What a place this is...

Greetings all,

My name is Casper, 25 from the UK. Today, I finally made the choice to start my own little home grow and after a little bit of looking around the interwebs I ended up here. Seems like a fantastic community so I joined. Hopefully with your guidance, as I AM a complete noob when it comes to growing, I can turn this dream into a reality.

Bit about me. I live alone. I smoke alone. I have a cat, and a classic mini. These days, mostly due to work commitments, I am a light smoker. I only intend to produce a small amount for myself. Organisation comes naturally so I have no doubt that when I have the knowledge and the set up I will be able to produce some fine ass sweet leaf :D

Few noob questions to get me started:

1. Is it possible to grow in a 5ft tall, 3ft wide/deep box? I have a spare bedroom which I use as a gym and plan to build a box in the corner to grow in.

2. How much money will be required to get my room set up? Obviously box excluded, just unsure as to what I will need when it comes to lights etc..

3. Does anyone know a good, trusted seed seller in the UK. I am after a light, mellow smoke. Nothing too heavy, I like to use the high to help me write so no monging allowed! Although, just seen seeds called Pineapple Express, due to my love for the film I may have to purchase these regardless.

4. Is it all worth the risk? I know meeting up with a shady looking dealer who's bricking himself 24/7 is risky too but being caught with a skimmed 20 bad as opposed to being caught with a few plants in your gym...

5. What do you smoke?

Would really appreciate any help and advice, especially if you've carried out a similar small project.



Well-Known Member
1. Yes
2. No way of telling as it depends on light ype, grow medium etc. It can be really cheap!!!!! KISS
3. Sea of Seedss (#1) as well as Herbie's Head Shop, Attitude and a few other reputable ones.
4. That you have to answer yourself.
5. Pot. And good pot too. Not trying to be smart but there are hundreds of strains out there. Your first grows go with pure indicas (as if they exist anymore) or the strains that are more indica than sativa.


Well-Known Member
1. Yeah

2. You looking at quality? Then you're looking at nutes, calibration fluid, ppm meter, ph meter, precautionary neem oil, humidifier, possibly a dehumidifier, fans, not to mention securing the box so that there is no light getting in during dark period. Light's depends on brands, and the wattage. How many plants are you planning. This question is very vague, but somebody could easily spend well into the thousands on equipment.

3. Nirvana and attitude, never had a problem.

4. Only you can answer that. If you get cought with a few plants, you're just a pothead growing your own supply, right? ;)

5. I don't smoke, I use edibles as I am an avid runner. I don't use the good stuff, I use the shitty stuff.


Well-Known Member
All you really need is a seed, some soil and something to put the soil in plus a light. A cheap CFL in 6500K in a cheap aluminium bowl reflector is perfect to start with. 23-watt, not the 13-watt as you will probably use it a bit while you prepare to let her flower. Seedling soil mix and a red plastic cup. Read up on water and do not give any fertilizer until it shows the need. Posting clear pics in color will get you all the help you need as well.
2. How many plants are you planning.
I read that the minimum grow should be 5 plants?! Due to the fact that you could end up with a male if you only did 1... and then you've wasted your time. So just a small grow initially to gauge whether I am capable of pulling it off.

I'll be sure to check Nirvana and Attitude out. Cheers bud.

All you really need is a seed, some soil and something to put the soil in plus a light. A cheap CFL in 6500K in a cheap aluminium bowl reflector is perfect to start with. 23-watt, not the 13-watt as you will probably use it a bit while you prepare to let her flower. Seedling soil mix and a red plastic cup. Read up on water and do not give any fertilizer until it shows the need. Posting clear pics in color will get you all the help you need as well.
Guessing CFL is compact fluorescent lamp? As I said, proper noob when it comes to this :P Many thanks for the advice given.


Well-Known Member
The best advice there is when starting to grow is this: Have atleast a couple hundred dollars (pounds?) to spend. If you're using a box, you will need adequate ventilation including fans for intake and extraction. If odor will be a concern, you will need money to either buy or build a carbon scrubber. The one CFL will get you through the seedling stage, but you will need (and want) more light for healthy vegetative growth. Also you will want to try to get as many lights as possible for flowering (assuming you flower with CFLs). For flowering you will also need a warmer/redder (is redder a word? more red) spectrum of CFLs. There will be quite a few expenses you run into if you jump the gun and start before you're ready. If you do your research and organize yourself prior to starting, you will be a much happier farmer. Here are some of the startup expenses:

Lights - the more the merrier when it comes to CFLs
Medium - if soil, be sure to choose one with little to no nutrients for seedlings. Also additives for drainage (perlite, vermiculite, etc)
Reflectors - cheap and easy to DIY
Fans - either PC or duct fans for intake/extraction and some type of fan to keep air moving within the box
Power strips, extension cords, light sockets and splitters, timer, mounting hardware
Reflective lining - either mylar or white paint to minimize wasted lumens
Nutrients and Ph adjuster
Water testing equipment - Ph meter/strips and TDS/EC meter for measuring nutrient concentrations for feeding
Thermo hygrometer - Just something to show you temp and humidity of your box (cheap on Amazon)

