World Of Hempy

Moebius, beautiful roots! Nice and bright white too :D

When I first saw them I thought it was mold like you get on bread. I re-focused my eyes and saw it was fine hair.... I'm 100% certain its because of drying out. .. Ive produced over 200 from the Aero off the same Mom and never seen that before.
When I first saw them I thought it was mold like you get on bread. I re-focused my eyes and saw it was fine hair.... I'm 100% certain its because of drying out. .. Ive produced over 200 from the Aero off the same Mom and never seen that before.

It's quite possible, but still very healthy - not the slightest bit of discoloration that I could find.. not that I'd critique root colors of yours anyway.. lol
Moe I use shredded paper in my raised beds and make paper pots, you can even make them from paper pulp like the ones u used...I have some blown in cellulose insulation in the basement I will add to my compost pile this year...But I bet if you put card board through a shredder like paper it would work.
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, I broke a 3 foot florescent light today, it some of the bulb fell on my plants? am I in trouble? I cleaned most of it up, but some did lind in flower pots, I scraped it off the top and threw it away...
Those cardboard cup things work really well for cloning. ... I had so many clones from my Aero's I had forgotten and not checked on these for a week. The CoCo in the cup was virtually dry but the cardboard remained damp. ... I think the drying has produced the super fine hairs you may be able to see in the close-up.





Those babies are screamin "Feed ME", they look good and healthy. They are ready for the pot and it's Grow Time.
hey guys can anyone tell me what does a pollen sac look like on a hermie before its about to open up? or an idea of the size the sac looks like? Just monitoring my girls and found 2 other plants with the little nanners sticking out. Im staying calm, just picking them as I see them....but would like to know what they look like ripe or what a plant looks like when its been polinated.
When I first saw them I thought it was mold like you get on bread. I re-focused my eyes and saw it was fine hair.... I'm 100% certain its because of drying out. .. Ive produced over 200 from the Aero off the same Mom and never seen that before.

I'd say that confirms that plants will throw an extreme amount of hairs off the roots in an attempt to locate water/food. After reading about this I now feed ever 3 days to give them that extra day to search. I figure that once I feed they consume everything with force. I'm thinking my next round will consist of the room split in half. One side gets water/nutes every 2 days, the other gets it every 3. See which thrives and yields better :) Peace!!

Did an update also. One day shy of 6 weeks :)

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Wow Shaggin looking great...I'm impressed...

Thank you :)

As to getting bits of flouro glass in your pots. I'd just make sure you have removed most so that you don't cut yourself. Lightbulb glass is extremely sharp, like a deep papercut that drives ya nutz. If the powder from the tube got sprinkled onto the canopy, I'd personally spray the plants with plain water to just get it off their leaves. Peace!!
Ahhh Shaggn you are the one on exact same day of flower as me. Looking awesome dude!

Tboss pollinated buds will have withered pistils...not orange but strait withered. Afull on pollen sack looks like a very small greenunopened flower bud..when they open they are very small flowers with petals and stamen ect and you will see pollen. The bananas are harder to tell when they have dropped pollen nless you see pollen. Rest assured that if you are fnding multiple nanners that you have a bt of pollen...sometimes selfed pollen is sterile though. A bud that has been pollenated will have withered pistils and when seeds are growing you will notice calyxes that look much more swollen and pointy than the rest.

Ok so question for you guys....I went to spray greencure for the bits of PM I found. Decided to do all the plants as a preventative....When i noticed that not ONE'of my plants from seed had even a speck of mildew while my cutting plants (3 strains) had bits of it.....

Do you guys think from seed plants are just stronger and more resistant?
Ahhh Shaggn you are the one on exact same day of flower as me. Looking awesome dude!

Ok so question for you guys....I went to spray greencure for the bits of PM I found. Decided to do all the plants as a preventative....When i noticed that not ONE'of my plants from seed had even a speck of mildew while my cutting plants (3 strains) had bits of it.....

Do you guys think from seed plants are just stronger and more resistant?

Haha, I was trying to figure out whom it was that was on the same day as me. Thanks for the compliment, I will hopefully only have a slight loss in yield after having to put them outside in freezing temps (North). Nothing I could do about it and anything at this point is better than nothing at all :) Just glad they survived and surprisngly enough haven't shown any herms or tendency towards it, after their chill.

As to your PM issue. I had 8 strains going and had a major PM issue. I had 2 strains directly next to some PM infested plants and not a speck on them. I think some are just overly immune to PM just like some are immune to mites/thrips etc. I'm not sure that a seedling would be strong enough as it hasn't completely adapted to everything. Would lean more towards that/those strains/phenos being more immune to PM than the others. This is just my opinion as to my own experiences with battling the dreaded PM. Peace!!
Woohooo page 420!!!!

