• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The dumbest thing you've ever done while high


Well-Known Member
Working underground on a VEPCO dam project, drilling and blasting in total darkness except for our mining lights, made for a great light show, so many shadows, colors, mist of drill oil in the air, ear plugs blocking out the sounds of deafening jack-legs.
The down side? The dude that turned me on, didn't have such a good trip so I ended up having to hold his hand, the up side? He was my shift(er) boss. that was one swing shift that seemed to last a lifetime...:eyesmoke:

Super Toker

Active Member
I got stoned at a friends house in the mountains who had horses,and when his Dad left he said lets go ride one. I jumped on ones back with no saddle and grabbed it by the main and kicked it pretty hard and it took off haulin ass. I tried to get it to slow down but ,no chance of that. I jumped off after 50 or 60 ft and wiped out and took off running to the fence because the damn horse turned around and was trying to bite me LMAO!! Ive never forgot that and laugh every time I think about it.


Well-Known Member
How many time do you re-wash a load of clothes because you forgot them in the washer for a couple days?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
We used a VW Thing to transport the cow, lucky for us it didn't mind riding in the back.
PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!! OMG! I can see three polluted guys trying to squeeze a recalcitrant bovine into a ratty ole Thing! OH I bet that was hysterical. Oh and your pic looks like it came from a 110 camera, was it?

Good times, except for that crap they called disco...


Global Moderator
Staff member
Two things that include livestock.

#1) When I was around 12 my family took a vacation & we got to visit my “blood brother” best friend on his grandparents farm in Northern Fla. While there we noticed a mule hanging around the fence (hoping for a piece of fruit or something) & my buddy grabbed a bridle & put it over his head. The mule stood calmly (chewing his apple) while we fiddled with the buckles – once we figured we were good we both climbed on the fence & dropped onto his bare back.

:shock: Bad mistake !

That mule took off across a freshly plowed bean field at breakneck speed – my buddy (he was driving, honest officer) hauled back hard on the reins to get him to stop.

:shock: Second mistake !

The damn mule simply spit out the bit (we didn’t have the behind the ear strap tight enough) and then the fucker picked up even more speed.
By this time I’d had enough & thought the dirt we were speeding over looked particularly tasty so I dove off & got a mouth full.

Long story short, mules can be mean tempered, and sneaky.
Trust'em like you would a fart.


Well-Known Member
PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!! OMG! I can see three polluted guys trying to squeeze a recalcitrant bovine into a ratty ole Thing! OH I bet that was hysterical. Oh and your pic looks like it came from a 110 camera, was it?

Good times, except for that crap they called disco...
We just lowered the tailgate and it stepped up into the car.
She didn't take the corners too well so we let her out about a 1/2 mile from where we found her.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Livestock storys, take 2.

I was on a large (white needle of death) ship in the late 70’s when we pulled into Kingston Jamaica, and a couple of buddies and I acquired the services of a young tour guide and cab for our adventures.
After numerous bars, gallons of Red Stripe Beer, a dozen spliff's and wayyy more 5 Star Rum that one should see in an evening we discover that though we can see the ship down in the harbor our cab & driver had disappeared so we start weaving in that direction.
After what seems like miles of stumbling around in the dark I spot a broken down horse standing by the side of the road & after a quick “corner & grab” now have an alternate means of transportation.
I think this nag was part mule too, as it didn’t want to go anywhere, but a little ear gnawing convinced him to listen to me & we got to the head of the pier where I released him.

The next morning at “quarters” one of our buddies had 2 black eyes & blood still coming out of his nose. When asked what happened his response was classic !

“Dude, I was coming back to the ship when a horse came up the road so I grabbed it & tried to ride it back – I don’t know what it was mad about, but it handed me my own ASS”

Damn, I think I pissed a bit just thinking of this story again.


Well-Known Member
Some buddies and I went to spend a few days at a cabin in Kentucky in the late 70's. We got there at sunset tripping balls on 4-way windowpane (L-25), the most potent acid around. Well we went down to the dock to do a little catfishing in the dark, and we all were sitting in lawnchairs casting off the side of the dock parallel to shore. Well we immediately all started getting "bites" as our rod tips kept "moving", because we were Seriously Trippin Balls. Never caught a fish but we sat there quite a while "getting bites" and it was blowing our minds that we could not hook one as we were getting constant bites.

One guy eventually went back to the cabin to get a strong flashlight for something and when he returned he shined the light in the direction we were casting and we discovered all 4 of us had been casting back on dry land where a little spit stuck out from shore. All 4 lines ended up at an impaled nightcrawler crawling around on the grass about 50' away.

Not the stupidest but the funniest, we laughed our trippin asses off.


Well-Known Member
Passed a broiler pan from an mitten covered hand to a bare hand because the spatula was on the mitten side of you (happened today) smh


Well-Known Member
I've done a lot of small, idiotic things... like looking in my rearview mirror at a red light and stopping for a good 10-15 seconds before I realized I wasn't looking through my windshield. Or walking into a girls bathroom at a movie theatre. Or blacking out from hash, first falling on a tent, and then coming to leaning on the hood of someone's car. Still to this day the highest I've ever been, including my first time.


Sector 5 Moderator
Some buddies and I went to spend a few days at a cabin in Kentucky in the late 70's. We got there at sunset tripping balls on 4-way windowpane (L-25), the most potent acid around. Well we went down to the dock to do a little catfishing in the dark, and we all were sitting in lawnchairs casting off the side of the dock parallel to shore. Well we immediately all started getting "bites" as our rod tips kept "moving", because we were Seriously Trippin Balls. Never caught a fish but we sat there quite a while "getting bites" and it was blowing our minds that we could not hook one as we were getting constant bites.

One guy eventually went back to the cabin to get a strong flashlight for something and when he returned he shined the light in the direction we were casting and we discovered all 4 of us had been casting back on dry land where a little spit stuck out from shore. All 4 lines ended up at an impaled nightcrawler crawling around on the grass about 50' away.

Not the stupidest but the funniest, we laughed our trippin asses off.
I used to love to watch the walls breath when I was doing acid. I've done my share of windowpane, Ousley, various "barrel", microdots, and others. The best named one was "Turkish Black Death"; I dropped two of them at the Byron Pop Festival; man I was flying!!!