burgertime, a life force left behind? So, to be clear you think we may be tampering with the genetic imperatives of the selected species. That perhaps the will to survive of corn, itself as a species....??? I agree with that an precautions are being made and can be made on a personal level....tear a page from the heirloom survival guide of your choice.

This is how I see that the System is working. Any one person... we can be what we want; prepared as we care, and we only have about 36,000 days or much much less, and the world goes on. Or we can be the Legend. We were prepared at the end of the world. The one that was there with what was needed and pulled it through with only a shoelace. I know people that crawled under barbwire that had only just appeared a few weeks before, to get out of Hungary. They were almost too late. We all know what can happen, I hope. And we are as ready as we can at any one moment. But, it's a crap shoot. Many a Survivalist has gone to the grave with a $100,000 worth of readiness, still sitting there. It's a family affair. Cursed to live in interesting times........or not.