Well-Known Member
On the right sat those who favored the monarchy. On the left were those who did not favor the monarchy.
Slow traffic stay in the right lane please.
Slow traffic stay in the right lane please.
You have your shit ass backwards. Communism is a classless society. Capitalism is a society BASED on class structure and authority. Socialism is relatively equal society, where workers own the product of their labor, so that the capitalist class (authority) can't steal it. This creates a far more equal society than capitalism. I'd go hit the books again if I were you. Btw, the Soviet union was not a Socialist or a communist society. It was authoritarian and a dictatorship, where workers did not own the product of their labor, etc, because a bunch of assholes used Marx's fatal flaw of the dictatorship of the proletariat as an excuse to exercise complete control over their citizens. This authority was kept in place by a strong propaganda/misinformation system and national identity. That is a form of right wing socialism. The difference between right and left in a society is that the right considers authority absolutely necessary for society to function and the left does not. If there were no authority (government) in capitalism to protect the capitalist class, what would give their actions any legitimacy? What would give money value? Who would enforce property rights? Who would keep their workers in line when they get rowdy or demand a more equitable share of the wealth that they created?
What he experienced in Russia has convinced him that Russia is not Socialist nor heading for Socialism, but giving birth to a new régime, new classes and new forms of exploitation in place of the old. He writes (page 85):–
“. . . it is no longer a question of a Socialist régime with the defects and errors of infancy, nor of a regime of a specifically Russian nature, but of a new social system with new classes . . . There are in the U.S.S.R. privileged and exploited classes, dominant classes and subject classes. Between them the standard of living is sharply separated.
The classes of travel on the railways correspond exactly to the social classes; similarly with ships, restaurants, theatres, shops, and with houses; for one group palaces in pleasant neighbourhoods, for the others wooden barracks alongside tool stores and oily machines. .It is always the same people who live in the palaces and the same people who live in the barracks.
There is no longer private property, there is only one property – State property. But the State no more represents the whole community than under preceding régimes.”
Defending wage slavery is the act of fealty, being a proletarian opposed to unions for example. Being a wage slave is not necessarily. I agree with the assessment of options with which you concluded. Not all serfs swore fealty, but the ones who didn't were surely witches.
How desperately some people in the history of this world have wished for a wage and a right to choose to accept that wage or not.
You don't think authority is necessary to run the economy?
True "Socialism" as defended requires no government, but a willing community. Therefore, libertarians and true socialists are not enemies. Regardless, there will always be a class of some kind. There will always be a possession of value that may/may not be distributable.
There are real slaves that would probably be offended to the phrase "wage slavery." How desperately some people in the history of this world have wished for a wage and a right to choose to accept that wage or not.
Ask yourself: how much more do union bosses get paid over the ones they represent? How much more do those politicians that the union bosses support get paid over the workers they are supposed to be "fighting for?"
Sure, but far less pronounced than in Capitalism. That's the whole point. It's a more stable, equitable, and therefore truly free society. How far do you want the gap in the standard of living to get? How much shittier are you okay with it getting?
Thats up to the membership and what they decide
Union bosses dont run unions
Their members do
Thats up to the membership and what they decide
Union bosses dont run unions
Their members do
Talking points and catchy buzzwords like "slaves" are a wonderful thing to fall back on when you are unable to refute the argument.
A free market absolutely. It can't function without it. Other systems no. That's not to say that there is not authority where absolutely necessary. But all the unnecessary sources of authority in capitalism would be removed, the government would be fundamentally different and all inclusive. Here's an idea, instead of asking me the same question over and over, how about you just go google your little heart out and get caught up on political systems other than capitalism?
How many times do you want to hear me repeat myself with different words?
Your argument is crap. You start by trying to describe wage slavery as freedom. Then you assail unions based on the pay of union delegates. We have unions to thank for weekends. Don't ever forget that. Before unions, there were such times as the Ludlow Massacre. Just because they aren't so essential now doesn't mean we should scrap em. That's like getting rid of a fire dept just because there hasn't been a fire all year and saying they were incompetent firemen.
The only reason we're having this conversation is because African miners work for so cheap that we can afford computers. You're suggesting they should be grateful for the 35 cents a day they earn. Instead they should unionize themselves but if that happens, the CIA will come in to "liberate the market".
Actually, I wasn't the one arguing that the dystopia popular among TeaBillies didn't resemble feudalism because serfs swore fealty to their lords. So I agree, it does resemble feudalism.
You have your shit ass backwards. Communism is a classless society. Capitalism is a society BASED on class structure and authority. Socialism is relatively equal society, where workers own the product of their labor, so that the capitalist class (authority) can't steal it. This creates a far more equal society than capitalism. I'd go hit the books again if I were you. Btw, the Soviet union was not a Socialist or a communist society. It was authoritarian and a dictatorship, where workers did not own the product of their labor, etc, because a bunch of assholes used Marx's fatal flaw of the dictatorship of the proletariat as an excuse to exercise complete control over their citizens. This authority was kept in place by a strong propaganda/misinformation system and national identity. That is a form of right wing socialism. The difference between right and left in a society is that the right considers authority absolutely necessary for society to function and the left does not. If there were no authority (government) in capitalism to protect the capitalist class, what would give their actions any legitimacy? What would give money value? Who would enforce property rights? Who would keep their workers in line when they get rowdy or demand a more equitable share of the wealth that they created?