So the plants i hit with pk 13/14 last night ....noticable swelling/firming. Also noticing a load of new pistils...while this does happen i can almost swear PK has something to do with this. I left one plant that is identical in number of branches and size to another of the same strain un PKd. little informal science at weigh in.securedownload-383.jpg nice hps effect its almost glowing..fuzzy root hairs...the bottom of these are covered in plastic right now so i think it is the humid air that causes such fuzziness aka searching for moisture for sure securedownload-739.jpgsecuredownload-468.jpgsecuredownload-345.jpgsecuredownload-467.jpgsecuredownload-477.jpgsecuredownload-359.jpg


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Im using a 400 to test it out on and if it works good i'm gonna use it under a 600 as well. I'm going to water by hand until I can figure out what the timer cycle should be. It holds water so well it seems like should only be every few days. is it impossible to over water in coco mulch? Do all the rules that apply to coco also apply to mulch? and if I had perlite at the bottom and coco at the top and the perlite dries faster I could dry out my lower root mass while drowning the upper? am I making it more complicated than it needs to be? I really want to make the hempy style work. it seems forgiving. I appreciate the help.
Ahhh Shaggn you are the one on exact same day of flower as me. Looking awesome dude!

Tboss pollinated buds will have withered pistils...not orange but strait withered. Afull on pollen sack looks like a very small greenunopened flower bud..when they open they are very small flowers with petals and stamen ect and you will see pollen. The bananas are harder to tell when they have dropped pollen nless you see pollen. Rest assured that if you are fnding multiple nanners that you have a bt of pollen...sometimes selfed pollen is sterile though. A bud that has been pollenated will have withered pistils and when seeds are growing you will notice calyxes that look much more swollen and pointy than the rest.

Ok so question for you guys....I went to spray greencure for the bits of PM I found. Decided to do all the plants as a preventative....When i noticed that not ONE'of my plants from seed had even a speck of mildew while my cutting plants (3 strains) had bits of it.....

Do you guys think from seed plants are just stronger and more resistant?

Thanks for the answer. They are popping up in low numbers, but I am not seeing any sacs, just the little nanners. I am hoping they can atleast remain low and managable until I start harvesting by thursday. I spent some time patching up some light leaks this evening and im hoping the next go round I wont have this problem. before I could see my hand in front of my face with the lights off but now I cant.
Shaggin, thanks for the advice on the glass, I'm not good with broken glass, but I did manage to clean it up, I was worried about it hitting the plants, I did dump the top coco from most of them just in case. Put a fan on and blew thw hell out of there..I was afraid of the chemicals in my air
Im using a 400 to test it out on and if it works good i'm gonna use it under a 600 as well. I'm going to water by hand until I can figure out what the timer cycle should be. It holds water so well it seems like should only be every few days. is it impossible to over water in coco mulch? Do all the rules that apply to coco also apply to mulch? and if I had perlite at the bottom and coco at the top and the perlite dries faster I could dry out my lower root mass while drowning the upper? am I making it more complicated than it needs to be? I really want to make the hempy style work. it seems forgiving. I appreciate the help.

Ross, it would be very hard to over water with the Hempy Method. The hole in the bucket prevents that from happening, as such the perlite will not dry up in the bottom of your containers as it is in the resivoir area.
page 420! im still tuned in and have a few hempys going, will post up when they're flowering nice. Put one into coco and one into perlite, we will see which does better
so hey guys i love hempy and everything, but love the air pruning idea with smart pots... so say you had a run to waste drip ring setup on some coco-hempys, with an air floor and the air pots. the air floor would need to double as a drain and be designed so that the pots will block the light out of the resevoir. anyways i want to try and figure out a good medium to use for a dripper setup, as i already have a pump and a res, and my room is very hard to reach the back of (4.5 feet away from door, no way to go to the side of it cause its deep closet). I figure each dripper can have its own ball valve to adjust water feed rates and i have good digital timers to set up good watering timings down to 1 minute. my hope is that i'll be able to do a few hempys on the closer side and mess with the dripper rings in the back. just curious as to what other people think of the idea of being able to water a plant that is unreachable, and also how to incorporate hempy wicking with air pots. Maybe it would be that the hempy would need a longer water retaining medium like maybe string some rockwool fiber in with the coco, so the plants wont dry out too much, or if its a better idea to just water more frequently and still use air pots so that you water even more frequently. i know i blabbered a lot there but please any ideas on this is appreciated..