Let's talk about online pharmacies


Well-Known Member
I have been perusing the online pharms for some time now. Some offer hydro codone, many offer valium and klnonapin, some offer oxycodone. The prices admittedly are outrageous.... but.

I found one based in india. They were offering about anything a man could desire, from viagra to ms contin. The problem is that one has to purchase a significant amount of these things and at up to 40 dollars a pill that gets to be more than I am willing to pay - given that there is no guarantee that you will ever receive anything or that what you recieve... could be anything but what you originaly ordered.

In order to lessen my exposure I ordered the least expensive, smallest amount of drug I could. 30 10 mg valium. If it was a ripoff I would only be out $150. In about a month I got the pills, blister pack in a thick envelope and they were fresh and good. I went back to the sight looking to get something more thrilling and the site no longer existed.

Has anyone had experience with these places? are they all scams? seems to me that there are a limited number of customers and no one in their right mind would send an unknown company 1200 dollars for 30 80 mg oxy's unless they had an idea that they might actually get their product, so why offer that?

I know, I know the hydro's cost like 7 bucks each or something like that but there are certain situations where that isn't such a problem - recall my rants about drugs being worth far more than folks seem to be willing to pay.

I am not soliciting links, I'm just curious about folks' experiences.
I wouldn't trust any of them now. Used to be the on-lines worked. I received orders years ago with what I assumed were factory packaged/sealed pills that did what they were supposed to. Now I'm seeing articles about counterfeit packaging and who knows what inside. Stuff coming out of China, India, etc. I just would not bet my kidneys, liver, life on them. My body has been abused enough.
Well here's my thought on that. If they send something that is legit, might that mean that everything they sell is? or would they sell good clonapin but bad hydro? If they sell you 30 7.5 hydro and it is real, will they send you 90 real ones?

And how long could they be in business selling bunk? there will be no repeat customers, no one will buy the big items for just my fear. I know that it is easy for these places to close up shop and then reopen again under a new name - so they could take the same gullible people again but I have been tracking some of these sites for several years and they still exist and domain name references seem pretty promising as far at that is concerned. I don't mind gambling a hundred or two. I have also convinced friends to make the same gamble so my exposure is pretty small.

I figure I'd buy some valium again - the 20 mg ones (I have a particular fondness for those red tabs) and see how it goes and then step up to say, a small order of hydros if the first comes through. counterfit is entirely a possiblity as the price differential is so great but it wouldn't take me but a single pill to determine if it was fake.

These people even list the country of origin - pakistan, india, china and the like, it is just the jump between the lower scheduled drugs and the others that have me suspicious.

So far I've gotten Soma, clonapin, valium and codiine from various places without incident (thought the shipment has taken as long as two months but I am in no hurry).

And one more thing - I wonder how my credit card insurance works. If I order a thousand dollars worth of ms contin (yeah - fat chance), and I recieve nothing, is this not under the perview of my VISA anti fraud/theft insurance? Can't I get my money back? It might also be that insurance indemnifies me from counterfit as well - I don't know.

What to you (and the others) think?
Oh, and one more thing - I have tested all search engines and find that ocasionaly with some of these sites one cannot locate some of the chemicals through those engines. It takes serious hunting on the site proper in order to find anything interesting.

About the only thing I have not tried is the "membership" offerings where you pay a flat fee or an ongoing charge in order to be given the names of pharmacies that will vend what you are looking for.

