My gf of a year has dumped me

Mr Kush

Active Member
Here's your chance to be a free man again! Go get faded, hang out with your friends, do fun shit. It all takes time but shit gets better, keep yourself occupied while you wait for then.


Well-Known Member
hit the gym was a really good suggestion, bud might not be the best solution through a breakup. i usually get depressed after a beakup, and i always buy a car, i dont know why but always have. then i always go to vegas and hit every single nightclub, friggin irony in it is my last break up cost me personally 100 g's no lie and my gf of 4 years and i got right back together a year later. i never did the whole fuck her best friend thing....nuff ramblin but one thing is for sure it gets better;


New Member
thats what you get for allowing yorself to carry on with one girl for a year. Should of had at least two or three backup plans.


Well-Known Member
One day you'll be somewhere (airport) doing something (cleaning my bosses plane) and you'll stumble upon a girl that makes your life complete. Just give it time my friend...

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Well-Known Member
DAMN she's purty, Socata! :)

And yes, I was laughing at the posts above, not the situation. Not that at all.


Well-Known Member
DAMN she's purty, Socata! :)
Thanks Seamaiden :mrgreen: It's funny the things that fall into your hands while doing the most normal of daily activities... and it's even funnier when those little activities lead to lifelong happiness. All it takes is time and patience.


Well-Known Member
I think this guy has the right idea.... Burry a big ass steak and pound her best friend raw dog! What could be better? Oh yeah, top it off with some killer.... Wake up tomorrow and do it over again...
Maybe she left cause he cant make the cut in the bedroom.... why else would a chic leave if she is getting licked and fucked right ..?


Well-Known Member
I'd say go wit slowgrow advice, but you gotta DDT her! For real!! DDT= ( Dick Down Thoroughly) hahaha. And to socata that was some funny ish, what kinda pistol was it. Too funny! But yeah, time will heal all wounds my friend, keep your head up and your dick out. Chuuuurch.


Well-Known Member
It was a Taurus .45ACP, I have one exactly like it. She said she had just gotten done cleaning it 2 hours before it happened... I couldn't help but to feel complete win within me. 2 1/2 years of me kissin' your ass... giving it to you Tantra style (best sex) and you still want to cheat? I'd say I'm pretty badass, but I guess she wanted the "thug" kind of badass, and look where it got her :) Makes me smile thinking about it.


Active Member
it sucks
i love the girl but apparently she hasnt been happy for a while now
so i guess it was for the best but im bummed out
any ideas on how to cheer up?

man talk to one of the hundreds of other bitches you got. . . fuck women (im not gay) keep it money over bitches. money, power,. . . women


Well-Known Member
man talk to one of the hundreds of other bitches you got. . . fuck women (im not gay) keep it money over bitches. money, power,. . . women
Lay off the bitches term man. Respect women, one gave birth to you... want me calling your mom a bitch? Didn't think so.


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone
ive been tryin to keep my mind off of it
and it seems to be working
gotta love the herb


Active Member
Lay off the bitches term man. Respect women, one gave birth to you... want me calling your mom a bitch? Didn't think so.
all im saying is that theres a time and place for them. you can go all out with a girl give her everything for years. then there gone. big waste of time. unless you have a steady job and mid/late 20's i wouldent even consider getting serious with someone to the point it bums me out if she does go because it kills the young years. lol and whatever say what you want. she hasent been too bitchy tho she had breast cancer and got a bunch of 60 oxys after surgery.