The Sex Talk Thread

Here are all the pics of myself i have uploaded to Rollitup


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Is this just an open thread to talk about sexual experiences and sex in general? I'll assume so.

I'll post my one of my best sexual experiences in some detail.

I think other then my first sexual experiences as a young teen the best sex I've had was in my early 20s with this law student girl named Marcella. She was a light skinned Hispanic that lived in the same large apartment complex I did near UofM and Augsburg college in Minneapolis. We just hit it off as friends because we were from the same neighborhood when we were young but we never knew each other then. One night after a normal weekday party in someone's apartment we walked to my place which I shared with two friends(very large nice apartments for college crowd) they were both gone for the night. We were about to sit down at the kitchen table and break out the cards because some people were going to show up soon to play Buck if any of you have ever played that, great card game. Anyway, right away she just told me she wanted to fuck all night, her exact words were "let's just fuck all night." It moved to my bedroom fairly quickly from there, I actually made a sign that said we went to the bowling alley down the street and won't be back until late and taped it to the door so people wouldn't be pounding on the door all night.

At first we were just making out, grabbing asses and deep kissing ect. Then she stopped about 5-10 minutes in and went out to the living room to grab her backpack. She brought it back to the room and she actually pulled out handcuffs, these velcro leg cuffs, a gag type device like in Pulp Fiction(everyone remembers the gag ball scene although when this happened that movie hadn't been out yet) and a bunch of bottles of different lube and lotions. I was actually a bit frightened or I should say just fucking surprised at first, she basically had a female version of a rape kit in her innocent UofM schoolgirl backpack. That surprise quickly turned into exciting anticipation as she had a look in her eyes like she was going to fucking eat me alive.

We continued to make out, and when it moved to my bed she looked the scene over as she was nipping and biting me among other things and must of made some calculations in her head and adjusted all these sets of cuffs because each one had this adjustment thingy for lack of a better word, and in about 5 minutes all four of my limbs were secured. She then pulled out this choke collar thingy that had a leash, put that around my neck and proceeded to go crazy on me. From head to toe kissing, nipping, biting, sucking, pinching, licking you name it. All of a sudden she stopped and turned around and kinda just sat in between my legs(I'm on my back)with back of her head on my crotch facing away. She ran her fingers up and down my inner legs and was moving her head against my crotch. After so long she turned around and started coming up slowly from toes to head, just a long slow tease of actions I can't even really explain well. She is still dressed mind you. She slowly stripped as she was on top of me, just her top half, she continued to grind on me, kiss, nip ect. She whipped around and gave me about a 10 minutes tease fest with taking off her pants and panties, it ended with her removing her white booty socks on top of my head without her hands, she just kinda used my head to drag her socks off and there she was completely naked legs spread on top of me at about my stomach. She slowly creeped up closer and her hands pulled my head toward her. You can kinda get the idea of what's happening there. She was on top of me basically forcing me to perform oral, even though I had no issues with this, and she would choke me every now and then as she lifted up off of me and would just stare and then say the nastiest shit. I was amazing.

I could go on because a lot more happened to me when I was tied up, but how it ended was when she was done with me, and I swear to this, she came many times with no intercourse happening whatsoever, but when she was done pleasing herself(about 90 minutes)she slowly started to jerk me off and perform oral on and off, complete tease job and by this time I was in pain, and not the kind of pain that hurts. Blue balls type of pain. She jerked me a bit and then she got up and left the room. I was like wtf? She came back in and just played me. She was talking all dirty and was bending over and rubbing her pussy and staying just out of reach of me. Eventually she took the legs cuffs off slowly then one handcuff off. She continued with this tease fest until I guess she thought I could take no more. She jumped on me ass first grabbed my arm and took of last set of cuffs. She then just went into this act of playing a woman not wanting to get raped. She'd push me away, scratch me, play get away, and I'm assuming this is a game but not 100% sure so I'm holding back some and then she just slaps me hard and says something like "are you going to fuck me or what you little pussy" I can't remember the exact words but she was kinda confirming to me that it's good to go. She wanted me to slap her, to be called a bitch. She was screaming shit like "don't fuck me" and "no" "don't". It was fucking strange but it was what she wanted and it was just amazing sex. I had never experienced this type of sex and this went on for about 20-30 minutes. I fucked her as hard and amazingly as long as I have ever fucked anyone in my life x10, counting the being tied up part. She knew how to tease and push the right buttons. As I was about to cum for the first time finally, she grabbed my sac and cock and did this fucking Mr. spock death grip and stopped my orgasm somehow, she let go and went doggy and let me finish finally. I basically came as hard as possible without blowing a gasket, and as soon as I thought I was done she whipped around and was doing some weird shit again with my junk and I came again about a minute later. I also had never experienced a double shot or whatever the fuck it is called. I damn near fainted. We just laid there giggling and shit, took a few one hits and shared a cig(smoked cigs then) and fucked normally a few more times that night.