Thats some of the things you will want to have lined up preferably prior to germinating seeds. Obviously you can get by without a lot of these things, but if you're going to shell out the money for good genetics, its smart to give yourself the best chance for success. Also if you're a fairly intelligent individual (sounds like you are) check out DWC/Bubbleponics. It may seem a bit complicated at first but READ READ READ. There's TONs of info on here. When I started growing 5 years ago, I tried soil. Less than a month into that first grow, I had been reading up on DWC and decided to ditch the soil and go hydro. Never looked back. The hydro is much more fun and more rewarding for a new grower. INSANE rate of growth compared to soil. Anyway hope my ramblings help. Lol.

Good luck and don't be afraid to ask thousands of questions. There are thousands of helpful people here just waiting to answer 'em. =]



Well-Known Member
The best advice there is when starting to grow is this: Have atleast a couple hundred dollars (pounds?) to spend. If you're using a box, you will need adequate ventilation including fans for intake and extraction. If odor will be a concern, you will need money to either buy or build a carbon scrubber. The one CFL will get you through the seedling stage, but you will need (and want) more light for healthy vegetative growth. Also you will want to try to get as many lights as possible for flowering (assuming you flower with CFLs). For flowering you will also need a warmer/redder (is redder a word? more red) spectrum of CFLs. There will be quite a few expenses you run into if you jump the gun and start before you're ready. If you do your research and organize yourself prior to starting, you will be a much happier farmer. Here are some of the startup expenses:

Lights - the more the merrier when it comes to CFLs
Medium - if soil, be sure to choose one with little to no nutrients for seedlings. Also additives for drainage (perlite, vermiculite, etc)
Reflectors - cheap and easy to DIY
Fans - either PC or duct fans for intake/extraction and some type of fan to keep air moving within the box
Power strips, extension cords, light sockets and splitters, timer, mounting hardware
Reflective lining - either mylar or white paint to minimize wasted lumens
Nutrients and Ph adjuster
Water testing equipment - Ph meter/strips and TDS/EC meter for measuring nutrient concentrations for feeding
Thermo hygrometer - Just something to show you temp and humidity of your box (cheap on Amazon)

Thats some of the things you will want to have lined up preferably prior to germinating seeds. Obviously you can get by without a lot of these things, but if you're going to shell out the money for good genetics, its smart to give yourself the best chance for success. Also if you're a fairly intelligent individual (sounds like you are) check out DWC/Bubbleponics. It may seem a bit complicated at first but READ READ READ. There's TONs of info on here. When I started growing 5 years ago, I tried soil. Less than a month into that first grow, I had been reading up on DWC and decided to ditch the soil and go hydro. Never looked back. The hydro is much more fun and more rewarding for a new grower. INSANE rate of growth compared to soil. Anyway hope my ramblings help. Lol.

Good luck and don't be afraid to ask thousands of questions. There are thousands of helpful people here just waiting to answer 'em. =]

Note I said to get started he should be simple. I maintain that. Waiting to get that much money and gather everything is unnecessary. The CFL/cup gig will cover him for a few weeks, of growing, while he gathers the rest. You are right with what you are describing and nothing unneeded is listed. Just keep it simple for the newer ones or they are back on here (understandably at times) "Help my babies".


Well-Known Member
Simply suggesting that planning better than the other newbies who jump into it with nothing but a CFL and some dirt will limit the possibility for the "help my babies" threads. I think that this type of planning and prepping would eliminate the threads where the standard one size fits all replies must be repeatedly typed - 'You need more lights. You need better soil. You're over watering. You need ventilation. You now need nutrients. How's your Ph? Oh you have no way of testing and your plants are dying. Hurry buy a tester and some Ph down.' All avoidable with a little research, planning, and prepping. Invest in success. Be ready for the plant's elemental needs. Thats all. I do agree that it may be a little overwhelming to the inexperienced grower but these things either have to be learned first and planned for or learned the hard way and possibly cause good money to be flushed down the toilet on genetics.

CasperTokes, to each their own, but just read some of the newbie threads in the plants problems forum and see what you're in for.


Hubby and I are new to indoor growing and have found this site very resourceful. Welcome! We are currently using a pc box which is much smaller than your operation, but the money we spent was gradual. We bought feminized seeds so that was the most expensive investment. Using a box should be fine, but you want to make sure it has ventilation. Are you familar with LST? I agree to keep it as simple as possible, but this worked wonders for our plant.

