FinShaggy for President

Who wants that? It's supposed to snow for Christmas. And I don't think extending the year because it will "work on a few marketing levels" is even remotely a good idea.

Extending the year for marketing purposes isn't the main focus - the main focus is 1 day of everything completely shut down to do what you want, even if what you want is to sleep 20 hours in a soundproof room.
Extending the year for marketing purposes isn't the main focus - the main focus is 1 day of everything completely shut down to do what you want, even if what you want is to sleep 20 hours in a soundproof room.
Ok but we need that to fit within the current solar year. We can't just change the solar year because it works for marketing, that would be stupid.
Maybe just have fun day once a month, on the last Sunday. Or even just every Sunday, but then we need to create a good organization to replace the closed church. A group of people willing to work on Funday to keep those happy who still wish to go to a place of "worship" or "community" on their funday.
Ok but we need that to fit within the current solar year. We can't just change the solar year because it works for marketing, that would be stupid.

Nope, we're violating solar year concepts to ensure Funday is weekly. If people don't like it, we can ship them to a country that doesn't want Funday.
Nope, we're violating solar year concepts to ensure Funday is weekly. If people don't like it, we can ship them to a country that doesn't want Funday.

It can be weekly, just can't make the year longer. Has to replace a current day.
We need to fix the government, not our measurement of years.

It would be fixed, the measurement of years has nothing to really do with the change of status quo I mention - tis merely a byproduct of the many other massive changes that would come into play.
It would be fixed, the measurement of years has nothing to really do with the change of status quo I mention - tis merely a byproduct of the many other massive changes that would come into play.

We can't just change years. If you want to make a new calendar make a new calendar, but don't try to warp the one we have.
We can't just change years. If you want to make a new calendar make a new calendar, but don't try to warp the one we have.

Oh yes, we can do whatever I wish.. as long as the states in the US are happy with it. If they don't want the shift, they can lose out on Funday and get fucked into working a 70-80 hour, 7 day a week salary job. It's their choice.
Oh yes, we can do whatever I wish.. as long as the states in the US are happy with it. If they don't want the shift, they can lose out on Funday and get fucked into working a 70-80 hour, 7 day a week salary job. It's their choice.

They won't want funday, it changes our whole system. They wouldn't know when to meet, or when to hold elections. Everything would change if we had 52 extra days in every year.
They won't want funday, it changes our whole system. They wouldn't know when to meet, or when to hold elections. Everything would change if we had 52 extra days in every year.

Disagreed, only those who'd have issues understanding said concepts would have been stopped by live fire at the border... which brings me to the immigration (non)issue.