The Car Talk Thread


bud bootlegger
And speaking of pay to play... Marussia? What a joke. Have you seen their production cars? Ugh. It's like a 7yr old directs the company. And don't think I didn't see that Hamilton jab... Nobody should be compared to Marussia. That's low man, low lol.
Also, Max Chilton had a promising career before he sold his soul to drive for Marussia. Poor kids gonna regret that move...
lol, i thought you'd missed that one.. :D

but yeah, that is always going to be the also ran's in f1, always have been, always will be, from teams like footwork, arrows, hrt's and marussia's..
yeah, i've seen their road cars before, too funny.. i feel bad for that chic that lost her eye testing one last year though, that was awful to say the least..
the thing is they said the marrusia picked up 3.5 seconds from where they were last year, that's impressive whether you're an also ran or a ferrari imo..


bud bootlegger
3.5 sec is Huge! And still last of the F1 pack. LMFAO
yeah, that sucks, you don't even get a cut of the f.o.m. money when you suck that bad, which is complete horse shit imo..

i so can't wait for bernie to die.. i know, that's an awful thing to say about anyone, i get it, but man o man, i think that man has done some really crappy things to f1 to say the least..

when you start concerning yourself more with money then you do with the quality of the sport, well, you lost my vote.. anyone who starts a race in say korea and cancels some of the circuits that have been raced on for year for a tilke design needs to get bitch slapped imo.. :D


Active Member
Yeah the old heads need to pass the torch. Remember good ol Max Mosley and his Nazi themed sex parties? Don't tell me Bernie isn't freaky, I always thought he was weird... F1 racing should be less a business, and more of a Sport. Like the glory days when people like Jim Clarke and Jackie Stewart raced...


bud bootlegger
Yeah the old heads need to pass the torch. Remember good ol Max Mosley and his Nazi themed sex parties? Don't tell me Bernie isn't freaky, I always thought he was weird... F1 racing should be less a business, and more of a Sport. Like the glory days when people like Jim Clarke and Jackie Stewart raced...
lol, max mosley.. too funny.. did you hear about that german banker who got arrested for accepting bribes from bernie and got a few years in prison for it, yet no charges have been brought up against bernie as of yet.. sickening.. that dude has his hands in so much crap, it's not even funny..i

i just think that f1 should always be about the glamour and celebs and the money involved in the sport, and bringing races to places like korea and bahrain don't do much for that image..
i say the same thing about texas.. as nice as the cota is, who the eff wants to go to texas?? i'm an american, and i don't even want to go to texas, i can imagine how some europeans feel about it, lol..
when i spend big money on a race, i want to go some where special, some where really nice, like barcelona, germany, italy ffs, not effin austin, or god forbid, korea.. even the korean's don't want to be in korea, lol..


bud bootlegger
oh ya?? think i might drive on down there in check it out. the tracks only a hour away ;)
shit, that'd be pretty awesome to see in person.. nothing like seeing and smelling and hearing them in person ime..
it's nice to watch them on the tv, but it's completely different being there live and in person.. :D:D:D:D


bud bootlegger
lol must be a small engine if they cant fit the same length velocity stacks in there
nah, i think they always used unequal ones back then for tuning reasons i always thought.. it's a small block chevy i'm pretty sure.. 500 some hp, it's the mclaren can am car, those things were monsters..


bud bootlegger
i'm pretty sure no one here really likes them, but i was watching this show last night on the development of the new srt dodge viper, that thing looked pretty bad ass..
they're getting it ready to compete in the petite le mans series i guess next year again...


Well-Known Member
ya they look bad ass but they arent that bad ass. if they would work on shaving some more weight off them it would be a very respectable car