Wealth distribution in the US


Well-Known Member
Also, just because you have as much rep as finnshaggy doesn't make you special to all the assholes on this thread. Just because you have a bunch of green dots by your name doesn't mean anything except that you have people as dumb as you who like you. I guess everyone has to fit in somewhere though. I am done here and next time I will have a mass troll, internet bully hating soldiers behind me.
You don't have enough socks for an army.


Well-Known Member
Vice President Biden and his entourage spent a little time in London in early February during his first foreign trip of the second term of the Obama administration. A document released today revealed that the cost of lodging in London alone was close to half a million dollars. The contract was awarded on January 30, 2013 to the Hyatt Regency London for a total of $459,388.65.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Talk about pigs at the trough.

Vice President Joe Biden spent more than $1 million for two nights in hotels in London and Paris, according to government documents.

Biden and his hefty entourage spent the night at two five-star hotels in early February - one night at the Hyatt Regency London for a total of $459,338.65 and another night at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand for $585,000.50.


Well-Known Member
Canna dont even waste your time on these fucks anymore. There are a whole lot better threads and if you keep comming at them they thrive off the attention because they get none at home where it counts. Here soon I will build a mass army on here that will dispose of these ignorant fools / internet bullies.
I hear the sounds of the distant drumming and awful thunder. Up boys, we march toward the gun fire!


Well-Known Member
nice citation by WhiterWoman and HemCock.

and by nice citation, i mean great job at lacking all citation whatsoever.

maybe quote some michelle bachmann debunked bullshit to really up the credibility factor, bigot crew!


Well-Known Member
yeah, not a single reputable outlet is carrying that story. but all the lunatic, right wing fringe trashbags that get debunked are running with it. awesome information consumption there.
So it must not be true if your favorite liberal media censors it? ..........lol.....


Well-Known Member
That exactly what I expected. He thinks he can dedicate what people can use as a source. Here's one from his liberal news source


way to showcase your hypocrisy and double standards, WhiterWoman!

all you're saying is that you're mad at the VP for being the VP! that's some indignant and manufactured outrage there!

these costs are par for the course in high-level international trips as they also include accommodations for staff, security details and military personnel.
“These costs are nothing out of the ordinary. They are in line with high-level travel across multiple administrations,” the State Department official said. *”The contract costs cover the entire range of support, including accommodations for military, communications, secret service staff, and other support professionals.* Security experts are also required to travel in advance of the president or vice president. Safety and security are not negotiable.”


Well-Known Member
considering that it's comparable to what any administration spends on security, your manufactured outrage reeks all the more of butthurt.
This is the first administration that could not afford white house tours and the easter egg roll on the white house lawn while spending millions on their own personal vacations and sending billions of bribe money to the middle east...



Well-Known Member
don't forget 200 million to the middle east while in sequester. Amazing how that happened.
And it just came out that they want to spend another 200 million to rehab GITMO... You know, the place the president closed on his first day of office.

Only 150 million was openly declared. It kinda just slipped out during testimony under oath that another 50 million was being spent without the publics knowledge..

Not to mention millions spent, robotic squirrels, studies of why lesbians are fatter than homosexuals on average, Billions to green energy companies that bundled for OBama, millions spent on ski trips to Aspen for Mrs. Obama, etc.

President Obama sure shows where his priorities are...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
how dare you challenge Bwana Obama!

Dont you know he's a "Constitutional Scholar"???? You have no right to question any of Bwana Obama's actions, since he is so much smarter and wiser and more handsome than you. Bwana Obama is our Beloved Leader, and his decisions are for the best.

Now get back to work and stop arguing with your betters, Bucky may be a castrated servant of his master Bwana Obama, but he is the Chief Eunuch, so at least thats something.