Pickle Queen
This is the pic thread, she posts pics. Averages one a day. And it is generally just a goodmorning pic.
What about you saying that she wasn't a woman?
If that is your way of telling someone they are pretty, I'd hate to see what you do to someone you think is ugly.
LOL sweety fail, her behavior has nothing to do with looks. Look at u for example

Sorry open door had to kick it lol
Bring it preggo I can take what I dish, but I bet u got nothing but petty insults, i'm wondering why guys think the babbles of a drunk girl insulting people daily is hot and sweet. Their opinion is based on her looks.... seriously u keep trying i'll give ya that but insults don't hurt me hun,I survived Hep and kona and still love them both, weak people hold grudges, why do u seem to hate me again? right no reason lol
Focus on ur peanut i'm sure that will keep u busy and me happy in the near future