I finally have my keyboard back on the bench and hooked up!
Have had it offline & stored away while I got the new cab above the computer desk finished up, and finally have it sealed up so any potential water spills won't drip onto anything (monitors, powerstrips, and my Akai MPK61 are under my grow cab).
Will be getting my fingers back in playing shape again (won't take long, since I play my bass a couple hours a day), and working on my songs.
Hopefully no more music from others for my grow vids from now on: it will all be my own auditory garbage accompanying my video schlockfests.
And: the wife & I have decided not to wait to start looking for a house.
After we contact our investor this coming week to find out how long it will take to liquidate investments & access our shekels, we begin the search.
Won't be the Taj Mahal, but it will be a house of our own.
Going to be a busy couple of months as we move forward on it, and we hope to find something in April or May that suits our needs & budget, so if all goes as hoped we'll be housebroken this summer.