Haha I have chrome and something called torch but I grew up using ie so I'm used to itI only use IE to get chrome when I wipe my PC. Internet Explorer - The number one browser for getting another browser.
I just find Firefox easy to use. Never gives me any problems.. Up until about a week ago that is.. Keeps freezing up on me. Maybe it needs a reinstall...What benefits do you get from using these browsers ?
I'm not to pc savy ..
But it's the best, and natural. cnNo thanks, i'm not doing anything like that, coke collapsed all my veins and fishing around for one's no fun, you should see what the nurses have to go through if they want to draw blood.
Drugs are bad, I don't do them.
I have seen the light.
I used an idiot on myself once. All I can say is ... never again. cnGuns and idiots do not mix , do yourself and the world a favor and use it on yourself ..
Just so long as it's not a muzzleloader. cnNo, its the 180mm special. Thick barrel edition.
Hmmm maybe that's what's wrong with my chrome, cause I can't go 3 webpages without it freezing up and saying it has become unresponsive...I just find Firefox easy to use. Never gives me any problems.. Up until about a week ago that is.. Keeps freezing up on me. Maybe it needs a reinstall...
Snip snip.Just so long as it's not a muzzleloader. cn
Is your Firefox "Not responding" alot when you download?IE 10 isnt terrible.
I use Chrome 25, Firefox 19, and IE 10. In fact, lately, Ive been using IE 10 more than Firefox.
Firefox is a resource hog. Chrome is too, on initial load, but then the multithreading kicks in.. and system resources balance out. I currently have Chrome open with 29 tabs... its been open for 2 weeks now.. no issues. Then again, Im on my MBA.. so the hardware might have something to do with it.. Could never do that with Firefox... longest Ive gone with Firefox is maybe a few days..
Firefox works fine for me, just a memory hog. Im not sure what the "Not Responding" part is when you download. It depends where and what you are downloading I suppose. The Not Responding part is Firefox trying to find system resources to render or resolve an issue, and it not finding the resources to do so... or a long running javascript, which also consumes system resources..Is your Firefox "Not responding" alot when you download?
Seems I've been having this issue lately, tried a reinstall and still doing same thing.
Did you get a pic of dad's piece to show us yet ?what kind if strap you got......me i got me a custom.....glock 9mm fully auto..chrome lime green and black with a suppressor and a extendo......what knd you have any gun counts
Nahh, he's just poor at being an internet tough.You'd think he has one in the evidence room.
Look out guys, we got us a badass over here!what kind if strap you got......me i got me a custom.....glock 9mm fully auto..chrome lime green and black with a suppressor and a extendo......what knd you have any gun counts