Your thoughts on genetically modified Food ?

I'm going to have to get through this thread when I have time.
Grow as much of your own as you can... pretty much.
Don't put food in your gas tank.
UB- there are a whole shitload of small farmers being sued by Monsanto because the pollen from a Monsanto-owned field was close enough to have pollinated the small farms crops. Not proven- but possible enough that Monsanto has WON some of these lawsuits over "stolen property" (their pollen) and forced the Farmers to Give up their saved-seeds for next years crops (as they now supposedly contain Monsanto genetics) AND pay Court costs, fees and fines...

One of our neighbors is going through it right now...

Yeah- Monsanto- Great people ... NOT!

Not trying to start anything, I would like to read about this.
I have interests in farms, btw.
So here something that would creep me out if I lived in a state like Nebraska "corn states" quote from Effects of Bt corn on nontarget insectsIn May 1999, a laboratory at Cornell University published the results from a laboratory trial that appeared to indicate the pollen of genetically modified Bt corn presented a threat to monarch caterpillars. Unlike many pesticides, the Bt-corn has been shown to have no effect on many "nontarget" organisms -- pollinators such as honeybees or beneficial predators of pests like ladybugs. ..

Keeping a proper frame of reference, that BT corn is a lot more selective than broadcast spraying a corn field with BT every 3-7 days, Pyrethrums or OrganoPhosphates. during silking. Even though BT is specifc to caterpillars, the act of spraying because of the use of surfactants, stickers, or oils will drown a bunch of insects. Since most people don't like worms in their corn which is the preferred method?
You guys should watch food inc. It is a well made documentary on where the food in our supermarkets come from. Its on netflix
GM foods sure beat starvation.

And yet the evidence that GM foods increase yield is seriously lacking.

The human ego knows no boundaries. 15 years ago we thought 90% of the DNA in the mitochondria was "junk DNA". We know differently now. But we're good to go on engineering and introducing new species of life? Unfortunately this mentality is probably going to kill us all. Gotta go extinct sometime anyway.
if we weren't meant to mess with nature why did we evolve thumbs?

just because normally evolution takes billions of years doesn't mean it cant occur faster, in science we call these variables. are we not the human variable? is our interaction with the universe not natural? even if it means our own destruction?

come to terms with nature and you will have come to terms with science. our "science" is just a part of nature, on a large scale you could just say humans are just groups of molecules that preforms a specific job on earth.

so our creation of GMO and everything else we have created are completely natural and a part of evolution.

to be precise we are not the only organism nor wil we be the last, to alter our environment in order to survive.

And foolish is the person who thinks he can control variables and predict outcomes consistently. Computer programs regularly are fucked up. DNA is infinitely more complicated.
They're destroying the health of humanity and destroying nature.

Devils advocate time: You destroy nature every time you chop down a cannabis plant and then smoke it. Does that make you any better? I figured that since the 200+ page monsanto thread is being repeated, I might as well toss in something to contemplate. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong, am just curious on the mentality behind your statements and if there's going to be a double standard.
Devils advocate time: You destroy nature every time you chop down a cannabis plant and then smoke it. Does that make you any better? I figured that since the 200+ page monsanto thread is being repeated, I might as well toss in something to contemplate. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong, am just curious on the mentality behind your statements and if there's going to be a double standard.

I don't destroy the health of humanity.

Also, if someone were to grow their own marijuana crop and then use it for their personal use, that's not destroying nature. In fact, it's adding to nature because you grew it. Why would you have to destroy the whole plant anyways just to get the bud? On top of that, marijuana plants are in abundance and killing one plant would do nothing to the entire species. GMO's contaminate soil and alter nature in a negative way just so that a bunch of dickheads can make a profit, and then they don't even make it required to label them (but will soon).
I don't destroy the health of humanity.