We were friends with benefits for about a year or so after, when I had to move it was a sad sad day as I knew I would never experience a girl like her again. And to date I still have not. I have a few fuck buddies now, it's basically my only type of relationship with females throughout most of my life. I've loved and lost and never want that shit again so fuck buddies it is, or that one night stand I come across on rare occasions. Usually have sex once or twice a month on average, down a ton from my 20s and teens. You can't stay young forever but one can sure try.

Will anyone actually read this? lol

Strange thing is, I can still remember how she smells. Not that I have ever smelled her exact scent again but certain smells like aquanet hairspray, tanning lotions, new car smell, and a few others just shoot back memories in my mind more then any other sense. For me it's smells that trigger memories more than anything.

And I'm done talking now.
Actually yes Rancho, I did read it out of curiosity - you had a hell of a crazy one between the sheets too :D
holly fucken posts are you a journalists Rancho Cucamonga, you couldn't get me to do that much reading if you paid me.

anyway what did i miss any sweet ass lol
I would say most of that stuff sounded good to me. Cept the rape part and the dirty talk after choking you with her pussy. lol

I received a Victoria Secret Magazine in the mail a couple days ago and I just got around to flipping through it.

I haven't looked in one for like 10-12 years.

It was disturbing. All the "women" looked like 12-14 year old girls to me. The way their make up was and the complete lack of hip/bust made them look prebubescent.

Two girls had some massive tits. But their face was as young as any 6th-7th grader.

The majority of pics made me feel I was looking at a pervy old man's collection of preteens.

I remember looking in Victoria catalogs and seeing hot mature (26years of age and older) women. With busts over flowing and a gentle curve to their bodies. Their faces were strong confident and sexy.

I guess I shouldn't of been surprised, because I know the "pink" line at victoria secret is being pushed on preteen girls nowadays.. but SHEEESH!

My little girl is not getting victoria secret unless she has her own money. I am not gonna slut up my baby girl.

End Rant.

I received a Victoria Secret Magazine in the mail a couple days ago and I just got around to flipping through it.

I haven't looked in one for like 10-12 years.

It was disturbing. All the "women" looked like 12-14 year old girls to me. The way their make up was and the complete lack of hip/bust made them look prebubescent.

Two girls had some massive tits. But their face was as young as any 6th-7th grader.

The majority of pics made me feel I was looking at a pervy old man's collection of preteens.

I remember looking in Victoria catalogs and seeing hot mature (26years of age and older) women. With busts over flowing and a gentle curve to their bodies. Their faces were strong confident and sexy.

I guess I shouldn't of been surprised, because I know the "pink" line at victoria secret is being pushed on preteen girls nowadays.. but SHEEESH!

My little girl is not getting victoria secret unless she has her own money. I am not gonna slut up my baby girl.

End Rant.

model trends are the same everywhere, young faces, stick figure bodies,no curves
ive fucked some seriously ugly chicks. Dirty ones. whores. been thinking about hooking up a shemale connection.

One thing I wont touch is a fattie. No chubbies!!
model trends are the same everywhere, young faces, stick figure bodies,no curves

These chicks look junior high young tho.

I know high fashion has always been stick figures, but I remember victoria's secret being for the adult not child.
ive fucked some seriously ugly chicks. Dirty ones. whores. been thinking about hooking up a shemale connection.

One thing I wont touch is a fattie. No chubbies!!

I've had sex with a couple bigger girls who were sexy as fuck. I think projecting confidence is the key to being sexually appealing to other people, much more than physical appearance

@ Pie, isn't Adriana Lima still a VS model?

yea you have to roll a fat girl in flour. then youll see the wet spot and know where to stick your dick. Maybe its a southern saying. Or maybe just my dad.