Well-Known Member
Said he was over 18 too!He said it was full auto too lol.
Said he was over 18 too!He said it was full auto too lol.
Shit man, I bet you got those glow in the dark BBs too. That's some serious hardware!I have a see-thru semi automatic airsoft pistol with a 100 round drum on it ...come at me bro
A suppressor ?
~Tosses the bullshit flag~
Pic's or you're blowing smoke.
I'll just roll my F-15 out of the garage & show him.He said it was full auto too lol.
what kind if strap you got......me i got me a custom.....glock 9mm fully auto..chrome lime green and black with a suppressor and a extendo......what knd you have any gun counts
Not to mention if said firearm also breaks several very serious BATF regulations - what a bonus !Keep in mind-- if you grow AND have a gun on the premises and you are not licensed to grow/have/use pot and get busted- it is an automatic Felony offense.
I have a 20/20 for hunting & for pests... all I need.
No, I've got a couple of combat style knives, a long sword (43"), a couple of short swords (32" & 36"), and a claymore (60").damn orithl shit do you have a 14inch dagger i got one from vegas at the rio casino and its a beauty lime green.......of course.....and silver
What if there are thousands of them?** Sorry... but IMO- why do you need more than5-10 rounds? If you can't drop it/them with one shot- you have no business with a gun.
i have a gun. it's called my penis. and it never shoots blanks.yall funny im talking about guns brotha
Let me guess, it's a "pump" action?i have a gun. it's called my penis. and it never shoots blanks.
Paranoid much??What if there are thousands of them?
That is why
Read some history, understand your rights and the constitution.
YOU must have one hell of a memory, I can barely retain a shopping list.Paranoid much??
I know the constitution BY HEART.. and read quite well and in great volumes thank you--
never assume that because someone doesn't share YOUR beliefes on something that they are beneath you or ignorant...
it only increases the belief by others that you are the one that is trying to hide their ignorance by attacking those who who are in any way differnt from you.. as you seem to do quite a bit here... no matter what the subject...?