Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
apparently this thread is now about Beat Poetry.

right on man.

coiling indolently, wisps of fragrant smoke

the spliff burns with incandescent joy

my EZWiders long forgotten, welcome me home like a brother

someone has misplaced the bowl to my bong.



Well-Known Member
apparently this thread is now about Beat Poetry.

right on man.

coiling indolently, wisps of fragrant smoke

the spliff burns with incandescent joy

my EZWiders long forgotten, welcome me home like a brother

someone has misplaced the bowl to my bong.

Haiku...can you?

Forever displayed moment's swirling wonder...


Well-Known Member
Same words" Incandescent joy wisps misplaced the fragrant myeindolently. Someone, home like a brother coiling long forgotten ez widers the bowl to my bongs fragrant smoke"

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Same words" Incandescent joy wisps misplaced the fragrant myeindolently. Someone, home like a brother coiling long forgotten ez widers the bowl to my bongs fragrant smoke"
man... thats heavy!

Gentle Skirl of Steel on Stone

Quiet Sussurations, Easing troubled Thoughts

A Habit Long Remembered From Lessons Never To Be Forgot

Suddenly I Discover I'm Honing a Knife

The Gift From My Grandfather on the Morning of My First Hunt.

Three Decades of a Eulogy For the Man Who Was My Hero

The Blade Shows Wear. His Memory Undimmed


Well-Known Member
ba ba bump sha bu, sah be bump sha boo... ba ba that?

OK, Ok

Wild wispy stands are willing my woman closer, man.

Endless ectoplasmic streamers of love, baby

Positively feelin it..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
yeah man. i can dig it.

i feel the need to expand upon your verse

Gentle touch, Soft Caress, She Needs you To Stake Your Claim

Throbbing, He Rises Tumescent, Prepared to Make Good On His Name

To Do Her, Doer Prepares, but a Nefarious Hangnail Awaits

The Puncture Kit Is Here Somplace

Quickly Bro, Before She Deflates!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

You know anything about lemon trees? I want to get a Meyer lemon. I tried looking up how easy it is to grow, NPK, etc. Different sites list all kinds of ratios for citrus/lemon. 1:1:1, 8:4:4, 2:3:3. Those are all radically different.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

You know anything about lemon trees? I want to get a Meyer lemon. I tried looking up how easy it is to grow, NPK, etc. Different sites list all kinds of ratios for citrus/lemon. 1:1:1, 8:4:4, 2:3:3. Those are all radically different.
lemon trees (and all citrus) are not terribly particular, they prefer well drained soil and plenty of sun, just keep the roots cool by shading the pot if you grow it in a container.

the differeing ratios for fertilization are all based on different bas soils (very few hydroponic citrus growers out there) but the good old fashioned Miracle Gro citrus works good.

once established,, citrus trees dont really need much attention unless your running a citrus farm, in which case as i recall we used a 3-2-2 product but that was in sandy soil with a clay substrate. (deserts, lol) and lots of mulching and cattle shit from the nearby harris beef feedlot.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Thanks. What about NaCl ppm? For weed I use about 1350 depending on variety. I've never done soil watering. I heard you alternate: water, water, nutrient. Feeding are done when the soil is nearly dry. From what I read, you only feed nutrient during flower. Since I mix my own nutrient, I thought why not. Nutrient chemicals are cheap.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Thanks. What about NaCl ppm? For weed I use about 1350 depending on variety. I've never done soil watering. I heard you alternate: water, water, nutrient. Feeding are done when the soil is nearly dry. From what I read, you only feed nutrient during flower. Since I mix my own nutrient, I thought why not. Nutrient chemicals are cheap.
dont add salt to your fertilizing routine. citrus hates salt. salt accretion is a serious problem for citrus growers who over-fertilize.

epsom salts (MgSo4, not NaCl which is table salt)were added twice a year, we would put 10lb in the 10,000 gallon fertilizer mixing tank in the spring, and autumn.

and yes i had to look up the chemical name for epsom salts.


Well-Known Member

You know anything about lemon trees? I want to get a Meyer lemon. I tried looking up how easy it is to grow, NPK, etc. Different sites list all kinds of ratios for citrus/lemon. 1:1:1, 8:4:4, 2:3:3. Those are all radically different.
citrus meyeri are easy.

get a bag of citrus tone and use as directed.

bring that sucker inside if it's gonna dip below 30 degrees, but don' bring it into a 75 degree room or anything. stick it in the 50 degree garage. it doesn't like those temp shocks. leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

mine survived several 25 degree night this winter, but it's suffering for it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
dont add salt to your fertilizing routine. citrus hates salt. salt accretion is a serious problem for citrus growers who over-fertilize.

epsom salts (MgSo4, not NaCl which is table salt)were added twice a year, we would put 10lb in the 10,000 gallon fertilizer mixing tank in the spring, and autumn.

and yes i had to look up the chemical name for epsom salts.
I meant the NaCl conversion factor, also called 442 or EC * 0.7. :P

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I meant the NaCl conversion factor, also called 442 or EC * 0.7. :P
unless youre growing hydroponically thats largely irrelevant. i mix my nutrients volumetrically not by testing with a PPM meter. again, citrus isnt that picky.

if youre concerned over salt buildup from your nutrient solution, unless youre seriously overdoing the nutrients you wont have to worry about salt buildup in your soil.

if you plan to grow in a container, just make sure theres planty of drainage, and give it a flush if your worried. if youre growing in the ground, dont sweat it, all you have to worry about is frost, but you can cover your tree with a clear visquine sheet and it will do just fine through aything short of a hard freeze.