I'm curious... what is "official" shit?
for the most part, buds that are blinged out like the two pics at the top of your post.
as far why i consider myself a noob, well i explained that in my last message to you, but would like to clear the air with others; the reason why i call myself a noob is because i've only been growing for a yr and some change and others on here have called me a noob on many occasions, so why shouldn't i go by what know me as? never do i need acceptance here to the point i make shit up to get it. i got logs a few other places and people big my skills up something decent.
as for lying about what i've done, you lost me on that one. if you talking about defoliating, i think you guys got the wrong idea of what defoliating is. for those that are not familiar with it, i suggest you look up defoliating and pruning and you will see that they go hand and hand. actually, pruning is defoliating, so if you prune your plants you're defoliating. the key is to know how much to take off or how well does the plant take to taking off any leaves.
when i compared Positronics to the gifted pollen chuckers, that was just me being facetious. i know Positronics are some of the very few breeders that exist today that deserve a lot more credit from us/younger crowd than we give them.
oh forgot to address this thing with the dyna gro too. basically unlike most here, i asked around before i started to use it and was given some recommendations that i acted on. while using it i'd noticed a few things that was flawed with that line, so i started to experiment a little with the line before i made the decision to toss it.
1st run was told to use dyna gro all the way through, which i did except one time, and noticed certain deficiencies along the way that shouldn't have been there due to the fact that it's a 1part solution. not to mention that i was on my second run with some strains that didn't frost up or smell as strong as they did when i used gh 3part (using gh feed chart)
at the end of the 1st run, i hit HB and told him about it and he made some suggestions which led to me trying a whole different regime for the 2nd run.
2nd run i used dyna grow half way through bloom than start to hit them with a 50/50 mix (at his suggestion) of dyna gro/bloom and i still was seeing a deficiency or two (cal being the main culprit). overall, the second regime end results were better than the first trip, but still was nothing like the gh 3part.
my last run was, which turned out to be the better of the 3 regime i used with dyna gro, consist of me using a regime that i created. basically with each grow my ability to read plants grows exponentially, with that being so, i decided to give the plant what it needed when it needed it (instead of following so basic company feeding chart). this regime consist of alternating between gro, bloom, mag pro, pro silica (every feeding) and cal/mag for some.
first 2 weeks: pro silica, dyna gro with mag pro(used only once a week)
weeks 3-6: pro silica, bloom most of the week and gro and mag pro (only applied once a week if needed).
week 7: pro silica dyna gro, dry kool bloom (in the beginning of this week) and dyna bloom for the rest of the week
as you can see, the last set of pics are the results of this regime. so for all that believe that the last regime i listed is bullshit, proof is right in front of you.
i got some pics for comparison of the gh 3part using useless formula vs the 3 regimes of dyna gro series and gh 3part/useless formula are better. the buds were denser, had better resin production, and stronger odors from them.
another thing, i am always switching, adding and trying different things all at the same time. so don't be surprised if you see me logging three different uses of nutes all in one grow.