Good or Evil, What would you choose?


Well-Known Member
I'm an insomniac of sorts, can't shut my mind down at all at night, it must exhaust itself with random mind torture for hours until I drift off. Tonight I can't sleep because it posed me a question that I don't have the answer to. Just wanted to see some others answers.. and be honest, no point lying, you would only be lying to yourself.

Say fate existed and one day you were given a choice of 2 paths you could take.

Path 1 Is you could be a famous and great source of good and positivity in the world like bob marley, jesus or the crocodile hunter BUT you would be guaranteed to never have financial security and you would live your whole life as a poor person.


Path 2 Is you could be a great source of evil in the world, like hitler, stalin or the undertaker BUT be guaranteed a billionaires lifestyle for the rest of your days..


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I fail to understand how someone could struggle with the question.
Good of course.
Excessive possessions and money end up owning you, and aside from that, making people happy is much more rewarding than any material object IMHO.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Good. Of course. When all is said and done you still have to face yourself in the mirror. I'd rather have a clear conscience and an empty wallet.
I would love to lie to myself and say I would choose good....but I'm not even going to lie. It's hard for me to say it but I would choose Evil. I hate to say it actually, but money can turn a good spirited kid into a cold hearted, no mercy motherfucker.


New Member
I would love to lie to myself and say I would choose good....but I'm not even going to lie. It's hard for me to say it but I would choose Evil. I hate to say it actually, but money can turn a good spirited kid into a cold hearted, no mercy motherfucker.
No worries dude, nothing to be ashamed of. Glad your actually being honest. There's probably a lot more who would also choose Evil.
I don't know what I would choose. I hope it would never come down to it but part of me would choose good no matter what.


Ursus marijanus
No conflict. My life is less about me and more about all of it. Only with the first choice can I make the balance positive. cn


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Staff member
I would love to lie to myself and say I would choose good....but I'm not even going to lie. It's hard for me to say it but I would choose Evil. I hate to say it actually, but money can turn a good spirited kid into a cold hearted, no mercy motherfucker.
No worries dude, nothing to be ashamed of. Glad your actually being honest. There's probably a lot more who would also choose Evil.
I don't know what I would choose. I hope it would never come down to it but part of me would choose good no matter what.
Concerning mirrors - are you speaking into one ?


I would love to lie to myself and say I would choose good....but I'm not even going to lie. It's hard for me to say it but I would choose Evil. I hate to say it actually, but money can turn a good spirited kid into a cold hearted, no mercy motherfucker.
So you would probably steal my wallet if you could get away with it? I say virtue is it's own reward, stay away from good spirited kids and carry a big stick. I today choose to be me the bonehead who is broke, liked by few, respected by fewer and happy with trying to be a better man. You make the choice every day, are you a good man or a bad man, money is never in the equation for the good man.


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, probably evil. And I don't even know if I would do it for the money, that's just one Hell of a bonus.

Actually is there a 'neutral' option where you opt to be an unknown factor?


Ursus marijanus
In all honesty, probably evil. And I don't even know if I would do it for the money, that's just one Hell of a bonus.
I view this as something straight out of the brothers Grimm. I assume that the evil choice has a karmic codicil that means that whatever you do with however much money with best intentions, the gremlin of unattended consequences would reach up and bite you on the ass with a dentition that would make a Komodo dragon wince. cn


No worries dude, nothing to be ashamed of. Glad your actually being honest. There's probably a lot more who would also choose Evil.
I don't know what I would choose. I hope it would never come down to it but part of me would choose good no matter what.
Roflmao, " no worries dude, nothing to be ashamed of" is your response to I would rather be a rich Hitler then a broke Jesus. Maybe you need not be ashamed but you that ain't right lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry cn too many refernces at once for me. But it made me think of a way to strengthen someones choice of they choose good. 'More money more problems'

As for me my true choice would beto go off on my own path as neutral, not great, and not horrific, at least to the best of my abilities lol


Well-Known Member
word game, but an interesting one
the answer for almost everyone is that they choose good, or what they claim is good
do you think Hitler or Stalin thought of themselves as evil?
they were completely convinced they were doing the right things
So you would probably steal my wallet if you could get away with it? I say virtue is it's own reward, stay away from good spirited kids and carry a big stick. I today choose to be me the bonehead who is broke, liked by few, respected by fewer and happy with trying to be a better man. You make the choice every day, are you a good man or a bad man, money is never in the equation for the good man.
Your blowing it out of proportion, he asked for my honesty and I gave an honest answer. I'm not some horrible, cold blooded person but like I said money changes a man.