The UK Growers Thread!

defo get worse as they go, played world at war the other day, was amazing! im really into zombies at the moment. lol, Im still amazed that this thread is still going, thought itd just be like 100 posts then die a death, but its still going strong. thanks for the reps guys. :weed: is tip top toker still here? and gin tin and ton was the other oldie. :D
TTT was on a couple of days ago, the first time for ages. Don was on just a few hours ago, There's a few oldies still going.
They tried to shut the thread down?
catch you later ic3
no shit lozac back in the uk thread haha now we're talking old timers. first page of this endless shit tip. did you think it'd last this long?

me n the lass just watched se7en. n were thinking did this get an oscar, i looked in imdb and what it was up against was like shit the don't make the like that anymore. then thought ohhhh shit i really am old. :(

96 was a class year for films

can't think since when thee was a good year full of class flicks to watch. reet now i've bored ya's all to tears i'm off.

tip top pops in from time to time between poncing about cheffing it up.
not at all don! se7en is amazing. remember the first time I saw it. gave me the shivers was so epic. im just gonna go google anal boxing....
Anal boxing ! Lol , don't mind me mrs slipping in the occasional finger , but ain't no one getin all mike tison on my tail pipe !
@ yorky is this true/possible

  • I will post picture of my latest fan leaf clones as soon as they form multiple shoots ( as they always do) which should take a week or so.
    Just to explain the science ,as many dont understand how growth can take place without any nodes or branches-Once the healthy Fan leaf is placed into its growing medium the blade continues to produce IAA(auxin) which is sent down the petiole as usual where it accumulates and forms a callus tissue;a mixture of merismatic and parenchyma cells.These cells have no determined fate and as such can differentiate in all directions. The IAA continues to accumulate in the callus until such a concentration is reached that roots are formed. The roots produce cytokinins(CK) a hormone that is transported upwards and accumulates in the callus. As the concentration increases the stimuli causes multiple shoot formation and you have a plant with between 1 and 5 stems.

  • Yes.

    With tissue culture it's possible to keep a library of stock and send clones of any plant all over the world in the smallest of containers (which is what got me interested).

    A 100% sterile environment with which to work in is key to success though, over xmas I was working on blueprints to build my own laminar flow table (clean bench).

    Here's some links you'll find useful if you're wanting to get involved.....​
Lol,she tried to dil me once when we were pissed up on red bull & V , she was in about 2mm ,when she broke me seal & I squirted brown rain on the headboard ! She ran & threw up , Damn that red bull !

  • Yes.

    With tissue culture it's possible to keep a library of stock and send clones of any plant all over the world in the smallest of containers (which is what got me interested).

    A 100% sterile environment with which to work in is key to success though, over xmas I was working on blueprints to build my own laminar flow table (clean bench).

    Here's some links you'll find useful if you're wanting to get involved.....​
Are you posting from poland?
EDIT: baz you are a filthy fecker lol Bet your one of those cunts that are up for anything lol. I'd never let me mrs attempt that
Are you posting from poland?
EDIT: baz you are a filthy fecker lol Bet your one of those cunts that are up for anything lol. I'd never let me mrs attempt that

Lol , cheers m8 ! Not anything lol , but at 43 I've tried quit a lot of things in my time ( nothing gay ) so don't get ya hopes up ! Lol