no idea i dont have kids so i havent looked into it, i would imagine they do breast feed as it would be considered natural but to just go drink breast milk at 22 is kinda gross LOL
Dude, after seeing one I can't believe someone said "ya know what? We should eat that thing!"It's all about that placenta...
after a quick look around it would seem most do
The first food for a vegan baby should ideally be breast milk. Breast-fed infants of well nourished vegan women grow and develop normally. Infant receives many benefits from breast-feeding, including immune system enhancement, protection against infection, and reduced risk of allergies. Moreover, as human breast milk is the natural food for baby humans, it also probably contains substances needed by growing infants which may not even be known to be essential and which are not included in infant formulas.
Unfortunately there is currently no infant formula available which is suitable for vegans. There are soya formulas on the market, such as SMA’s Wysoy and Cow and Gate’s Infasoy, but these are not 100% vegan as they are fortified with vitamin D3, which is made from lanolin (a grease produced by sheep’s skin and extracted from their wool).
Fucking wind.Fucking wind.
Fucking wind.
Fucking wind.
Fucking wind.
after a quick look around it would seem most do
The first food for a vegan baby should ideally be breast milk. Breast-fed infants of well nourished vegan women grow and develop normally. Infant receives many benefits from breast-feeding, including immune system enhancement, protection against infection, and reduced risk of allergies. Moreover, as human breast milk is the natural food for baby humans, it also probably contains substances needed by growing infants which may not even be known to be essential and which are not included in infant formulas.
Unfortunately there is currently no infant formula available which is suitable for vegans. There are soya formulas on the market, such as SMA’s Wysoy and Cow and Gate’s Infasoy, but these are not 100% vegan as they are fortified with vitamin D3, which is made from lanolin (a grease produced by sheep’s skin and extracted from their wool).
There has been a large movement in support ofbreastfeeding in the last few decades. Since the seventies, several organizations have risen to educate womenof the benefits of breastfeeding. In thebelief that breast is better than bottle, states have followed with guidelinesto hospitals on breast education (Walker). The federal government has even joined the cause, passing laws andmandates to support breastfeeding. Whythe recent push for breastfeeding? I willexplain the reasons and provide a strong case in favor of breastfeeding.Breastversus Formula
Physicians recognize the first 6 months of an infant’slife as the most crucial to its development (Walker). Rapid growth continues after birth andrequires the optimum nutrition to sustain this growth. The brain, eyes, and motor control is largelyundeveloped at birth. The baby’s firstintroduction to viruses also occurs outside the womb, and the baby isvulnerable to all illnesses he is exposed to.
Thebrain has not finished its increase in size due the restrictions of the birthcanal. Human babies must complete theirbrain growth outside the womb. All finetuning of limb control and communication takes place in the 6 months afterbirth. Fresh out of the womb, the baby’seyes can only focus on objects inches away from his face. This is because the nerves that controlvision in the brain are not fully developed. All this growth requires large amounts of energy.
Thebaby was not exposed to any germs or viruses inside the womb, so its immunesystem is new to all the dangers of the world. Influenza and pneumonia can be introduced to the baby through familymembers.
Newmothers face a very important decision; will they breast feed or bottlefeed? Many mothers have heard the breastis best but that is usually where their education ends. Most mothers understand that the breast isthe natural route, yet the versatility of formula is a temptation that many donot resist.
Seventypercent of mothers try breast feeding during their hospital stay. Some of thesemothers also introduced formula to their babies in between breastfeedings. Fifty percent of the babieswere fed by the breast exclusively. Therates for exclusive breastfeeding to 6 months drop sharply. Only seventeen percent of babies areexclusively breastfed at six months (Riordan 13-14). What causes this sharp decline inbreastfeeding?
Somestate governments believe it is the lack of education that causes people toturn to formula. Many states haveguidelines in place for hospitals to discuss and encourage breastfeeding to themothers. The hospital will provideguidance to the women during their first attempts at feeding if requested.
Workingmothers generally have to return to work within a few months of birth and mayfind breastfeeding an unrealistic scenario. Not all workplaces are baby friendly. With frequent feedings required to keep the baby healthy, the motherwould have to be able to take breaks often to feed or express milk forstorage. Even with discrete robes and anunderstanding employer, it can be an uncomfortable experience for the woman orher coworkers to breast feed in public.
Themost probable reason for low rates of breast feeding is the widespreadavailability of formula. Nearly everygrocery outlet has a variety of formulas and bottles available for quick andeasy feedings. Not only is formula widelyavailable, but until 1981 formula was marketed as a complete and safe diet forinfants. Mothers could receive freesamples from their physicians and were assured that formula was a perfectsubstitute for breast milk. In 1981 theWorld Health Organization approved The International Code of Marketing ofBreast Milk Substitutes. The codeforbids the advertisement or free distribution of formula to consumers (Riordan20).
Researchhad concluded that formula was in fact an inferior product in comparison tobreast milk. The misinformation spreadby advertising had misled many mothers to believe they were providing the bestfood for their infants.