Seems to me that the flat fee ones can be a profitable scam (it doesn't take much to set up a site, take it down and set up anotherr). But the monthly fee ones don't make sense as scam.
Hmmmm. I have to do some thinking on this. You have done the test orders and tracked company longevity. Have these orders been recent within past year? . Do you have a way of purity testing products? I'm concerned with the cut. Do you belong to any of the forums that are specific to these interests? I did, some time ago and will research contacts I may have had. I read about LE crackdown on Internet pill mills, What about Fed LE intervention on seizures? You didn't mention that as a concern. What about Silk Road/bitcoin? I've thought of SR but didn't investigate price. Many within USA so no customs. What are these hard to identify/locate chems? Dang, you started my mouth salivating thinking of this life again. Don't know about CC/Fraud procedure. You would be trying to collect on something illegal. Would CC pay out on a package with a vague description of contents? Don't know. PM ok
Hmmmm. I have to do some thinking on this. You have done the test orders and tracked company longevity. Have these orders been recent within past year? . Do you have a way of purity testing products? I'm concerned with the cut. Do you belong to any of the forums that are specific to these interests? I did, some time ago and will research contacts I may have had. I read about LE crackdown on Internet pill mills, What about Fed LE intervention on seizures? You didn't mention that as a concern. What about Silk Road/bitcoin? I've thought of SR but didn't investigate price. Many within USA so no customs. What are these hard to identify/locate chems? Dang, you started my mouth salivating thinking of this life again. Don't know about CC/Fraud procedure. You would be trying to collect on something illegal. Would CC pay out on a package with a vague description of contents? Don't know. PM ok

Within the past year for some. I have not done anything but full bioassay (eating one) and they have seemed pure enough - in other words they work as intended.

I am unconcered about seizure - it is simply loss of my product - although should I lose more than one from the same vendor then I am out of business with them.

I don't want to do silk road yet but may go in that direction eventually.
Idk i remember a couple years ago but recently the DEA cracked waaaaay down on online pharmas, so most of all the good decently priced ones are gone.

I would go for another route, :/ or check SafeorScam can help find some gems occasionally.
Well now that's the thing - the price, sure, 6 bucks is a lot for a 7.5 hydro but aren't those high prices a clue that maybe - maybe they are legit? A high price may signal that they do repeat business and it is the lower price ones that would give cause to wonder.
Well now that's the thing - the price, sure, 6 bucks is a lot for a 7.5 hydro but aren't those high prices a clue that maybe - maybe they are legit? A high price may signal that they do repeat business and it is the lower price ones that would give cause to wonder.

Sounds like you really want it to be ;-), If they dont have any reviews on SoS try out the smalles amount possible and go from there.

But to answers your questions considering its internet pharamacies theres a chance that you will be scammed at every turn so dont put up any money your not willing to "gamble".

But with no reviews or anyone trustworthy vouching i would be skeptical *shrug

Hope it works out (would be nice to have a supply of norcos :D )
It really depends on what your looking for. You'll have plenty of luck looking for xanax, valium, codeine, and steroids. Everything else I would leave up to SR.
That's the thing Moonking - I have - in fact I got some soma once from a place and they still call me over and over again, from different phone numbers wanting to sell me more.

If a pace sells valium (at high prices - 3 bucks for a 10 mg) and they also sell hydro, would they NOT screw you on the valium but screw you on their other meds?

Look, I talked about this before - Hydro may well be upscheduled to where it will be as hard to come by as the other opioids. I would like to be prepared for that change with a stash, even, EVEN if they cost 6 bucks each, after the schedule change they could go to 10 or 12.

Docs aren't going to be handing them out like candy like they do now. What are they on the street? 3 each? I used to bitch about that price especially having gotten jars of them for 750 bucks. I should have put a jar away I suppose.
That's the thing Moonking - I have - in fact I got some soma once from a place and they still call me over and over again, from different phone numbers wanting to sell me more.

If a pace sells valium (at high prices - 3 bucks for a 10 mg) and they also sell hydro, would they NOT screw you on the valium but screw you on their other meds?

Look, I talked about this before - Hydro may well be upscheduled to where it will be as hard to come by as the other opioids. I would like to be prepared for that change with a stash, even, EVEN if they cost 6 bucks each, after the schedule change they could go to 10 or 12.

Docs aren't going to be handing them out like candy like they do now. What are they on the street? 3 each? I used to bitch about that price especially having gotten jars of them for 750 bucks. I should have put a jar away I suppose.

