Throwing in the Towel...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Sheesh, I am glad my husband is not so "anal" (ha ha) about sex particulars. He only gets anal about once or twice a year and he gets blow jobs maybe twice a month. And I don't always enjoy them, but he can't tell because the lights are off.

Now that I am preggers, he hardly gets any sex/blowjobs. Every smell and taste is overamplified and my vagina just doesn't want to be touched.

If you can't be in a committed relationship without blowjobs, then you shouldn't be with someone who doesn't give them.

But figure that shit out with her before you go cheat.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I want to be with her, but i think that i am going to explain to her how unfair our sexual relationship is to me, and that if things don't change i will either have to break up with her... and if she doesn't want that, then i'd want an open relationship.


Active Member
I want to be with her, but i think that i am going to explain to her how unfair our sexual relationship is to me, and that if things don't change i will either have to break up with her... and if she doesn't want that, then i'd want an open relationship.
hi again zaehet. i know youve said that youve spoken to her about how youd like things to be and she agreed to do things differently but never got around to seeing that through. im wondering if you think that if she knew how absolutely serious these things were to you that she might put the things that you mentioned to her into practice at that point or would she simply be offended at the ultimatum like nature of what your intimating to her? im sorry bout not posting here in the thread fer a minit but i really have been giving your situation a bit of consideration cuz the ramifications of any advice acted on would be serious for both of you. likewise (something you already know) not acting could very well be just as serious. not knowing both of you makes things harder for me. flaming pies comments have been welcomed by me and helpful for the fem pov it provides. everything just keeps coming back to honesty for me. ive been accused by certain people in my life of honesty to point of rudeness. sadly thats not my intention. happily they are those close enough to me to know thats just how i deal with things. and now that has to be my suggestion to you. be honest but be certain she knows it comes from a desire to stay with her if that is indeed what you want. youve already stated you believe this to be the proper course yourself. best wishes bro. peace

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
hi again zaehet. i know youve said that youve spoken to her about how youd like things to be and she agreed to do things differently but never got around to seeing that through. im wondering if you think that if she knew how absolutely serious these things were to you that she might put the things that you mentioned to her into practice at that point or would she simply be offended at the ultimatum like nature of what your intimating to her? im sorry bout not posting here in the thread fer a minit but i really have been giving your situation a bit of consideration cuz the ramifications of any advice acted on would be serious for both of you. likewise (something you already know) not acting could very well be just as serious. not knowing both of you makes things harder for me. flaming pies comments have been welcomed by me and helpful for the fem pov it provides. everything just keeps coming back to honesty for me. ive been accused by certain people in my life of honesty to point of rudeness. sadly thats not my intention. happily they are those close enough to me to know thats just how i deal with things. and now that has to be my suggestion to you. be honest but be certain she knows it comes from a desire to stay with her if that is indeed what you want. youve already stated you believe this to be the proper course yourself. best wishes bro. peace
You give astonishingly awesome advice. Thank you for your time of thought, and time spent on your replies, it means a lot to me. This is serious for me, i want someone i can spend the rest of my life with and have children with, but if something is lacking in the relationship then i don't know if it's something i can commit to. Either way, it's my choice in the end, and it doesn't seem to me like it is going to end well. I'll keep you all informed. Thanks again.