Well-Known Member
marxism is a basic order
communism rests as a subtype within marxism
socialism is also a subtype within marxism.
bolshevism started off as a communist revolution, but became a socialist revolution thanks to stalin and his compatriots who felt socialism was more agreeable to THEIR AIMS than communism, and thus they drove out lenin and trotsky.
one can be a marxist and a socialist
one can be a marxist and a communist
but one cannot be a communist and a socialist the two are mutually exclusive, despite both being under the umbrella of marx.
nor can one be a marxist and a capitalist, since marxism is anathema to capitalism.
anarchy likewise is anathema to marxism of all sorts, as well as capitalism.
anarchy is chaos, and under the rule of chaos, no society or economic action can exist, much less progress beyond simple survival and defense against the chaos and the raiders, bandits, petty warlords and madmen who thrive under those conditions.
oddly, and not at all paradoxically, one can be a communist or a socialist in a capitalist society, since capitalism is neutral on your personal choices, and your ideology has no effect on the market provided you do not attempt to force others to obey your beliefs.
curiously, marxism is also in direct opposition to all forms of religion, save faith in marxism, which is the ONLY feature it shares with anarchy, since anarchy is directly opposed to EVERY form of social interaction, save violence.
Quit pushing Marx's ideas Kynes. They didn't work.