Here is our little project so far. Kind of proud of our first grow. :) View attachment 2573297


Simply suggesting that planning better than the other newbies who jump into it with nothing but a CFL and some dirt will limit the possibility for the "help my babies" threads. I think that this type of planning and prepping would eliminate the threads where the standard one size fits all replies must be repeatedly typed - 'You need more lights. You need better soil. You're over watering. You need ventilation. You now need nutrients. How's your Ph? Oh you have no way of testing and your plants are dying. Hurry buy a tester and some Ph down.' All avoidable with a little research, planning, and prepping. Invest in success. Be ready for the plant's elemental needs. Thats all. I do agree that it may be a little overwhelming to the inexperienced grower but these things either have to be learned first and planned for or learned the hard way and possibly cause good money to be flushed down the toilet on genetics.

CasperTokes, to each their own, but just read some of the newbie threads in the plants problems forum and see what you're in for.
Agreed!!! I know that if I would have done more research before we started it would have eliminated many of the issues we had during this grow. I know for sure if we did not do the research our plant would not be doing so well....
Simply suggesting that planning better than the other newbies who jump into it with nothing but a CFL and some dirt will limit the possibility for the "help my babies" threads. I think that this type of planning and prepping would eliminate the threads where the standard one size fits all replies must be repeatedly typed - 'You need more lights. You need better soil. You're over watering. You need ventilation. You now need nutrients. How's your Ph? Oh you have no way of testing and your plants are dying. Hurry buy a tester and some Ph down.' All avoidable with a little research, planning, and prepping. Invest in success. Be ready for the plant's elemental needs. Thats all. I do agree that it may be a little overwhelming to the inexperienced grower but these things either have to be learned first and planned for or learned the hard way and possibly cause good money to be flushed down the toilet on genetics.

CasperTokes, to each their own, but just read some of the newbie threads in the plants problems forum and see what you're in for.
Your posts, as all so far, have been a great help. Preparation and research are two of my favourite words so very much appreciate your input! At this stage I think I just need to understand the requirements of the plant. Obviously, just being a smoker at this point the extent of my knowledge is very limited; I know plants need water air and light to grow! So I definitely need to further my understanding before attempting to begin. All the talk of Ph levels, nutrients, humidity and whatnot (at this moment) are going straight over the top :P

My grows will never go beyond the size of that which I start at as it is purely personal usage so I think the second step is making sure I have the box set up to provide the perfect environment for 3/5 plants. I think the quickest way of finding out all I need to know is to scour the internet for a similarly sized project to see what they required.

But first. A smoke.
Hubby and I are new to indoor growing and have found this site very resourceful. Welcome! We are currently using a pc box which is much smaller than your operation, but the money we spent was gradual. We bought feminized seeds so that was the most expensive investment. Using a box should be fine, but you want to make sure it has ventilation. Are you familar with LST? I agree to keep it as simple as possible, but this worked wonders for our plant.

Here is our little project so far. Kind of proud of our first grow. :) View attachment 2573297
A PC box... very interesting :) do tell me more... I have a few old PC's kicking around so may try this before up-scaling to my planned size.

I don't even know what LST is abbreviating at this point so no idea what process it represents...


Well-Known Member
I have several grows under my belt and have just recently become comfortable enough with my experience to pay for genetics. Of course this also has to do with the legality of doing so in my area (or lack thereof - its illegal). I learned damn near everything I know from reading other peoples journals on here and other forums. Learning from other peoples mistakes is SO much easier. You have the right attitude and it sounds like you will make wise choices. I too grow ONLY for the enjoyment and personal smoke. This is a fun hobby and you will enjoy yourself. There's no better high than being stoned on your own product.



Well-Known Member
You would probably want to get fem seeds so then you wont have to worry about the males I have a 3x3 secret jardin and a 3'x20" no name for like $90. They are great, you might want to think about a grow tent. Being in UK is actually great because if you can get free and next day shipping at some of them. Im in the US but I have only dealt with UK seed banks, SeaofSeeds and Attitude each 2x, and have nothing but good things to say. I only wish I didn't have to worry about "stealth" shipping. Good luck!


A PC box... very interesting :) do tell me more... I have a few old PC's kicking around so may try this before up-scaling to my planned size.

I don't even know what LST is abbreviating at this point so no idea what process it represents...
Yes, we chose pc just to keep it simple and because of limited space. Like you we are new to indoor growing and wanted to see what it was all about before we made a larger production. We took an old PC unit, striped it, rewired the fans with a cell phone charger for input and out put, and wired lights through the side to an extension cord. This has really helped in keeping things simple enough for us to learn as we go.

Basically LST, Low stress training is our way of manipulating the way and direction the plant grows. In order to get light to the bottom of the plant we use LST or bend the plant. High stress training would be cutting the plant because it causes much more stress.

You mentioned you are in Europe. We are too. If you have been getting a lot of rain like us lately collect it. We spray rain water on her every day.