Well-Known Member
Hey, bro. It's looking good.
You might want to think about removing the foliage under the screen. Start with the most useless and dead stuff first and gradually keep trimming until you're naked down there... I would say over the span of a few days. Nothing's gonna happen under screen, so anything growing down there is just taking energy away from the stuff above screen. And leaving dying foliage under there is just begging for trouble.
You want to look something like this down below in late bloom.
I noticed that these clones produced far less root matter than the previous cuts from PO (without reduction in plant size) -- Another reason I think these are better genetics. Less a chance of getting root bound. Big plants, small roots is the ideal.
Thanks Jin! I was planning on doing that today! Just making sure nothing else stretches and makes it to the screen. Ill be removing all that junk!