An apology for you RIU members.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I can be. I can also be very kind. Depends on what team your on I guess.
To tell the truth some of the people on my team think I'm a dick from time to time too. However, when I stand up for their rights (which they are typically too pussy to do for themselves) they are quite grateful.


Well-Known Member
I agree pot pimp although the two bears going at it makes me wiggle a lil lol, jk I am comfortable enough with my heterosexuality to make a joke like that.... But for real sunnyboy all the pics is getting a lil old... Atleast you keep it to no penetration lol.


Well-Known Member
I agree pot pimp although the two bears going at it makes me wiggle a lil lol, jk I am comfortable enough with my heterosexuality to make a joke like that.... But for real sunnyboy all the pics is getting a lil old... Atleast you keep it to no penetration lol.
i'm a lesbian. he felt the need to bash homosexuals...including me. why is it hot for 2 women but he can't stand seeing 2 men? do you kinda maybe see where i am coming from with this? :eyesmoke:


Sector 5 Moderator
I didn't see any of his offending posts. I just hang out in General and only occasionally visit TnT and staff. I see where you're coming from but you're taking revenge on him in a thread where he apologized. His girl really tore him up; he was in love with her, wanting to marry her but she literally kicked him out in the middle of the Alaskan winter with no place to go - with no notice. Not only that but he was facing two different charges and looking at spending some time in the gray bar hotel. AND he lost a $100,000/yr job. Thus, the drinking binge.


New Member
maybe because he is not a hate monger?

my question is why do you come back to an internet forum where 90% of the people dislike you terribly? answer, imho, you thrive on it. with or without alcohol. some people need chaos. if i was as hurt as you act i would walk away from the worldwidewebz for a while. why come back for abuse you know damn good and well you deserve?


That's the thing about the net. Fab or this guy could come back, just start clean by joining back too, just do it by creating a new name like nothing happend, and you may be right about the attention thing.


Well-Known Member
Docking, urbandictionary it lol.
I get where you are coming from sunnyboy, but I just thought your time could be better spent tending to your plants instead of spamming the poor guy to death lol. If you think this is constructive use of your time then by all means carry on....
^shit I am pretty sure bmeat is out there somewhere lurking, and actually reading a lil for once lol


Sector 5 Moderator
And by the way, I have nothing against gays and lesbians. My second line supervisor is a lesbian and I have several friends that are lesbians, and probably a few gay friends too.


Active Member
I didn't see any of his offending posts. I just hang out in General and only occasionally visit TnT and staff. I see where you're coming from but you're taking revenge on him in a thread where he apologized. His girl really tore him up; he was in love with her, wanting to marry her but she literally kicked him out in the middle of the Alaskan winter with no place to go - with no notice. Not only that but he was facing two different charges and looking at spending some time in the gray bar hotel. AND he lost a $100,000/yr job. Thus, the drinking binge.
Yeah, it's been one hell of a year lol.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see any of his offending posts. I just hang out in General and only occasionally visit TnT and staff. I see where you're coming from but you're taking revenge on him in a thread where he apologized. His girl really tore him up; he was in love with her, wanting to marry her but she literally kicked him out in the middle of the Alaskan winter with no place to go - with no notice. Not only that but he was facing two different charges and looking at spending some time in the gray bar hotel. AND he lost a $100,000/yr job. Thus, the drinking binge.
Or so he says. That story is not consistent with someone that talks that way. And if it is.. well then I guess he deserved it. No?


Well-Known Member
Why can't you forgive someone for good reason?
he never asked me to forgive him. he is banned and comes in and throws out a blanket statement to make HIMSELF feel better. i never liked him from day one when he pranced in practically begging to be a moderator, abused sunni at every opportunity because imho she wasn't into him and his bullshit, oh lol and then how about when he decided he would stop hitting the LIKE button at 420 because he thought it was cool. i can go on and on for reasons i don't like him. i honestly don't understand why he's here and what it is about his nature that forces him to come here. all i can think of is he has no real life?

leopards don't change their spots


you can buy them online kron