Well-Known Member
OK--no more leaf cutting. Thanks.
i hope tek dont get upset about me intercepting his ? but i dont want your plants to be stretching ,the lights you need are from walmart 42w cfls the fixtures at lowes its a clamp and it has chrome half dome get one on each plant good luck bro ,,,Tek, I hope you are still checking this thread. Can you tell me where you got the extra lights for your setup??? I know I can get the bulbs anywhere, but what about the actual fixtures they are in? The hydro shops only have the high pressure (and high dollar) stuff. I can't seem to find the fixtures for everyday CFL's anywhere. I need the reflector, outlet, cord, etc... Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I started 3 of my 5 LR2s on May 9th. Two are great, with big leaves and 6 nodes each so far, with the 3rd lagging behind for some unknown reason. Wish I had pictures but my bro has my camera. Thanks for all the help.
use tapwater that has been sitting out for about 2-3 days so all the chlorine will evaporatei really cant get my hands on distilled water sooo can i use tap water or bottled water?
please every one do we need to make it any easier for 5-0 (pol-ice) to intercept your hard earned $ think of it like christmas day dont ask ? just sit your in a hurry self down and wait for your presents ,,,Teknique70 ... earlier you said how the packaging from dope-seeds.com wasnt really discreet. i was thinking of buying some seeds from there and i was just wondering what the package looked like and what was the giveaways (i live with my mum and if she found out :0 lol)
The strain is AK47. I have the FF feeding schedule but stupidly have not followed it closely. I used FF grow big for the veg stage and switched to FF Big bloom & tiger bloom for the flowering stage. I have never done a reservoir change. My PH is between 5.8 & 6.3. I never changed the res. during my last grow and it was successfull but I only had two females. This time I have five though two are real small. Does it make any difference if I do a res. change at the start of a light stage or at the start of a darkness stage? The blooms are filling out nicely I just have very little lateral growth. I kind of hate to do a res change but maybe that is the issue.
Your comments and advice are always appreciated.
Peace, O2