Random Jibber Jabber Thread

dirt's almost done!!


Whatcha mixin there buddy
the cheapest dirt I was able to find ran me less then 50$ for about 7 bags.. I mixed it with last years soil that was composted add some perilite vermiculite perhaps come cellulite.. Dirt's dirt to me.. and I refuse to pay 10$ a bag.... add the amends and composty stuff..

today is my DD's 17 Bday.. got some dinner plans and maybe some Acca. (we for some odd reason call Ice Cream "Acca").. I have no idea how this started or who in the family here started it.. I dont think it's a non english word for ice cream so.. Acca is said like AH..KA...

good times! pics to be added..
That happened to me some years back with an unknown bagseed. Planted the seed and it ended being my favorite strain bar none. Great high, HEAVY yielder and fucking lightning fast. And I didn't take any clones. :wall: I named it "Wild Card Bitches" cuz I just got done watching that ep of Always Sunny.

Moral of the story... clone that bitch!

Word. I'm building a special little clone chamber just for it (none of my sloppy 50% success rate with these babies.) Should be feminized, only seed in the 5 grams he had. I'm thinking of forcing a hermie with one of the clones, and crossing it with my cheese/hashplant cross... I wonder... Maybe just pollinate one of the other clones (I'd like to try to keep them at least a little durable, no auto-hermies for me, thankyouverymuch!)

Are you sure you didn't smoke a scale insect?

LoL, quite certain ... Just some swollen calyx located in bad ass places. I carefully trimmed all of them off, and set them aside. At EACH NODE there were 2, one on each side of the node, just a lone calyx -- swollen with it's little hairs all browned up and retracted, they shocked the shit outta me, because they are huge! Bravo, Humboldt County's own Crystal Bursts, added to my bastard 2 stage mix. Now, I'm a General Hydro grower, but, I'm going to keep using that crystal burst and molasses. Apparently, that shit works.

dirt's almost done!!

I'm jealous.
Tell her happy bday bro! Have a blast!

Oh and you should check out my thread on indoor growing :D If your into organics that is ;)
minding my own business in traffic, start to get into the left hand turn lane and little punk behind me flies around to the left of my car and gets in front of me in the turn lane. 2 young girls in the car and both flip me off as we are sitting at the red light.
light turns green, we all start to turn and little bitch in the passenger seat tosses a fast food drink thru their sunroof right back onto my car.
sunny gets real mad when you mess with her car.
so now they both start flinging fast food trash thru the sunroof and flipping me off thru it lol.
i follow them about half a mile, while they empty the contents of the car out onto my hood and the road. all of the sudden she hangs a left into a convenience store and i whip in behind her. there sits a sheriff deputy. she spins out of the parking lot right in front of the cop as i get out of my car and walk over to him (i just put out a joint too lol). he says what's going on? i told him what had just transpired. he winked, said i gotcha and took off after her. :eyesmoke:
Tell her happy bday bro! Have a blast!

Oh and you should check out my thread on indoor growing :D If your into organics that is ;)

It was really hard for me to go with GH instead of General Organics. But, I have never researched GO, so, I was leery. Maybe, the next wave.
indoor? :sad:

I stay far away from that forum.. I just recently started to post back in the outdoor section myself.. few updates and stuff nothing major.. not really into the growing part yet.. seems each year I find it more of a chore.. I wont buy it so.. unless my wifey or stepsons take over the yard work + growing.. I am SOL..
indoor? :sad:

I stay far away from that forum.. I just recently started to post back in the outdoor section myself.. few updates and stuff nothing major.. not really into the growing part yet.. seems each year I find it more of a chore.. I wont buy it so.. unless my wifey or stepsons take over the yard work + growing.. I am SOL..

Never hurts to come follow me in my adventure ;)

My outdoor is going to be starting soon :D
Starting working part time on a local t.v program and was able to get high on break. About 2 hours later I discovered the "crafty trailer", probably the ultimate stoner hang out spot.
minding my own business in traffic, start to get into the left hand turn lane and little punk behind me flies around to the left of my car and gets in front of me in the turn lane. 2 young girls in the car and both flip me off as we are sitting at the red light.
light turns green, we all start to turn and little bitch in the passenger seat tosses a fast food drink thru their sunroof right back onto my car.
sunny gets real mad when you mess with her car.
so now they both start flinging fast food trash thru the sunroof and flipping me off thru it lol.
i follow them about half a mile, while they empty the contents of the car out onto my hood and the road. all of the sudden she hangs a left into a convenience store and i whip in behind her. there sits a sheriff deputy. she spins out of the parking lot right in front of the cop as i get out of my car and walk over to him (i just put out a joint too lol). he says what's going on? i told him what had just transpired. he winked, said i gotcha and took off after her. :eyesmoke:

Go get 'em Sunny! :D
just bought five bucks worth of weed got five goodlooking seeds .....hopefully.....just started my 2ndgrow im hoping itll be passed instead of failed
fucking women, bff tells me shes just gunna put on some make up and come over, in that time ive taken a shower, put on make up, gotten dressed, blew dry and styled my hair and 1/2 way through a beer....