I've spent many many hours on research, self-experimentation, and even being the "Natural Doctor" for the family and friends and to this day-and no, I am not exaggerating-none of us have experienced a negative side-effect of natural medicines and super high vitamin supplement dosages; only positive side-effects, some of which have included healing an infection that antibiotics couldn't (I had epididymitis for 4 months and nothing worked except 6 cloves of organic garlic every day for two weeks), anxiety and depression (1,500-3,000mg of Niacin daily), and the beginning of autoimmune syndrome (changed the diet!).
What is your son's diet 80% of the time?
How long has he had these symptoms?
What was his health prior to the onset of his symptoms?
You can pm me if you like.
I am a HUGE, let me say that again,
HUGE advocate of natural healing through the right kind of diet and supplementation (no, not one of those freaks who only consumes vitamins/minerals and skips real veggies, fruit and meat). Our health really does come from the inside out. And what I mean by that is you keep your gut happy and free of holes (drop the wheat, beans, and legumes) and your blood sugar low (for the love of whatever spirit you believe in, drop ALL the sugar. Use non-pasteurized honey for hot drinks and coconut palm sugar for a regular sugar replacement).
Start eating a Paleolithic diet. Eat what our human ancestors ate for the hundreds of thousands of years our species has been around and have adapted to. Our grain, corn, soy, and dairy based diet is only an est. 10,000 years young...our Homo Sapien DNA isn't largely built for the food we consume today-especially the one the wheat and dairy industry try and push on us. We've been around for 3-400,000 years subsisting off of vegetables, fruit, nuts/seeds, bugs (yes we have, but you don't have to

) and meat-we are meant to eat this way. Look at our current disease trend in North America, something is wrong with the base roots of our health-our diet. Why the heck are dogs and cats getting cancer and other human diseases? Look at the food we feed them. Would a dog naturally eat a corn husk in the wild? A cat munch on rice? They would eat cats and rats respectively
For those who have Netflix: Food Matters and Hungry for Change
And for anyone who is curious as to what my and my family's diet is: Paleo based 80-90% of the time (I love me a good pizza and toasted tomato sandwich!), and an extraordinary amount of organic veggies and fruit-probably close to $40 (Canadian that is) a week alone for veggies and fruit that are juiced daily and grass fed, hormone/antibiotic free meat. Add in that about 50% of daily calories come from fat (organic coconut and olive oil) and you've got a head of hair that will make a lion envious!!
It is a little bit more expensive to eat this way but from my point of view, one less bottle of wine, 10 meals a week at home and not having to buy the latest gadgets on sale certainly pays off in the way you look and feel!
Don't lose faith in being able to heal naturally. It is a new (well, we've been healing ourselves naturally forever

) way of healing but I have every single bit of confidence and experience that changing your diet and supplementing vitamins in a mega dosage, disease/illness based way is the best way to go.
I hope your son is feeling better soon
Google Niacin and the founder of AA, you'll see

Google the RDA of vitamin D3 and compare that with what our ancestors received (in the hood around 10,000-20,000 UI a day)- I supplement 6,000-10,000 UI a day
Oh yeah, another point! Drink water till your blue in the face