman of our village when he is really just a lowly goatherd. but then youre the dolt who thinks a goatherd should be headman.

maybe im really being racist against you.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Dont plead innocence Kynes. It was your careful choice of those words and the persistant challenge to the legitimacy of his presidency solely based on his race that makes it racist. You're the moron who thought bwana was clever. Son...
Bwana is clever. You libtards are just jealous you couldn't come up with better original insults other than Dubbya.


Well-Known Member
Damn, liberals are so pathetic, they even want affirmative action trolling.
when did i express that desire?

simply pointing out that there is no equivalent to the racism that KKKynes likes to throw out there does not imply any such desire.

of course, i know you're just all butthurt and trying to troll away your own racism.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
when did i express that desire?

simply pointing out that there is no equivalent to the racism that KKKynes likes to throw out there does not imply any such desire.

of course, i know you're just all butthurt and trying to troll away your own racism.
I'm gonna have so much fun once the courts throw out affirmative action for "college and university" level education. Then no one can bitch about who earned what.


Well-Known Member
welfare! affirmative action!

obama did horrible in college even though i have not one shred of evidence for this whatsoever!

stop calling me racist!

racist rabbit is always angry.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'm not the one saying black people are so stupid they need the white man to give extra FREE shit I don't so we can all live in a perfect commie world.

I want everyone to fail or succeed all on their own. That's called a libertarian philosophy. Check it, the dictionary is the only commie friend we have in common.


Well-Known Member
I'm not the one saying black people are so stupid they need the white man to give extra FREE shit I don't so we can all live in a perfect commie world.
when did i say that?

you're the only one still so lodged on romney's dick that you can't give up the "free shit" argument. still holding on to your glory days right after the election when you went apoplectic?

silly question, of course you are. racist rabbit is ALWAYS angry. i blame your wife's BBC.


Well-Known Member
when did i express that desire?

simply pointing out that there is no equivalent to the racism that KKKynes likes to throw out there does not imply any such desire.

of course, i know you're just all butthurt and trying to troll away your own racism.

There are people who think blacks are inferior to whites. Well, they won't state it that way, they list reasons why they feel Blacks need help that no other ethnic group in the same economic standing needs and claim you are the racist one if you disagree. I've even seen them say "of course they are equal, but they need help that no other ethnic group needs", and call people racist who say no, blacks are just as capable as any other group.

These racist do-gooders actually believe all it takes is the government mandating outcomes (success). Arrogant, clueless and racist makes for bad leadership and brings about laws that are not the same for people based on skin color. The modern version of Jim Crow is alive and well in the progressive movement.


Well-Known Member
There are people who think blacks are inferior to whites. Well, they won't state it that way, they list reasons why they feel Blacks need help that no other ethnic group in the same economic standing needs and claim you are the racist one if you disagree. I've even seen them say "of course they are equal, but they need help that no other ethnic group needs", and call people racist who say no, blacks are just as capable as any other group.

These racist do-gooders actually believe all it takes is the government mandating outcomes (success). Arrogant, clueless and racist makes for bad leadership and brings about laws that are not the same for people based on skin color. The modern version of Jim Crow is alive and well in the progressive movement.
But but...centuries of slavery!!


Well-Known Member
We destroyed the indians as well..

Treat them differently, give them welfare and watch them drink themselves to death...


Well-Known Member
We destroyed the indians as well..

Treat them differently, give them welfare and watch them drink themselves to death...
No it goes like this, take their land and emasculate them, destroy their way of life so they have to live it like a curated museum exhibition, THEN give them some land back they cant use except for casinos and self destruction.

Here's a suggestion, dont fuck it up in the first place.

And as for Kynes, you're a classic racist. Good job throwing in the other greetings afterwards to cover your ass. You dont know how many of you I dealt with at boarding school. Nice sly racist remarks disguised as neutral commentary. A little bit of education and money are dangerous. Too bad humility and perspective are missing from your toolbox. Can't buy that shit.

Again some people actually had a point and its obscured by your nasty racist shit. Emblematic of the right.


Well-Known Member

not sure if that posts from iPad or not. It's a good discussion on how we've "helped" the natives here.

edit: fixed video


Well-Known Member
No it goes like this, take their land and emasculate them, destroy their way of life so they have to live it like a curated museum exhibition, THEN give them some land back they cant use except for casinos and self destruction.

Here's a suggestion, dont fuck it up in the first place.

And as for Kynes, you're a classic racist. Good job throwing in the other greetings afterwards to cover your ass. You dont know how many of you I dealt with at boarding school. Nice sly racist remarks disguised as neutral commentary. A little bit of education and money are dangerous. Too bad humility and perspective are missing from your toolbox. Can't buy that shit.

Again some people actually had a point and its obscured by your nasty racist shit. Emblematic of the right.
Indians are not prevented from buying other land or living as any other American does.

It is the differential treatment and welfare which causes a dependent class of citizen and by taking away their dignity (aka compassionate welfare) you take away their self respect and destroy the human spirit.

It is no different that poor white people in urban areas... The color of the skin does not make the difference, it is the way they are treated by government and society that is the cause of the problems that emerge.


Well-Known Member
I think the ones that are so quick to label have the fear of it in themselves.

For example homophobia. Not fear of gays, fear of being gay. We see it here, with all the out of control, butt fucking comments, sometimes. Homophobia. Fear of being seen as Gay. Tough talking trash talk, etc.

And there is racist-phobia, I see it here, also. The ones that are quick to call, seems to me, are the ones hiding from themselves.

They don't want to appear as racist, (as they really are,) so they, the kettle, calls the pot, soot.


Well-Known Member
Indians are not prevented from buying other land or living as any other American does.
Why should they have to buy land thats already theirs and has been for thousands of years, you white invaders are just johny come latelys.