Well I should have mentioned Soma, just about every gear source has them as well.
I've been digging around a bit more since you had posted this, I have came across a few that may make me eat my words. I found a source for phentermine, but I doubt that's your cup of tea. So basically you're looking for an opy source? The same place has Opana 40's for $2.90 ea but you have to buy a min of 120. They say they guarantee everything to be name brand and quality and will refund if for any reason you are unsatisfied. All you have to do is send the bottle back with 90% or more left. Still sounds too good to be true. I have not ordered from them so I can't say either way.

I wish I had some money to burn, I'd like to give it shot. I see now why you're concerned, there are quite a few sites that look legit..

I hope you have some success, I too would love to have a reliable connect to some of my prized pharms. I'll try to help out but I won't be able to refer from experience when it comes to opiates. I'll at least search the road to see what they have and how they are priced.
Well I should have mentioned Soma, just about every gear source has them as well.
I've been digging around a bit more since you had posted this, I have came across a few that may make me eat my words. I found a source for phentermine, but I doubt that's your cup of tea. So basically you're looking for an opy source? The same place has Opana 40's for $2.90 ea but you have to buy a min of 120. They say they guarantee everything to be name brand and quality and will refund if for any reason you are unsatisfied. All you have to do is send the bottle back with 90% or more left. Still sounds too good to be true. I have not ordered from them so I can't say either way.

I wish I had some money to burn, I'd like to give it shot. I see now why you're concerned, there are quite a few sites that look legit..

I hope you have some success, I too would love to have a reliable connect to some of my prized pharms. I'll try to help out but I won't be able to refer from experience when it comes to opiates. I'll at least search the road to see what they have and how they are priced.

Ok, here's the deal, I figure that the "legiit" (I put that in parens because you can get really cheap prices from places that require a scrip - and I have no doubts about those), I mean legit meaning that they will accept your money and send you an equivelent real product, will not sell you such things so cheaply, why should they? So i am looking for the ones that charge 20 bucks for an 80, or something along those lines. It is a lot of money but then again, that isn't bad in comparison with street prices.

Some still say they will give you an online scrip and that may be true but I know that recently the DEA cracked down on scrips given without actually seeing a patient. These places are somewhat hidden and you can't find the ones I am talking about without going through some contortions but they are still there - one even lists the country the pill is manufactured in and how it is packaged (blister pac, loose, bottle).

So far as "dependable" I doubt that as I have watched as one promising one or another either goes black,or more likely, their payment page will no longer come up and as I said I suspect that is the way the U.S. controls such things - they just find them and order VISA and mastercard to quit doing business with them.

So it amounts to this - find the place, order the smallest quantity of the cheapest thing and see. Then, hope the place is still around and take the next gamble - you could lose a couple of hundred in the first round - fine. The question is the second round.

Of course there is another route - conversion of codine to hydrocodone but that is Duck's domain - and, the codeine tabs you can get aren't cheap
If you're going to start making codeine into something useful why hydrocodone? Fuck that methyl ether! There's a lot of nifty things that can be made from codeine though. I've never tried because I worry what I would do with a large supply of some opioids.
If you're going to start making codeine into something useful why hydrocodone? Fuck that methyl ether! There's a lot of nifty things that can be made from codeine though. I've never tried because I worry what I would do with a large supply of some opioids.

recall if you would sir that I have placed lowly hydrocodone as second in my list of favored opioids (which is correct here? opioids or orpiates?). Also, as I said, they are rather costly. Oh, you don't mean krokodile do you? (no, not the DUCK)
Opioid is the general term, it covers them all.

I wish I understood why the btc to usd dropped 5 bucks in 30 mins. The prices on SR sure didn't change. I'm not buying again until I fully understand this. I have to use SR for a couple precursors otherwise I wouldn't mess with it. At least for buying a personal amount. Bulk buys are reasonable but omg who really pays 7.50 for lousy vicodin...
If you're going to start making codeine into something useful why hydrocodone? Fuck that methyl ether! There's a lot of nifty things that can be made from codeine though. I've never tried because I worry what I would do with a large supply of some opioids.

Oh, what would you be so inclined to possibly create if you were feeling adventurous?