Club 600

Crying three times a week is also a sign of having a vagina. I'm totally just giving you a hard time man, I'm Mexican too. Oh wait... That's a different story. I just had an eye exam today! My left eye is going, which is funny cuz my left ear is too! Moderate to severe hearing loss. Yay to be 40 and circling the drain already!

Tell me about it bro
A PH what? what one of them?

And I pass on the whisky (for the time being anyway!):)

Mornin' Hippies!!!

How you guys can survive without a PH pen is a mystery to me.

Happy Anniversary D!!! Care for a Whiskey? lol

I tattooed my anniversary date on my leg so I would not forget. And in true stoner fashion I did not double check the date. So I have the date of our reception party instead of the correct date a week earlier. We just celebrate that day to keep things from getting too confused. Puff Puff Derrrrrrrr......
I found some SSH in a doesnt preserve well it seems, but I feel happier with a lil smile on my face

On to important things.
Gotta build something for my outdoor girls.

I switched out my 6" exhaust for an 8"er and my current temp in flower area went from 75.1* to 72.8* I also made the path shorter and less curvy.
I found some SSH in a doesnt preserve well it seems, but I feel happier with a lil smile on my face

On to important things.
Gotta build something for my outdoor girls.

I switched out my 6" exhaust for an 8"er and my current temp in flower area went from 75.1* to 72.8* I also made the path shorter and less curvy.
Stay away from ladders and holes.
I sampled some of my Mulanje Bubblegum pheno last night. Kicked my ass. Took me an hour to reach the ground and start to feel like I could handle it. After that it was great.

Gardening is a great way to relieve PTSD. That and talking to your friends - which you have here!

If any of you are Med patients near OC - PM me, I have way too much medicine. Or let me know where there is a truly compassionate dispensary and I can donate it to them.

I'm almost 40 and am falling apart. 2 hernia surgerys and 1 back surgery. All from years of flooring. When I finished rebuilding my house this Jan. I got unemployment because I quit my job for a good cause. Well Friday I had a meeting with the unemployment office. Because of this they told me if I went to college or some other formal training they would pay me. Well over the weekend me and my girl talked about it and decided I should do it. When else will the goverment pay me $410 week for two years till I graduate. I go tommorrow for a informational seminar on a 2 years associate degree in HVAC and Solar thermal technology. It's been twenty years since I've had any schooloing as you can tell from my spelling and grammer.
I'm almost 40 and am falling apart. 2 hernia surgerys and 1 back surgery. All from years of flooring. When I finished rebuilding my house this Jan. I got unemployment because I quit my job for a good cause. Well Friday I had a meeting with the unemployment office. Because of this they told me if I went to college or some other formal training they would pay me. Well over the weekend me and my girl talked about it and decided I should do it. When else will the goverment pay me $410 week for two years till I graduate. I go tommorrow for a informational seminar on a 2 years associate degree in HVAC and Solar thermal technology. It's been twenty years since I've had any schooloing as you can tell from my spelling and grammer.

That is a good offer.
I would seriously consider that if you are physically able to do the work.
I can deffinately do the work. I just can't be on my hands and knees all day anymore. Shit my knees are still more scarred up than a crack whore in the ghetto. My girl is a teacher with a masters for admin. I figure she can help with the schooling part.
I can deffinately do the work. I just can't be on my hands and knees all day anymore. Shit my knees are still more scarred up than a crack whore in the ghetto. My girl is a teacher with a masters for admin. I figure she can help with the schooling part.

My knees have perm dead skin that is all dried out and has no feeling in them lol.
I put some special lotion on them, but it doesnt do much.
I've tried a few things, then just gave up. It's what I get picking 1 of 2 proffesions where knee pads are needed. I figure I'd beat people to the jokes. My goal is to be a head maint. man somewhere so it's a little of that and a little of this. You know how short a stoners attention span is. I figure with the 2 year degree over just the certification I can try for complexes and big oiffice buildings, factories etc...
Good afternoon/evening gents!
Just a quick update on the grow.
Installed the screen for the scrog just a bit ago (finally):




Will give them 2 or 3 days to fully recover from transplanting & being bent over, and then will be changing over to 12/12 to see who has boobs and who has balls.

Today is Banana Muffin Day!
Oven is heating as I type.
For all my increased eating these last 2 weeks, I'm down to 142.
Going to add some protein shakes starting today.
I refuse to drop down below 140.
Fuck that noise.
Yeah but the scary part is you didn't say how your knees got that way!:shock:

Haha I opened myself up for that one!

I never used knee pads to do any work I do.
I am always in too much of a rush, that and I always wear shorts, so not even jeans between my knees and the cement driveway etc....
Good afternoon/evening gents!
Just a quick update on the grow.
Installed the screen for the scrog just a bit ago (finally):




Will give them 2 or 3 days to fully recover from transplanting & being bent over, and then will be changing over to 12/12 to see who has boobs and who has balls.

Today is Banana Muffin Day!
Oven is heating as I type.
For all my increased eating these last 2 weeks, I'm down to 142.
Going to add some protein shakes starting today.
I refuse to drop down below 140.
Fuck that noise.

Potatoes...weight gain shakes??
Empty carbs, but still might help.

Scrog under way Doob, lets hope for girls!
Nice crop! I am thinking of popping all of my seeds to find the top phenos. Veg > take clones > flower clones > keep the winners. What do you think?
Not all empty carbs.
I rarely eat potatoes (baked potato or fries), maybe once a week.
I drink about 12-oz of soda pop a day (some days more, sometimes none).
Sugary cereals about the same as potato products.
I have a super high metabolism when it switches on (even with it not switched on I can loose over a pound of weight a day. With it kicked on: 5-lbs a day if I'm not careful), which it has with the chores I've been doing around here lately (spring cleaning, etc).
But with little to no appetite, my food intake is not enough, and the leukemia treatments don't help either.
So to reduce the risk of even lower body weight and muscle loss, I'll be using my old standby as a crutch until I have some cannabis to stimulate a real appetite:





Not a proper replacement for food, but it is really better than not eating like I need to be eating, and is just a supplement to a regular meal (I only manage to eat once a day for the most part without the appetite boost of the glorious herb).