Need Help With Slow Mycelium Growth!

I'm just going to throw it out there. Hope this helps ya Man.
Hate to sound negative, or bear bad news but you NEVER open a PF jar EVER until it's fully colonized.
I can almost guarantee you're going to see mad contamination.

Your problem from the start was probably just leaving the tinfoil on and the jars didn't have the needed gas exchange.
You don't need FAE (fresh air exchange) during colonization.
You just need a couple small holes for CO2 to escape, and be replaced by oxygen.(Gas Exchange)
Taking the lids off and giving them one breath of fresh air does nothing to solve a gas exchange problem and WILL cause contamination.

Take off the tinfoil.

fuck im up for some reindeer piss hook me up!
"yeah, i told told him to open his jars and wave them about the air"(sarcasm). you sir are the ******* dumb ****. his chances of full colonization where about null at the point he asked for help his honest to god best bet would have been to try and gather some mycelium from a jar inside a glove box and transfer it to a new media.

now i told him the right thing to do if he wanted to recover his jars. he needs to open them 1 or 2x a day, in a sterile area for only a minute, if hes dumb and left them open his stupidity for not even knowing the basics of what hes working with.

so how are you insulting my intelligence? basically you assuming the op is stupid. and that fucking rude. take your shit on else where oh high and mighty.
and opening the jars for a second or 2 in a sterile area is not a guarentee for contamination, does it raise the odds, yes. but i have done this to jars too many times to counts wtf is G2G?
Grain to Grain is taking ONE FULLY COLONIZED JAR and spreading the myce to 1-100 more.

you do not open Jars PERIOD unless its fully Colonized. the part that isnt colonize will get contaminated. and so will the entire jar.

i did not call the OP stupid. i said if he wanted some facts, he should go else where. not a MMJ site.. you made that point quite clear good day
it is a good day isnt it? :D

you inferred his method was flawed therefore you assumed he did not know what precautions needed to be taken. you may not call this in insult but in my books it is.

ive G2G with half colonized jars plenty of times. i dont need your shit, experience speaks for itself. ive taken clones from the inner flesh of fruit and into a jar with no contams. so really i just dont want to hear it.

you think you know protocol and method fine, but dont infringe you opinion on how things should be done while at the same time being negative and not contributing in a positive way.

made a point? hell yeah i made a point, a point of shutting you the fuck up.

if you where half the conversationalist i am, you would relize this endeavor of insulting me will be fruitless.:D i can toy with you and continue the conversation with you line of logic, or i can just bring that to a halt.
A)my method is fine, i like to think myself pretty well learned and experienced
B)teen? this further show your inexperience as being unable to interrupter an identity on the internet. you are in your late 20's. maybe early 30's
C)bragging/experience same thing, i feel the same pride when i brag alone as i do in a crowd, i am proud.

D) you still being negative, a neutral mentality gives me the conversational edge. makes you look like you ranting.

i enjoy a good late night conversation.
if you where half the conversationalist i am, you would relize this endeavor of insulting me will be fruitless.:D i can toy with you and continue the conversation with you line of logic, or i can just bring that to a halt.
A)my method is fine, i like to think myself pretty well learned and experienced
B)teen? this further show your inexperience as being unable to interrupter an identity on the internet. you are in your late 20's. maybe early 30's
C)bragging/experience same thing, i feel the same pride when i brag alone as i do in a crowd, i am proud.

D) you still being negative, a neutral mentality gives me the conversational edge. makes you look like you ranting.

i enjoy a good late night conversation.

What. A. TROLL.
What. A. TROLL.

getting called a troll by the troll, what is it now a name calling game? first one to say troll is not the troll? gtfoh lmao

dont be a sore loser, your right you probably do know more about mycology to me, no its not my fault if he left his jars open, yes the advice given was fine.

but its not okay for you to get bored because you site is updating, and come here and troll. no, you sir are the troll here. i am defending myself.
plus your advice wasn't much better, you never even gave suggestion.

what would you have done? if your wy would have been so much better? maybe you should tell so next time i can give better advice instead of arguing an insulting people.
I would have taken the tin foil off from the beginning. Incubators are a waste of time. Being patient is what it's about.
When I did cakes, I nocked em up. Put them on a shelf, and waited. As long as it's room temp 73-78f
Is perfect. Myce also grow faster in light. Doesn't need to be 24/7 but if you happen to turn on the ligh in the room, don't worry about it. Just forget intill you see pins invitro. That's how you know when to birth, case, or move to bulk.