Also, if someone were to grow their own marijuana crop and then use it for their personal use, that's not destroying nature. In fact, it's adding to nature because you grew it. Why would you have to destroy the whole plant anyways just to get the bud? On top of that, marijuana plants are in abundance and killing one plant would do nothing to the entire species. GMO's contaminate soil and alter nature in a negative way just so that a bunch of dickheads can make a profit, and then they don't even make it required to label them (but will soon).

So you pick your bud off the plant and then re-veg it? Marijuana could be wiped out with massive hemp seed which would make the plant sterile. As for GMOs, that's why many also have additional lights and have indoor grows w/heirloom seeds guaranteed to be natural - you know what goes into it, and what's coming out as a result.
So you pick your bud off the plant and then re-veg it? Marijuana could be wiped out with massive hemp seed which would make the plant sterile. As for GMOs, that's why many also have additional lights and have indoor grows w/heirloom seeds guaranteed to be natural - you know what goes into it, and what's coming out as a result.

I don't grow, but the concept of growing marijuana plants being equivilent to planting cropfields of GMO's is inaccurate. And are you referring to what would happen if hemp was made legal? I disagree, it used to be legal and was used for many things, yet marijuana is still here today, still in abundance. Besides, if marijuana was also legal to grow, both female and male plants would be EVERYWHERE.

Want to stimulate the economy? Legalize hemp. But the powers that be don't want that, they thrive off of a poor economy because it means less for everyone else and more for them.
I don't grow, but the concept of growing marijuana plants being equivilent to planting cropfields of GMO's is inaccurate. And are you referring to what would happen if hemp was made legal? I disagree, it used to be legal and was used for many things, yet marijuana is still here today, still in abundance. Besides, if marijuana was also legal to grow, both female and male plants would be EVERYWHERE.

Want to stimulate the economy? Legalize hemp. But the powers that be don't want that, they thrive off of a poor economy because it means less for everyone else and more for them.

One in the same, if you look at the Monsanto thread where Monsanto wants to grow GM cannabis too... and by hemp, was referring to the hemp that's generally used for rope, oils, and seeds.. not cannabis. I agree that they should stimulate the economy by legalizing cannabis, no dispute there.
One in the same, if you look at the Monsanto thread where Monsanto wants to grow GM cannabis too... and by hemp, was referring to the hemp that's generally used for rope, oils, and seeds.. not cannabis. I agree that they should stimulate the economy by legalizing cannabis, no dispute there.

Hemp would literally revolutionize the planet, it has many more uses than just rope and oils. I don't agree with anything Monsanto does, and that includes GM cannabis. Nothing in nature needs to be genetically modified. Nothing.
Hemp would literally revolutionize the planet, it has many more uses than just rope and oils. I don't agree with anything Monsanto does, and that includes GM cannabis. Nothing in nature needs to be genetically modified. Nothing.

I agree with you that it doesn't need to be, but some seem to like it and it seems to be accepted in some areas more than others. If Monsanto gets any form of approval to make GE cannabis.. find me a lab in a neutral country that's pro-cannabis, and we'll create a monsanto killer. :D
I agree with you that it doesn't need to be, but some seem to like it and it seems to be accepted in some areas more than others. If Monsanto gets any form of approval to make GE cannabis.. find me a lab in a neutral country that's pro-cannabis, and we'll create a monsanto killer. :D

I would say the only people who agree with Monsanto are either misinformed, benefitting from them, or just have no regard for nature, or other people for that matter. Another problem is awareness, but a lot more people are starting to oppose GMO's as well as many other things.
I agree with you that it doesn't need to be, but some seem to like it and it seems to be accepted in some areas more than others. If Monsanto gets any form of approval to make GE cannabis.. find me a lab in a neutral country that's pro-cannabis, and we'll create a monsanto killer. :D

The only reason anything has been genetically modified for commercial use is because it's patentable. Take that away and there's no incentive and huge liabilities (they're also protected against liabilities too, the GMO producers).