The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
From another thread...........

[h=2]Big Bust[/h]
There's been a bust in Manchester. 200 plants removed from 3 houses in the same grove. The occupants of the houses are being charged with cultivating cannabis and theft of electricity.



Check out this website mate. They help ppl like us all the time and if you contact them with your Q's they will give better advice than any of us can(no offence lads), They have a dedicated legal team. Can't say it enough clearUK are the shizz. Also have a look at
hey dude I was thinking that earlier. I will email them within the next few days and then post the results on here. Im sure people would want ot know :)


Hey all

Over the last few weeks (apart from trying to workout my growing system I will eventually use) I have been filling in all the little gaps in m cannabis knowledge :smile:
One last stop before I move onto my next section of research I have one question.
I know how hashish is made when no pollentants are used and it is "pure" as it can be. I know that is can only really been screened / ground up and then pressed / heated to bind for the finished product.

What are the usual bulk out ingrediants used in UK soapbar and UK squidgy black?
apart from the "Red eye express" article refering to the stop soapbar campaign, I cannot find anymore recepies apart from traditional or the one in the Red eye article which I feel may be an extreme example
(10 grams of resin glands (pollen), crushed up 200 grams of dried leaf, bee's wax, condensed milk powder, turpentine, instant coffee powder)

I personally imagine that the mixture of resin glands / plant matter is heated and worked into hash and while it is mallible they chuck all the bulk out shit
in it!

EDIT - I am aware of the hashish book mentioned - I plan on purchasing this but I dont have the funds ATM :)


Well-Known Member
Those ingredients are pretty much the ones i've herd of too, I've herd of baby formula being used to, fucking horrible when you think about it


Those ingredients are pretty much the ones i've herd of too, I've herd of baby formula being used to, fucking horrible when you think about it
Ive heard with particulally shit soapbar, some people add ketamine to it. TBH I only smoke weed so I dont know if smoking ketamine has any effect.
I also realize that the bulk out will be slightly region specific due to what would be readily on hand.

I was just wondering how the modern UK soapbar varied from that receipe - Obviously not that much :)