He started this thread when he was more then half way done. If he would have waited another 2 weeks to a month. It would have worked out. But he was impatient.

Tav got me started on the whole spawn bag. Except I went with hpoo, G2G a 5 pound bag of it and devide it into smaller spawn bags is what I do. I got a closet that has anywheres from 60-80 bags in at all times(in every stage) I get 300-600grams wet(1-2oz first flush) I dunk and then spray with water/h2o2 and get about a quarter after that it's not even worth it. After 2ed flush, I through the bag out. No misting, no fanning, and the light in my closet is on a timer. So I don't really do anything....
i agree with you pretty much 100%, i do think if he would have waited they may have turned out.

but they did appear stunted and he did metion condensation which are both signs of supersaution and lack of air. it might never have expanded.

i see where you think stating to open the jars to open air but that was not the case, i was under the impression he knew his jars where sterile and needed to stay so. and he would open them carefuly for short periods.
Condensation is normal. It just means its warmer inside the jars than its environment, same as greenhouses and chambers and etc. If he was so worried he could have just shaken the jar for the substrate to soak it all up. Just to make sure afterwards there is no puddles of water on the bottom of the jar. As far as correcting water content, you just have to correct your technique. He did them himself, they could have been bad as soon as he took them out the PC... In any case, just because a cake seems "stunted" doesn't mean it is. The middle of the substrate takes the longest to colonize, and you can't see through it, so it could be colonizing the middle/bottom/top for all we know.

I don't ever have this problem, I work with pre pasteurized Horse Shit. Being sterile has never been an issue. Mold from too much water though... Hahaha oh ya... Fuck jars though
Another dumb fuck..... I can't be here anymore, I am getting sick

You do that if it is your only shot at reviving oxygen starved mycelium. That is his choice. Poly's suggestions were pretty much on the mark as well. Now I don't know about how burned out some of the of the folk here are but I do know that the more adventurous ones tend to come here.
plus your advice wasn't much better, you never even gave suggestion.

what would you have done? if your wy would have been so much better? maybe you should tell so next time i can give better advice instead of arguing an insulting people.

What WAS his advice?
I would have taken the tin foil off from the beginning. Incubators are a waste of time. Being patient is what it's about.
When I did cakes, I nocked em up. Put them on a shelf, and waited. As long as it's room temp 73-78f
Is perfect. Myce also grow faster in light. Doesn't need to be 24/7 but if you happen to turn on the ligh in the room, don't worry about it. Just forget intill you see pins invitro. That's how you know when to birth, case, or move to bulk.

He started this thread when he was more then half way done. If he would have waited another 2 weeks to a month. It would have worked out. But he was impatient.

Tav got me started on the whole spawn bag. Except I went with hpoo, G2G a 5 pound bag of it and devide it into smaller spawn bags is what I do. I got a closet that has anywheres from 60-80 bags in at all times(in every stage) I get 300-600grams wet(1-2oz first flush) I dunk and then spray with water/h2o2 and get about a quarter after that it's not even worth it. After 2ed flush, I through the bag out. No misting, no fanning, and the light in my closet is on a timer. So I don't really do anything....

Yer wasting time, space and substrates if that is all the yield you can manage. You know it is tough some times to check in here and be called a "dumb fuck".
Now I don't know about how burned out some of the of the folk here are

My point exactly.

Yer wasting time, space and substrates if that is all the yield you can manage.

You're right. 10lbs of dried shrooms every month IS a waste of time and space... >.>

The BRF(what I used to do) you leave holes untaped. This will allow for gas exchange. If you have the top verm layer, you cakes will be fairly safe. With grains you don't have a barrier, that's why you use micropore tape of a filter of some sort.
the inoculation holes in the lid will provide enough air exchange. screw the lid on all the way!!
You don't ever open the jar, Nor do you need too.

The advise given was waaay too rash. He should have just taken off the tin foil an put the jars on the shelf.
My point exactly.

You're right. 10lbs of dried shrooms every month IS a waste of time and space... >.>

The BRF(what I used to do) you leave holes untaped. This will allow for gas exchange. If you have the top verm layer, you cakes will be fairly safe. With grains you don't have a barrier, that's why you use micropore tape of a filter of some sort.
the inoculation holes in the lid will provide enough air exchange. screw the lid on all the way!!
You don't ever open the jar, Nor do you need too.

The advise given was waaay too rash. He should have just taken off the tin foil an put the jars on the shelf.

It isn't your production, it is your yield.
I'm happy with it... Im not saying I am the scarface of shrooms. But, ALOT of people I know would love to get ahold of my knowledge... And I quote that