Making a living as a caregiver

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Exactly my point. While it is the only thing most know me for in here, it is only a small part of what I do... I have a web design company and am getting ready to open a small arms munition factory for example. As for my medical practice, again it is just a part of the services I do.

The point remains that we have our jobs to make income, and there are some things we are happy to get our costs covered with. Trying make a lot of money being a caregiver, growing only for 5 patients, is difficult.

Dr. Bob

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
In addition to being a caregiver and wanna be betta real estate investor, I enjoy other part time advocations like break-dancing at weddings, funerals and bar mitzvahs.

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
You mean like taking over certifications in Muskegon? Things like that Bloody? Jeeezzh you have any better things to do with your pathetic little life than follow me around?

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit confused how one can endorse paying for professional medical advice and then requiring that patient to obtain recommend medicine from hobbyists.


Well-Known Member
Funnier yet, that law was also written by lawyers (professionals) for lawyers at yet another huge cost to society. What about the patient/people paying all these professional fees for medicine they get from their neighbor? Am I missing something here? How do all these "professionals" justify their "costs" to the patients and caregivers?

In reality what matters more, the doc whom simply signs some paperwork or the caregiver providing the actual medicine?


Well-Known Member
Yes there is, it's called the "Prison Industrial Complex" system.
How can all the politicians whom have recently subsidize the creation of the "Prison Industrial Complex" now turn to legalize this plant and necessarily destroy it. As public companies the "Prison Industrial Complex" have now well documented this fact of the matter as it relates marijuana prohibition and their business model. Ain't transparency a bitch :eyesmoke:


Active Member
I let the market dictate what my patients pay. Seems like medical grade goes for 180-225/oz for licensed patients depending on how much they buy, at least around Grand Rapids. Prices change of course. Supply and demand. I am a capitalist who works in a sector with heavy regulations. If marijuana was unregulated pretty much all of us growers would go out of business by people with real money who could produce on a truly large scale. On top of that we wouldn't even need doctors to recommend. The way the rules are now doctors can offer a very valuable service. We need doctors, growers, grow stores, and all the little side businesses that pop up. Us growers aren't propping the cost of meds up because we're greedy. It's just what the market dictates.


Active Member
1st off- Let me say that- IMO- Cannabis should NOT be licensed and NOT limited to Med users-- it should be exactly the same as tobacco products... Period.

That said:
Caregivers are SUPPOSED to be there to HELP people, not only by supplying their medication, but by being informed on different types of meds, what they are used for and how they effect some people differently than others...
if you do not know these things, you CAN and WILL hurt a patient. We had a friend take-up a patient because her dumbass caregiver gave her Jack-the ripper... she's an 80 year old heart patient!

Yes- It can supplement your income... but it varies grow to grow..

THE #1 thing is QUALITY... if it isn't up to Med standards, it shouldn't go out the door.

We grow as organically as possible, because we are trying to stay away from ANYTHING that may leave behind any residue that may effect us... chemical RX is what we are trying to get away from, what add chemicals back in the mix? ya know?
That isn't saying all meds have to be organic- but it is a consideration for any REAL caregiver.

Sometimes crops fail, or shit goes wrong and yields are crap... but you still supply your Patients.
Some months you may see a profit, others you may not... especially if you have bulbs to replace, or a fan poops out on you etc...
a lot rests in where you live what you grow (according to request or needs of the patient) and what equipment you use due to availability AND YOUR abilities!

If you aren't making the patients your #1 consideration above all else- you are NOT a caregiver, you are a Pot grower/dealer-- whether you managed to get licensed or not.


Well-Known Member
Your law was modeled exactly after our Rhode Island laws with plant limits, patient limits etc so you can make a living. Just remember that it is work. Hard work. You become a farmer and a slave to the garden.
whats wrong with being a farmer ? Fact of the matter is we have the most productive farmers in the world, and they are relegated to the bottom of the $$$ food chain. Fact is some people are naturally good at growing things. Farming on a minimal margin is a fact of life and does not make a person a slave to the garden. The cause for that is stupidity.


Active Member
To supply a Med user with the legal 2.5oz every 2 weeks- that should be ONE plant per month per patient under a 1000w HPS per every 3-4 plants.... Vegged under CFL's, T5's or HPS for 6-8 weeks


Active Member
Is it not possible to offer and honest service to your patients while still turning a profit. Can't a caregiver supply their five patients with the meds they want for a fair market price even if doing so means that caregiver is able to support themselves and their family. Why does it have to be one or the other. Can't they do both. There is room for varying sizes of grows under the law. I don't see any problem with a caregiver who is able to grow seventy-two plants and in doing so is able to support their family. I don't even see any problem with a caregiver who wants to charge six hundred an ounce. Patients or there caretakers can choose the caregiver that fits what they're looking for.

Do I think there are caregivers that knowingly try to take advantage of patients yes. Are there caregivers who try to pass B grade buds for AAA grade yes. Is any caregiver who is able to support there family operating within the law doing either of those two things, not necessarily.