peat moss


Well-Known Member
aabout how many waterings does it take to change the ph of peat moss? I know it takes coco only a couple to adjust ph I was wondering of peat moss was similar to coco in that way?


Well-Known Member
Yes, and no.. yes in that pH needs adjustment, no in that it requires more to adjust it. Average pH of peat moss is 4.3-4.5.. if you're speaking canna coco soiless .. it'd be sitting about 5.9-6.1 Both would need a little bit of adjusting.. the peat much more to get it within a range that it's not going to cause you a massive headache, and add chaos in terms of the plants. That said, you'd want to use pH up to get it in range and not lock nutes out of the plant until it's in said range - that'd be a bad idea all the way around to just bank on the water magically fixing it that jump.

My .02,



Well-Known Member
I use sunshine #4 it has dolomite to bring up the ph Im just trying to figure out if Im going to stick with the peat moss or jump to coco because coco is so easy to ph adjust and soil which is what I have been using up till about a month or two ago takes several waterings to adjust the ph to the ideal range. I guess ill just have to flush and see how long it takes to change the ph to the area i want.


Well-Known Member
I use sunshine #4 it has dolomite to bring up the ph Im just trying to figure out if Im going to stick with the peat moss or jump to coco because coco is so easy to ph adjust and soil which is what I have been using up till about a month or two ago takes several waterings to adjust the ph to the ideal range. I guess ill just have to flush and see how long it takes to change the ph to the area i want.
Understood, I'd stick with the coco if it were me, but am curious why you want to potentially get away from the coco.


Well-Known Member
im not getting away from the coco Im wanting to go towards it I started out using A local potting soil mix, but kept having ph problems and having to flush couple times a month to re adjust the ph of the soil. But it took forever to do and the potting soil kept giving me splinters that I hated so I started to use peat moss I don't have to much experience with peat moss so Im not sure how much watering it takes to change the ph. But I do know if it takes as much water to adjust the ph as water does then Ill be moving to the coco sooner then I thought I would


Well-Known Member
I use sunshine #4 it has dolomite to bring up the ph Im just trying to figure out if Im going to stick with the peat moss or jump to coco because coco is so easy to ph adjust and soil which is what I have been using up till about a month or two ago takes several waterings to adjust the ph to the ideal range. I guess ill just have to flush and see how long it takes to change the ph to the area i want.
research the use of lime in your soil to adjust ph
The OP mentioned lime already.. that's what the dolomite is.