6 weeks flowering - not sure if they look okay?


flower tops.pngflower tops2.pngflower tops 3.pngfull grow.png

First of all, let me apologize for the crappy picture angles and quality, had to get the pics on my laptop

So i'm on week 6 of flowering
Under 300w (Actual) CFL lamps at 6400K (know this isn't ideal but as i've said already can't afford to change the lighting and stupidly thought it wouldn't matter when i set up the grow, hoping that pure wattage will pull me through)
Vegged the girls for 5 weeks with coco grow nutes and been using a high P nute my Grandparents make themselves for their garden since flowering began
Noticed the leaves coming off the flowers have started to form trichs and some on the larger fan leaves (they're small, and still clinging to the surface but the odd one is starting to stand up (still clear at this stage, but i'd be worried if they were clouding up based on those buds)

When should i start to expect the buds to swell? According to the seed store i bought them from they're 6-9 week flowers so have planned to flower for another 3 weeks (but i'm patient, already put 11 weeks into this so a few extra aint gonna hurt)

Cheers for any help in advance,
PTB :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They look pretty small but OK for a minimum of CFL's. They seem to have good color. I know you have $ constraints but if you could switch to 2700 K bulbs and run another month I think it would more than pay off the cost of a few bulbs.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
They look like they've been in 12/12 for 2 weeks. Are they in complete darkness when lights are off?

redeye jedi88

Active Member
forget about what the breeder says your never going to achieve what they said thats based on optimal conditions to get proper dense nugs your gona have to invest in a hps using cfl's is gona take at least a week longer aswell


They look pretty small but OK for a minimum of CFL's. They seem to have good color. I know you have $ constraints but if you could switch to 2700 K bulbs and run another month I think it would more than pay off the cost of a few bulbs.

Good Luck
they're tied down, one on the left was 12" tall when put to flower, one on the right was 10", got both of them growing at right angles to maximize light reaching lower flowers
Will try and get the $$$ together for more lighting,

They look like they've been in 12/12 for 2 weeks. Are they in complete darkness when lights are off?
thought they looked very premature, and its blacked out completely, can't see a thing when i open the grow at "night" (which is actually night time 8pm-8am)


redeye didn't know that about CFL's! knew i was gonna get poorer yields but setting up a cooling system for HPS was too complicated for a beginner like me ;)

Will definitely get some for the next effort!


Active Member
Always add about another 2 weeks onto the breeders "flowering time"....as they grow under "perfect" conditions.
They look a little small for 6 weeks flowering, but with CFL's I guess that they are normal. Should switch them to 2700k though, instead of 6500k. Make sure there is absolutely no light leaks during the 12 hour period of darkness or it can delay your time up to aprox 3 weeks. Anyhow, I think they have a ways to go yet..maybe a month - month and a half.


Active Member
Also, sorry forgot to add...with the browning..make sure during the flowering cycle you are feeding them food high in "P"..then make sure you flush before harvest (aprox 2 weeks in soil, 1 week in hydro)

redeye jedi88

Active Member
a little tent and a 250w hps with fan and filter simple to setup wont have no heat issues and you will be amazed with the difference in yield you will get off that


Well-Known Member
That's not normal for CFL's My very first grow. All CFL 207 actual watts. IIRC it was just over an ounce and a half from the two. I believe these pictures were taken around 60ish days of 12/12



Got hold of a couple of extra bulbs and sockets, 60 watt CFL 2700k and a 45 watt 2700k

put them in at the beginning of last week and seen serious bud growth since!
Unfortunately i didn't clock that the new bulbs would be just as hot as the main bulb so had them a little too close :wall:
only lost one of the smaller flowers to the bulbs though! and a few old dying fan leaves got hit

thanks all!


Active Member
Got hold of a couple of extra bulbs and sockets, 60 watt CFL 2700k and a 45 watt 2700k

put them in at the beginning of last week and seen serious bud growth since!
Unfortunately i didn't clock that the new bulbs would be just as hot as the main bulb so had them a little too close :wall:
only lost one of the smaller flowers to the bulbs though! and a few old dying fan leaves got hit

thanks all!
Dont sweat the CFL burn...happens to all of us who use cfl's...You place the light 2 inches aways....It grows 2.2 inches that day, and right into the light, and boom its burned...Those newer cfls will really help...Good Luck