Uncle Buck keeps telling people I was raped

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And also, everyone has the same rights on the site. Jackass

Wrong. You have no rights on this PRIVATE website. The operators and moderators can do what they want. Most of us think they have been VERY fair in their moderation.

But understanding the difference between public and private is something you will learn next year in 8th grade. Good luck in high school kiddo!
Wrong. You have no rights on this PRIVATE website. The operators and moderators can do what they want. Most of us think they have been VERY fair in their moderation.

But understanding the difference between public and private is something you will learn next year in 8th grade. Good luck in high school kiddo!
hey see4 a guy is trying to come sucker punch me over the internet.
Then you should have taken my apology bitch! You're asking to fight. Don't play chicken shit if you don't wanna get sucker punched

Wow. Internet tough guy, being an asshole to a girl. You must be so proud of yourself. What a loser.
Then you should have taken my apology bitch! You're asking to fight. Don't play chicken shit if you don't wanna get sucker punched

wtf is this shit dude?

Not cool man. To bad you didn't wrap your mustang around a pole and knock some fucking sense into your ass...
hey see4 a guy is trying to come sucker punch me over the internet.

Internet tough guys! The most formidable opponents known to all man!

I remember getting into a tussle in college with a loud mouth hockey kid... he was about 5'8" and maybe 160 pounds soaking wet.. and he was yelling at me from behind 4 of his friends.. saying he would knock me out if he could just get to me... sigh... tough guys.. there's always one in the bunch.

But hey ganja. Id be happy to entertain you thought... why don't you come to Boston.. I'll go a round with you..
You are a Mod, a Administrator's Child Puppet.

See4.... Love too. Pay for my plane Ticket I'm on my way.

There's always a guys in the bunch that is full of himself.

Nah. I wouldn't sucker punch Sunni. But, if she wants to talk like a dude on the sight, she'll get talked to like one. Simply put. That ain't no fuckin lady
See4.... Love too. Pay for my plane Ticket I'm on my way.

There's always a guys in the bunch that is full of himself.

Nah. I wouldn't sucker punch Sunni. But, if she wants to talk like a dude on the sight, she'll get talked to like one. Simply put. That ain't no fuckin lady

Sunni is not snooki.
See4.... Love too. Pay for my plane Ticket I'm on my way.

There's always a guys in the bunch that is full of himself.

Nah. I wouldn't sucker punch Sunni. But, if she wants to talk like a dude on the sight, she'll get talked to like one. Simply put. That ain't no fuckin lady

can't afford the plane ticket on your allowance i take it?
See4.... Love too. Pay for my plane Ticket I'm on my way.

There's always a guys in the bunch that is full of himself.

Nah. I wouldn't sucker punch Sunni. But, if she wants to talk like a dude on the sight, she'll get talked to like one. Simply put. That ain't no fuckin lady

I'm not full of myself. I just know I'm better than you at everything.

Lady or not, you should try treating people with respect. Sunni only got aggressive with you because you are being a dick. If you stop being a butthurt pussy, take a step back, and chill the fuck out, you would know she is actually doing you a favor. But you might be too stupid to realize this. So i dont know what to tell you.

PM your address and info, I will make you a ticket. I will even have someone come pick you up at the airport. We can go to Joe Lauzon's gym, its right around the corner from my office.
I'm not full of myself. I just know I'm better than you at everything.

Lady or not, you should try treating people with respect. Sunni only got aggressive with you because you are being a dick. If you stop being a butthurt pussy, take a step back, and chill the fuck out, you would know she is actually doing you a favor. But you might be too stupid to realize this. So i dont know what to tell you.

PM your address and info, I will make you a ticket. I will even have someone come pick you up at the airport. We can go to Joe Lauzon's gym, its right around the corner from my office.
My cousin lives out in Boston so while you're giving out tickets, hook me up. I'd love to see him and heard boston's pretty dope. I'll def spar with you if it means I get some free vaca out of it. haha
once again your fault buddy
once again its not us mods, not sure what you dont get by that we delete spam . thats all
Bullshit you fuckin liar. RIU has deleted me twice for arguing. It's not everyday a Mod comes on this site without something up their ass. But, when they do they pick on the people that haven't been here that long. Fuck you

that is being attacked, and unnecessary swearing at me.
I'm not full of myself. I just know I'm better than you at everything.

Lady or not, you should try treating people with respect. Sunni only got aggressive with you because you are being a dick. If you stop being a butthurt pussy, take a step back, and chill the fuck out, you would know she is actually doing you a favor. But you might be too stupid to realize this. So i dont know what to tell you.

PM your address and info, I will make you a ticket. I will even have someone come pick you up at the airport. We can go to Joe Lauzon's gym, its right around the corner from my office.

hahahaha, no shit? If you see Dan, tell him that Fat Tony says hi
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