Wealth distribution in the US


Well-Known Member
so we have canna, who's into anime, and NLXSK, who's into dungeons and dragons type games.

lol, republicans.


Well-Known Member
yeah, that pesky reality slapping you in the face must drive you to play those fantasy, role playing games.

you do love fantasy, that we know.
And you spend thousands of hours on a pot website trying to prove your e-dick is bigger than other people....

That we know...


Well-Known Member
And you spend thousands of hours on a pot website trying to prove your e-dick is bigger than other people....

That we know...
i don't have to justify myself to you, but i will correct you.

i spend many hours on here amusing myself of retarded people like yourself.


Well-Known Member
do you remember that game Pajandrum? If you call pajandrum when there is no pajandrum, then you yourself, are pajadrumed.

I know what you mean or do you?


Well-Known Member
i don't have to justify myself to you, but i will correct you.

i spend many hours on here amusing myself of retarded people like yourself.
And you get all butthurt when I dont choose to participate...

Do you realize how pathetic and desperate you sound?


Well-Known Member
And you spend thousands of hours on a pot website trying to prove your e-dick is bigger than other people....

That we know...
Very well said!!! Buck you spend your time here tryin your best to convince us that your right.
What you don/'t know is we don't care. We all know your an ass and 99% of the time your wrong.
But go ahead and write another 35,000++ posts to tell us why were wrong.

For Uncle Buck:
If you're not getting along with everyone around you
and everyone around you is getting along
its not them its YOU. you dumb ass.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty clear at this point Buck's posts aren't for other people

The fact you people get sucked into his game is entertaining and says a lot about the oppositions level of intelligence

I'll give it to you, you people are committed, but fuck, how long will it take for you to see the obvious game that's being played at your own expense?

I bet you guys are the same sort of people who constantly call in to argue with Shirley Phelps..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It's pretty clear at this point Buck's posts aren't for other people

The fact you people get sucked into his game is entertaining and says a lot about the oppositions level of intelligence

I'll give it to you, you people are committed, but fuck, how long will it take for you to see the obvious game that's being played at your own expense?

I bet you guys are the same sort of people who constantly call in to argue with Shirley Phelps..
i dunno, if you get him talking about gardening he is compelling and not at all a dickwad.

i think he just enjoys yanking chains, and since prank phone calls are now "Terrorist Threats" he's kinda stuck with forums, unless he wants to get sent to gitmo and get waterboarded alongside the Jerky Boys.

PS. The Jerky Boys had it comin.


Well-Known Member
Very well said!!! Buck you spend your time here tryin your best to convince us that your right.
What you don/'t know is we don't care. We all know your an ass and 99% of the time your wrong.
But go ahead and write another 35,000++ posts to tell us why were wrong.

For Uncle Buck:
If you're not getting along with everyone around you
and everyone around you is getting along
its not them its YOU. you dumb ass.
You might be only assuming that forum has one purpose only. You are assuming a lot about what Uncle Buck wants out of his forum experience.

Are you assuming the game is to be right all the time? Bucky does not, nor do I for that matter. But, to try to convenience someone that black is white and they are going for it.....it's too much fun to pass up for some of us.

And for a few, the fun is getting certain folks riled up to the point they are spitting personal insults and bring up the wasting of time, post count, lack of content...all that. It's like Chutney. Too hot to eat, too sweet to resist.

Please make a note of it. :) Stop waving the bull flag if you really don't like it....but, maybe you really do.


Well-Known Member
Very well said!!! Buck you spend your time here tryin your best to convince us that your right.
What you don/'t know is we don't care. We all know your an ass and 99% of the time your wrong.
But go ahead and write another 35,000++ posts to tell us why were wrong.

For Uncle Buck:
If you're not getting along with everyone around you
and everyone around you is getting along
its not them its YOU. you dumb ass.

don't they teach that in the south?


Well-Known Member

don't they teach that in the south?
Well is obvious they don't teach Class where you come from.
Oh Buck the funny part you would never say any of this shit to my face or anyone else on here.
you're just a keyboard shithead.
But why don't you post another 36,000 post about how fukd up everyone else is. You are so cool buck..
You are a fukin closet grower. go fuk up some more plants. Small timer. But that what you are really, a small timer. Thats all you will ever be.


Well-Known Member
Well is obvious they don't teach Class where you come from.
Oh Buck the funny part you would never say any of this shit to my face or anyone else on here.
you're just a keyboard shithead.
But why don't you post another 36,000 post about how fukd up everyone else is. You are so cool buck..
You are a fukin closet grower. go fuk up some more plants. Small timer. But that what you are really, a small timer. Thats all you will ever be.
of course i would never say any of this shit to your face, i have a very well-honed sense of inbred hick southerner and avoid them as i do not wish to get the smell of undercooked pigeon and bigotry on me.

and i don't get how "small timer" is supposed to be an insult, i make a point of staying below the radar.


Well-Known Member
of course i would never say any of this shit to your face, i have a very well-honed sense of inbred hick southerner and avoid them as i do not wish to get the smell of undercooked pigeon and bigotry on me.

and i don't get how "small timer" is supposed to be an insult, i make a point of staying below the radar.
No Buck the reason you wouldn't say it to my face is because I would throttle to the ground. Youre such and elitist ass. You think you can go around and treat people the way you do and nothing will ever come of it. karmas a bitch. And she will bite you. I just hope i'm there to see it.


Well-Known Member
No Buck the reason you wouldn't say it to my face is because I would throttle to the ground. Youre such and elitist ass. You think you can go around and treat people the way you do and nothing will ever come of it. karmas a bitch. And she will bite you. I just hope i'm there to see it.
so you're saying that you want to "throttle" my "elitist ass".

that's pretty gay, bro.*

pretty motherfucking homosexual.

my suggestion to you is to solicit your nearest male cousin/brother/father/uncle, and inquire about throttling their respective asses.

i do not swing that way, although i assure you that i am quite flattered nonetheless.

*calling you "bro" does not mean that i am actually your brother, and thus available for incestuous ass throttling


Well-Known Member
No Buck the reason you wouldn't say it to my face is because I would throttle to the ground. Youre such and elitist ass. You think you can go around and treat people the way you do and nothing will ever come of it. karmas a bitch. And she will bite you. I just hope i'm there to see it.
So do you own your trailer or just let it?


Well-Known Member
Small time stays free in the ganga world. Tell no one and no one can tell.

And to me, the nasty ass comment, "karma will bite you" is no different than any other Relgion.

It is exactly the same as saying "God Damns you to burn in hell."

Just another religion and your own "bad Karma" to talk glee to suppose another's karma come up-ance.