Good or Evil, What would you choose?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
How is Mother Teresa disgusting ?
she was a marketing campaign, all the billions people donated to her cause was not spent curing sick people, she told the sick and dying that it was a blessing from jesus, she was quite depraved herself, read "the missionary position" by chistopher hitchens. it goes on to tell about her dairy entries where she said she didn't/couldn't believe in god because of all the awful things she witnessed but that her place was to do the work for the church. basically making hospices instead of hospitals where people just lie there to die, even though the money donated could have clearly gone to better uses, the church lined its pockets, as usual. she had the wherewithal to help but instead she just create some ridiculous environment where the sick went to her to die and it was marketed in an entirely different way. the hospices were filthy, unkept and below standards, they could have made them better but profits would have dropped.

now they want to make her a saint lol.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
and people always talk shit about hitler, yea he was a POS, but how many jews did that man actually kill himself? it was his bedfellows the german catholic church(crazy right) who helped him get the support of the people, so if anything you should re-adjust the thinking that he was the most evil man who ever lived. holocaust was not done by 1 man. him and his followers thought they were doing right rather than evil.

wait till some libertarian gets on this thread arguing that billionaires are actually the good folk and the poor commies like jesus are the evil folk.


Well-Known Member
If the choices weren't so extreme, I'd go evil. Lying, cheating, or stealing to be rich would be an easy choice. But mass genocide, I'd have to choose good. Who would I enjoy my riches with if I killed everyone.


Well-Known Member
she was a marketing campaign, all the billions people donated to her cause was not spent curing sick people, she told the sick and dying that it was a blessing from jesus, she was quite depraved herself, read "the missionary position" by chistopher hitchens. it goes on to tell about her dairy entries where she said she didn't/couldn't believe in god because of all the awful things she witnessed but that her place was to do the work for the church. basically making hospices instead of hospitals where people just lie there to die, even though the money donated could have clearly gone to better uses, the church lined its pockets, as usual. she had the wherewithal to help but instead she just create some ridiculous environment where the sick went to her to die and it was marketed in an entirely different way. the hospices were filthy, unkept and below standards, they could have made them better but profits would have dropped.

now they want to make her a saint lol.
Ummm, no.

and people always talk shit about hitler, yea he was a POS, but how many jews did that man actually kill himself? it was his bedfellows the german catholic church(crazy right) who helped him get the support of the people, so if anything you should re-adjust the thinking that he was the most evil man who ever lived. holocaust was not done by 1 man. him and his followers thought they were doing right rather than evil.

wait till some libertarian gets on this thread arguing that billionaires are actually the good folk and the poor commies like jesus are the evil folk.
Ummm, no.

Either you are trolling, and doing a bad job of it, or you are one ignorant disgusting individual whom I would never have the pleasure of meeting. From here on out, anything you say will be regarded as trollish nonsense.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Ummm, no.

Ummm, no.

Either you are trolling, and doing a bad job of it, or you are one ignorant disgusting individual whom I would never have the pleasure of meeting. From here on out, anything you say will be regarded as trollish nonsense.
hitler didn't kill the jews by himself, his henchman, who were roman catholics did that(you know, followers of thou shalt not kill), he was a dictator who painted a landscape, so how am i a disgusting ignorant individual? the people who are supposed to be "good" or voices of reason were silent or shaking hands with the man.

i thought this was a question of "good" and "evil", these are subjective.

if my opinion hurts your feeling it doesn't bother me in the least.

also, what i said about teresa is true, maybe you bought into the lies and can't accept the truth. she was a pawn of the church, a great tool for their PR. she hated what she did and it reflected in her work, she told others their disease, pain and suffering was a blessing, thats a fucked up way to "help" people, even when you have the means to do something besides watch and wait as they die around you.


Well-Known Member
hitler didn't kill the jews by himself, his henchman, who were roman catholics did that(you know, followers of thou shalt not kill), he was a dictator who painted a landscape, so how am i a disgusting ignorant individual? the people who are supposed to be "good" or voices of reason were silent or shaking hands with the man.

i thought this was a question of "good" and "evil", these are subjective.

if my opinion hurts your feeling it doesn't bother me in the least.

also, what i said about teresa is true, maybe you bought into the lies and can't accept the truth. she was a pawn of the church, a great tool for their PR. she hated what she did and it reflected in her work, she told others their disease, pain and suffering was a blessing, thats a fucked up way to "help" people, even when you have the means to do something besides watch and wait as they die around you.
Probably because of the 77,000 German citizens that were killed for resistance. I think that would sway a lot people to join a side they didn't believe in.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I hear that Ghandi was an asshole too.
he had asshole tendencies, kinda got caught up in the limelight like alot of people do. there was an episode of "bullshit" that talked about all these guys/girls its called "holier than thou". great episode imo. [video=youtube;_21XD74JKHw][/video]


Well-Known Member
Hehe I was pretty tired when I posted this but I knew it would spark some debate.

Ok ,on reflection Hitler was to extreme an example.. here's a more clear situation..

Path 1 - You could figure out the cure for cancer and live the rest of your life poor


Path 2 - You could invent a weapon 1000 times deadlier than the hydrogen bomb and live the rest of your life like a king.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Still choose path 1, no doubt. Poor is a state of mind

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind.... Bob


she was a marketing campaign, all the billions people donated to her cause was not spent curing sick people, she told the sick and dying that it was a blessing from jesus, she was quite depraved herself, read "the missionary position" by chistopher hitchens. it goes on to tell about her dairy entries where she said she didn't/couldn't believe in god because of all the awful things she witnessed but that her place was to do the work for the church. basically making hospices instead of hospitals where people just lie there to die, even though the money donated could have clearly gone to better uses, the church lined its pockets, as usual. she had the wherewithal to help but instead she just create some ridiculous environment where the sick went to her to die and it was marketed in an entirely different way. the hospices were filthy, unkept and below standards, they could have made them better but profits would have dropped
now they want to make her a saint lol.
Because she personally wanted to comfort the dying in the best way she seen fit ( and remember she was there with the dying, not out marketing herself) and others choose to market her work you talk shit about her. She was there with the dying trying to comfort them every day, her choice, it is where she wanted to be and her faith suffered because of it and she struggled with it but she wasn't posting shit about other people she never meet on some forum, she tried to help the dying. I hope you meet someone as compassionate when you die. I say good day sir!