Thefirst shortfall of formula was that it denied infants the benefits ofautoimmunity that only a breast could provide. Artificially fed infants suffer more illnessthan the breastfed child (Riordan 16). The breast produces valuable antibodies and hormones that protect andnourish the infant in a way that cannot be artificially produced. Breast milk will protect the infant frombacterial infections, gastrointestinal disease, and pneumonia. The first breast feeding shortly after birth,which is composed of a substance called colostrum, contains an extra strongdose of antibodies. This prepares your infant for exposure to the world.
Formulanutrients were chosen by analyzing the nutrients of breast milk and reproducingthem as closely as possible. The breasthowever, constantly changes the composition of its milk to accommodate thenutritional needs of the child (Riordan 97). The caloric content of breast milk increases over time (Riordan 107). The breast produces more milk as demandincreases and will keep producing until the mother decides to wean herchild. Meanwhile the milk balances fats,proteins, and minerals by drawing from the mother’s stores.
Formulauses animal milk in place of human milk. Mammal milk is species specific in its composition of enzymes andhormones. Human milk can protect thebaby from E. coli forming in its intestines due to its higher content of theenzyme lysozyme. The enzyme propertiesof breast milk are superior for its anti-inflammatory, starch digestion, andfat digestion. Breast milk is thereforeeasier to digest and helps the baby digest solid foods as well. The added benefit of easy digestion is moreregular bowel movements and a milder smelling stool (Riordan 105)
Notonly is formula inferior component wise, but it is easily contaminated (Riordan16). Formula is sometimes recalled dueto contamination and bottles have to be completely sanitized between feedingsto prevent bacterial growth. The breaston the other hand, requires a light cleaning with a moist towel to be ready forthe next feeding.
Thecost of formula is on average 80 dollars a month. With all the foreign properties of artificialmilk, some babies cannot digest a standard formula (Riordan 99). Allergies or special needs infants can drivethe cost of formula up to 300 dollars. Add in the time and money involved with bottles and heating the formula,and the breast begins to look like a good in its simplicity.
Pacifyingthe crying child quickly with the breast is a good feeling. Not only are you providing comfort andnourishment to your infant, but your body is releasing the hormone oxytocin. In response to your suckling baby, thepituitary gland releases oxytocin which initiates the milk ejection reflex inthe breast. Oxytocin also has theimportant function of contracting the uterus which helps control postpartum bleeding. A calming effect comes from the circulationof oxytocin, lowering blood pressure and raising body temperature. All this combines to create a relaxed and intimatemoment with your child (Riordan 7.
Theintimacy between the child and mother during breastfeeding is one of the mostfulfilling moments in motherhood. Theknowledge that you are providing superior nutrition to your infant can give asense of pride and purpose. The verypurpose of the breast is to nourish the infant. Not only does it provide the exact nutritional requirements of yourbaby, it also protects the infant from a variety of illnesses. A mother can take comfort that her milk aidsthe child’s development in a way that cannot be duplicated.
Forthe working mothers, a breast pump can help them store milk for their child. Refrigerated breast milk can keep for up to48 hours and still contain the natural enzymes and immunological factors thatmake it so valuable (Riordan 16). In thetimes when you cannot be available, your child can still receive the bestnutrition.
Notevery mother feels confident in her ability to breastfeed. The recent push for breastfeeding has led tothe increase of information available to the mother. Many physicians can answer questions and helpsolve problems if asked. Prenatalcourses often include an introduction to breastfeeding for the mothers. There are many publications and resources toassist the mother as well. With theadvent of the internet an answer is sometimes just a click away.
Theinformation and research is there for everyone to see. The consensus of the world is that breast isbest, and now you know why. You simplycannot beat the quality of breast milk. The mother who wants the best for herchild will choose the breast over formula every time.
Dude, after seeing one I can't believe someone said "ya know what? We should eat that thing!"
I couldnt agree with you thats not only gross its just got to have balls of steel to eat that ...oh and have half of your frontal lobe missing....UGH!!!!
my mom said i wouldnt breastfeed,
It's breezy here, so you must be getting, uhm, regaled.
I had my experience with sustained wind in South Dakota. Thirty-mile headwind both ways.Halved my fuel economy. cn
That's another aspect, some kids don't latch. It is what it is. My wife has some breastfeeding nazi friends that made her feel bad because she couldn't. Women can be pretty mean to one another when there really isn't a reason to be. The last thing a woman needs post partum is people trying to belittle her for situations out of her mom said i wouldnt breastfeed,
Tough titties? ~could not resist~ cn
There is no infant formula which is suitable for babies.
It is a wasteful filler.
Breast milk gives babies everything they need and changes to suit their needs as the child consumes more. Every womans breastmilk is different and that womans breastmilk is different at each stage of child development.
Formula is an approximate of ONE womans breast milk at ONE time.
Formula is harder for the child to digest. Formula has more caloric content than the baby needs. Formula is expensive.
That's another aspect, some kids don't latch. It is what it is. My wife has some breastfeeding nazi friends that made her feel bad because she couldn't. Women can be pretty mean to one another when there really isn't a reason to be. The last thing a woman needs post partum is people trying to belittle her for situations out of her control.